Hey Veeky Forums. I'm going to kill myself next week. I've never been much of a reader...

Hey Veeky Forums. I'm going to kill myself next week. I've never been much of a reader, what books should I read before I die?

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read the book you want to write

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. And if you're serious about suicide you should at least call the suicide hotline. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, I was hopelessly suicidal once but it passes and life gets better.

Don't do it. Why the fuck?

Пoдceтник дa cy нaм пpeци oдлaзили y хaјдyкe кaд cy мнoгo мaњe били yгњeтaвaни нeгo ми caд.
Aкo cи мyшкapaц oд 14 пa дo гoдинa y кoјимa ce јoш дижe кypaц и нe јeбeш oндa cи poгoњa, мaгapaц, кoњ, poбoвcкa paднa cнaгa и cиcтeм тe иcкopиштaвa a нe дoбијaш ништa зa yзвpaт.
Жeнe ce јeбy вишe нeгo икaд a мyшкapци мaњe нeгo икaд.
Зa вpeмe тypaкa билo јe cвeгa и cвaчeгa, и cилoвaњa и нeкe cy кypвe caмe oдлaзилe y хapeмe дa би лaгoднo живeлe, aли мoдepнy пpoceчнy дeвoјкy дaнac oд њeнe 15. кaд пoчнe ca јeбaњeм дo 30. кaд ce y пpoceкy yдa пoјeбe нeбpoјaнo мнoгo вишe cвaкaвих дeбилa. (O тoмe ћy дa пocтaвим oпшиpнији пocт пocлe.)
Ha cвaкoг пpaвoг paдникa кoји cтвapнo paди нeштo кopиcнo и пpoдyктивнo дoђe нaјмaњe јeднa cкpeтapицa, cтapлeтa, зaмeницa ceкpeтapa aгeнцијe зa кaнцeлapијy зa paзвoј мeђyљyдких кyлтypних oднoca, ПP мeхaџepкa гpaдcкoг зeлeнилa и cличнo. To вaжи зa cвe дpжaвнe фиpмe, вoјcкy, eпc, дpжaвнy yпpaвy, итд.

A ви клинци штo cтe oд 18 дo 28 a нeмaтe cвoј кoмaд ничeгa ce зaпитaјтe мaлo. Штo нeмaтe cвoј кyтaк ни дeвoјкy, ни coлидaн извop пpихoдa, ни ayтo, ни кyчeтa ни мaчeтa. Кo ce бoгaти нaвaшoј бeди

>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
This. You're young and feel like there's no way out. There is. You just lack patience. I'm an oldfag and I can tell you that your personality is going to go through major shifts over the next few decades. You'll get to the point where you're experiencing life as a completely different person in many ways. Relax, user. You'll be okay. Remember that hardship defines character. You want to be a great man? You need to suffer through great trials. There is no other way. Stick around out of perverse curiosity at the very least. Maybe that'll give you enough time to work through this mentally and you'll arrive at a desire to stick around for healthier reasons.

>perverse curiosity
Op, listen to this user. He knows what he’s talking about. You need to have patience, and hardest of all, faith - faith that those who’ve come before you know something about how a life pans out.

"How Not to Be Little Coward Faggot Pussy Soyboy Numale Cuck Who Kills Himself Like a Little Bitch, or, The Bible" by God

Killing yourself, as obvious as it is, is pretty much stupid.

If you have suffered in the past, why kill yourself now when you have the prime chance to become a better person in a better situation?

If you are suffering now, why don't you continue to go on and overcome the problems that are bothering you for just a mere moment in your lifetime?

If you know that you will suffer in the future, why wouldn't you continue living? For overcoming the known problems of the future, you progress in defining yourself as a person.


>The Sociology of Philosophies
>Landscape and Memory
>Cruel Optimism
In this order. Here are optional.
>Critique of Cynical Reason
>Into the Gray Zone: A Neuroscientist Explores the Border Between Life and Death
>Ideas: A History of Thought and Invention, from Fire to Freud

Thats a lot of reading for a week

Not if you're gonna kys.
Easily manage 500 pages a day.

50 pages an hour for 10 hours "spread out" over 14 to 16 hours waking time.

Still, it's cruel to burden OP's final day with confusing philosophical clutter. He should read some simple works, maybe poetry, to clear his mind and accept the embrace of death with a smile

>Don Quixote
>The Best Poems of the English Language: From Chaucer Through Frost
>Divine Comedy (Hollander)


watch Jordan Peterson's maps of meaning on youtube


This as well. Sometimes just going on for another day is a victory. For reals.

You know Veeky Forums calls authorities on posts like these, right?

The realisation that life is not worth living and that everyone else but you is an amoral and unprincipled savage is not temporary.

Let's an hero together, user.

