user, you only have two (2!) days to finish reading the 2017 top 100. I hope you didn't have any New Year's Eve plans...
Well? What are you waiting for? Get to it.
user, you only have two (2!) days to finish reading the 2017 top 100. I hope you didn't have any New Year's Eve plans...
Well? What are you waiting for? Get to it.
I’m going to read Ulysses today and Infinite Jest tomorrow
Enjoy, they're both good books. Reading them in a day each is a pretty cool experience that I recommend everyone try at least once. Is this your first time?
this is the fake one right?
it's a pretty good list anyway
good job discord guys
Wait, and that one that we are voting? It's done? This is the result? or is it just a fake list?
It's the real list but some autismo keeps making a new poll despite getting deleted five times.
Great, I voted for a fake list.
Anyway, good list.
Good books in there.
it's just weird but somewhat heartwarming to think that multiple people have voted for kornel esti
excluded me, who has read it, but still prefers skylark
I'm convinced I'm the only poster in this thread not on reddit/discord
if you look at vote counts youb realize it takes like 2 - 3 votes to get a random book on a top 100. lit isn't that big
Two of us, buddy
it's still nice and a little surprising to know that more than 2 people here love that book enough to make it their top five
>muh discord
Also, dumbass, reddit's the reason we don't need another poll.
I only just recently started reading because I'm a brainlet, is there going to be a new one for 2018 or is this one basically timeless
someone usually makes one every year this is the fourth one
thiccc. I've got books I'm currently reading but I'd like to attempt it once I'm done with these
yes, it’s my first time. I also read Don Quixote yesterday and In search of lost time the day before. I just logged them on goodreads!
fake list
Discordfags burn in Hell
rolling for last book of 2017
I made one poll less than 24hrs a go at
The results area public at
Pretty clearly, the Veeky Forums top 5 is Moby Dick>Ulysses>Gravity’s Rainbow>Infinite Jest>Don Quixote>Lolita
Any other selection is very much not Veeky Forums‘s favourite books.
In the poll I managed to run for 19hrs, every book in the top 100 had at least two votes, at 1/5th the votes of the 2016 one. I’m pretty sure if it had continued to run every book which made it would’ve had at least 3 votes.
It’s pretty scary. Most of them samefag tho.
I got IP banned too for “spamming/flooding”, at three threads over 12 hours. 1 thread/4 hours is neither. Im pretty sure actual mods(including that one who moves things to Veeky Forums ) are awake now tho.
Where did this list come from?
This is missing Winnie the Pooh.
Someone from discord made it. They were caught and have been salty ever since, and now they're trying to prevent any real polls in the future.
Of course
So could be legit? Did the discord ones ever publish answers?
He sounds legit based on the autistic replies he's getting, they sound like the salty discord users. He could only fake his poll if he was submitting a bunch of answers but anyone can do that.