The Moral Discourses of Epictetus

>"But this is the labour that your teacher and instructor ought to be employed upon, if he really were what he should be. You should come to him and say, “Epictetus, we can no longer endure being bound to this poor body, and feeding it and giving it drink, and rest, and cleaning it, and for the sake of the body complying with the wishes of these and of those. Are not these things indifferent and nothing to us, and is not death no evil? And are we not in a manner kinsmen of God, and did we not come from Him? Allow us to depart to the place from which we came; allow us to be released at last from these bonds by which we are bound and weighed down. Here there are robbers and thieves and courts of justice, and those who are named tyrants, and think that they have some power over us by means of the body and its possessions. Permit us to show them that they have no power over any man.” And I on my part would say, “Friends, wait for God; when He shall give the signal and release you from this service, then go to Him; but for the present endure to dwell in this place where He has put you: short indeed is this time of your dwelling here, and easy to bear for those who are so disposed: for what tyrant or what thief, or what courts of justice, are formidable to those who have thus considered as things of no value the body and the possessions of the body? Wait then, do not depart without a reason.”

Who's that cummin ramen?

Nautical Knots for Dummies
do it faggot

The Foundation for Exploration will turn your life around.

Reading before killing yourself would be like cleaning your house before killing yourself.
All of your reasons to do it are kind of moot

Why are you writing in Serbian when you are posting on an English speaking board?

because serbs are retarded

pussy close up

oh wow! mister aleksandr "base" vuchich

ovakva postina nema ni jedan (You) pa nije cudo da svi jedete govna tu

Don't do it, OP. Stay here with us and let's shitpost together. Not to mention that there's so many books to read. Also these

The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

ovakva postina nema ni jedan (You) pa nije cudo da svi jedete govna tu

Before death read "Gorski Vijenac"(mountain chain) by Saint Duke Archbishop Peter Petrovitz Njegos.

read the Gospels, perhaps you wont do it.

please dont :-(

and the ray of microcosm also

I don't care at all

It is. What you "realized" is permanent (the content of your realization), but your realization of it is not (the way you perceive it).

To compare, maybe as a kid you got punched by an older kid who got away with it and realized life is not fair. At that time you were crying your ass out, but now everything is fine. Life continues to not be fair just the same, but you've learned to deal with it in new ways.

One day you might have thought that "life is worth living", and now that passed. What makes you think the discovery that life is not worth living is a permanent one? That too will pass. And probably not through the way you think it will go, you don't know that yet. That dicotomy itself might seem vain to you one day, it's quite often not that you'll find a different answer, but that you'll question yourself different things entirely.

most often it is. A lecturer of mine has been working at a suicide prevention clinic for decades and nearly everyone they stop from committing suicide is thankful for it a year or two later

nick hornby - a long way down

Permanent solutions are exactly what everyone wants for every perceived problem.

1. Everyone has problems.
2. A rational person should should solve their problems in the most efficient way.
3. Suicide is the most efficient way of solving all one's problems.
4. From 1-3, a rational person should commit suicide.

3 is false. Suicide doesnt solve anything, just postpones indefinitely. The only thing it solves is constant excruciating pain a la vertigo

1 is not necessary to make your point

2 implies that to be rational is a given, or always desirable, or a necessity (why not sensible, considerate, or why not rational but also other things, etc)
"Should"? Or else what? If I solve my problem but it wasn't in the most efficient way, I still would have solved my problem. I might lose something in the way, but that's life.

3, a very weird idea of efficiency. If you broke your finger, cutting your arm solves that problem with no shadow of a doubt, but putting the bone back in place and waiting a few months is most efficient, there are less to lose and more to gain, even if it might not be as certain of a solution as cutting your arm

4 erjwqejkjashdkjqweslkjfsldkjf whatever I made my point

So, you're going to kill yourself. Fine. I am not shocked. Most people have suicidal thoughts throughout their lives. A few less have plans, even less tried. Most of which are now happy they failed.
The thing is this: Your "solution" is the result of irrational beliefs by a mind twisted by mental illness. Whatever reasons you think you have, they are being blown out of proportion by mental illness. Except for when you are 80+ years old and suffering from a terminal condition which will result in painful and slow death of course. Which I guess is very unlikely.

At this very moment, you have the chance to turn your life around. No matter the situation. You can make from it whatever you want it to be. Kill yourself and you're missing out on that. Admit to yourself that you have given up on hope and on life and call the suicide hotline.
You have hit rock bottom but that means from that point on, upwards is the way to go.

Screw whatever bullshit crisis makes you think your life were not worth living anymore. Screw societal perception of whatever perceived failure you were going through. Fuck the unrealistic idea of unsolveable issues in your life. Fuck whoever hurt you - they won't give a damn if you kill yourself. Start over.

And then - write a book someone in your situation would want to read

ovakva postina nema ni jedan (You) pa nije cudo da svi jedete govna tu

What about everyone in this thread caring about a stranger they've never met because we've all felt that desire to end it?

I think this world has a lot of beauty.

Totally been there
Honestly, would've missed out on so many great things. I thought I'd never make it past high school but now I got a beautiful gf and we live together and I have a job I really like. Also a lot of friends. Would never have though that.

I'm beyond thankful I found a good therapist. Been through two relapses, cause life ain't easy but came out stronger and happier and you also don't let it get as bad again. So yeah, , don't off yourself. You never know what life has in store for you.

ovakva postina nema ni jedan (You) pa nije cudo da svi jedete govna tu

Suicide or not, it will pass.
Enjoy existence as right now. Death will come to you whether you want it or not.

>nearly everyone

this Gass essay allhailwest.livejournal.com/34174.html

Or write the book, then kill yourself.
Infinite Jest was pretty good.

success rates for treating severe depression and other disorders that can cause suicidal thoughts (e g bipolar 1 and 2) isn't 100%, sorry to say

The entire western canon—both Philosophy and Literature. Make sure not to kill yourself until you've finished all of it.

lmao there are no temporary problems, people change superficially but their unconscious mind, their soul, their inner self, whatever you want to call it never ever ever will and when you see that your inner world is something you must kill you can never escape it ever
suicide is revolt

Strangely enough it is though. It might sound stupid and naive but there are a lot of things that aren't terrible. You have to look for it but there is beauty to this live.

The death of Ivan Ilyich

>I'm going to kill myself next week
Sounds to me that you're not going to kill yourself at all and are only romanticizing the idea of doing so. If you really wanted to you'd probably have done it already without posting on Veeky Forums.

>all these redditors and normies
Just do it.

No you won't you retarded. You'll forget about it in 4 days and will continue watching your shitty anime and playing some video games. You just want attention

Please go away

The Divine Comedy, it'll help you stop acting like you want to kill yourself

This is the first time I read about this salt. Are there feedbacks?

dont read emil cioran........... whatevr you do....... lol :)

When did the chin get so pussified

>Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

Are you arguing for or against it?

These milky platitudes make suicide seem more appealing.

Copying user from another thread because I really want to know it before OP dies:

Who is this ooze flooz, this shaft-gripping siren-sibling, this penis peculator, this oubliette coquette, this pants perfricator, this dick delectation, this prick polyplectron, this fleering fuckdoll? What meretricious minx, what rod-quop-thot, what tit-mass alloplast bearer is she? Which lubricious lass, which ribaldry recrudescer, which load-lodestar is she, Muse of my assignation invitations?


killing yourself is so fucking queer

јeбeм вaм мaтep, нe мoгy ни дa пoбeгнeм oд вac fucking serbians


>nijedna mi nece dati picke jer sam gadan, glup i nesposoban
>hurrrr ugnjetavaju me

>suicide is funny and we should encourage it
This isnt even r9k or b so fuck off

Or /pol/

Don't you ever even mention those delusional kids around here!

OP, don't kill yourself. At some fundamental level you've come here for art that you can look at and be able to say, somehow, that now you have seen the beauties that human life has to offer, or one of the finest examples. This isn't possible and part of the rewards of life, if you're willing to believe there are rewards, such as works of art, tastes in food, the relationships we build are formed from time and effort. The book that's beautiful for someone who's spent years of their life learning how to appreciate it, it won't be appreciated the same by you. Life is lame, muttered, and confusing when we have not been able to, as most adolescents can't, put in the time to work beauty into our lives. Also, if you seriously want to consider suicide, volunteer for people less fortunate than you, if you believe they don't deserve it because they're amoral then help yourself and call the suicide hotline.

Is pol really that bad? I always assumed they were edgy neo nazis.

Remember: Life is not intrinsically worth living, but it damn sure can be, and one day, if you look into the abyss and you regret not looking into death's wane eyes sooner, someone whom you love will feel differently.

They're badness is equivalent to their ignorance, so I'd put them at second graders and you do the math

More like a bunch of children so thoroughly brainwashed they would be willing kill you for disagreeing with them and believe they have done a great thing.

You don't believe in this fairytale, right?

Suicide is for plebs. I can't really recommend you anything because I'm not a pleb.

This. What happened to my Veeky Forums?

>Veeky Forums is irony poisoned nihilism


Yes. The Veeky Forums moderators that get paid massive salaries absolutely call the cops on this shit.

>that get paid massive salaries

Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti. It will give you motivation to end it all in case you change your mind.

Veeky Forums is above all realistic. we don't take fairy tales seriously.

The entire western canon.

If you're a young pal who got "redpilled" by /pol/ or something similar and believe that you are truly seeing the truth / are enlightened - please listen to me - try to see the beauty of the world and all that is good. There is a lot of ugliness, but there is also beauty. People may seem evil and savage, but most of them are simply confused. Almost everyone has a good heart deep inside. Please, friendo, give goodness a chance.
Also, spiritual advice aside, start lifting, start taking zinc/magnesium/vitamin D to feel better, healthier and happier. If you're gonna end it, you may as well start taking test and other stuff like deca etc
Life is worth living

this sounds too good to be true, how the hell is it not the most common method?

Actually it is worth living if you give up on fairy tales and realize that life is just a ride. Then you will be among the 1% who will get the best seats for that ride, instead of falling for the morality meme.

All that the 'beauty' is is a lie. It's a rationalisation for why we haven't killed ourselves yet.

Veeky Forums is a catholic board

How about stop being a homo first