Who here actually reads a book a day?

Who here actually reads a book a day?

ive read 200+ books this year

I don’t see how anyone could read more than 250~ pages of a work they haven’t read before and actually understand or appreciate it in more than just a superficial level, hell even 250 might be too much

Do people actually read more than 50 pages in one sitting?

I read 100 pages a day and I find that hard, but maybe I am just a brainlet.

Depends on the book and how often you read. You could probably read a Plato dialogue a day, and many sources consider them each a ‘book’. But a book like The Wealth of Nations takes you a month at least.

I don't but I come close

it comes 100% to time preference. everyone thinks they read a lot until they fail out of some idiot phd like history (and if history phds are fucking dumb, that makes the people that drop out....)

lit vastly overestimates their intelligence. the board has gotten better compared to last year though

just to compare, every 15 point jump in intelligence represents a roughly 100 times increase in productive ability

people that average 70 (blacks and high functioning mentally disabled) are a net drain on the government of roughly 1 million over their lifetime (negative utility)

people at 90 contribute in the range of negative 50k to 50k in state funds over a lifetime

people are 115 and have lifetime contributions of 2-3 million

some people barely speak their native language, and others speak 3 perfectly

variation is real. dont assume that you cant, therefore no one can

You're retarded

wrong. he's right.

Variation is real, but not that type of variation.

organized by an unsupervised learning machine.

this isn’t scientific, the first 3/4 of that has no basis in reality its just heritage foundation-tier meme’ing from a hateful retard who himself probably is a drain on the longevity of our species. GDP and tax revenue is meaningless if it goes towards annihilating the biosphere and subjectivity. Please think about what you propagandize and whether it involves externalities you haven’t considered before

I read a novel every day for 14 days last year. one of them was naked lunch tho that wasn't a great experience. and other user is right, near the end reading starts to get superficial, unsustainable

Reading for the sake of reading alot is pseud-tier narcicistic hedonism, and is NOT to be tolerated
There is NOTHING worthwhile to be gained in reading faster than your own, personally comfortable pace

feel free to tell us the definition of "real" variation.

you arent going to. but please FEEL FREE to

productivity in a predictable system is inherently related to discipline. 2 employees at a handmade clothing factory can have very different outcomes depending on the amount of effort applied per minute. this doesnt change even in industrial society.

I never said values all collapse into money.

I DID say that intelligence is inherently related to productivity. a smart person reads 8 or 9 times faster and if he reads, doesnt stop to check facebook every 5 minutes

hence hte productivity difference, related ENTIRELY to the ability of intelligent people to make the CHOICE to not stop

I am not hateful at all. being born in a first orld country is a fucking blessing retards like you cant even understand. if you don't speak 3 languages or some other similar task, you're retarded

EVERY tool imaginable is available and FREE. people that are poor are literally retards and you blame hate for YOUR being a fucking lly disabled abortion

Tai doesn't "read" a book a day. He skims books. He made a video about how to read a book in 5 minutes. I actually agree with him in that this is a really good skill to have. The only trouble is it's not actual reading, it's skimming.

Basically, you should skim books first to see if you really want to devote a lot of time to them. Then if you actually are interested after you get the main points give it a deep read. This way you don't waste your time reading every word of a book you actually don't care so much about.

You might have had a point 100 years ago. Reading used to be cost prohibitive and there hadnt been enough time to learn more than a couple subjects. This is the era of labor specialisation, and people that learned a single thing, and had a good performance, tended to rise up.

this is clearly a material barrier.

But information is free today. 100 years ago it could have cost you an ENTIRE farm to learn, say, investment finance. Today you could learn it for free by getting pdfs from the pirate bay.

the PROBLEM is that the people that 100 years ago learned only ONE subject, today learn 10 subjects because there are no longer constraints on time.

so blacks play basketball all day, then go home to a free apartment, eat free food, and do drugs they bought by reselling food stamps. subjects learned: 0

a smart guy in china comes home from a job in his slave factory, goes to his bamboo hut that doesnt have plumbing, then learns investment finance, differential calculus, computer programming, and english, then moves to america

you are correct. the gap that separates the rich and poor is bigger today. is that Chang BingBang's fault, or DeMarcus's fault?

the gap is determined by intelligence divided by the cost of education. the cost is free, making it an effective force multiplier for intelligence

For nonfiction books, like business books and skill related books, I'll skim a ton of shit. Most of those authors even admit (on podcasts and such) that 90% of business/skill books can be 50-100 pages, but publishers encourage them to push it to 250+ pages, so there's so much filler information and after reading a few dozen of these types of books it's easy to spot it.

the surest sign of a 110-120 IQ turbopleb is reading for gains


I average about 50 pages on a weekday, 150 on a weekend if I'm into the book. Just finished "Old man and the sea" in one sitting, but that's an easy one.

Rereading that one right now

reading for the sake of reading is a 90iq endeavor, there is such a thing as having read too much.

>challenging yourself

you’re smarter than 80% of this board

Amount of pages read in a day isn't really the issue or the point. If you really like a book then you will read it for enjoyment. Try to read something that is more difficult for you to comprehend. Like the post that states "challenge yourself"

Speed reading is pretty cool. JFK could read something like 500-600 words per minute. I would say speed reading is one of the best indicators of true intelligence and a high IQ

i read the whole of the new asterix book earlier
does that count

People who insist that reading any more than you "feel like" is somehow bad are lazy dilettantes who rarely read more than a couple of pages per day.

Most of this board is composed of brainlets who barely read anything at all so I'm not surprised this opinion is popular here.

>speed reading is an indicator of high iq
no, being naturally good at abstract thought and maths is a good indicator of high iq.

I have heard that reading 100 non-fiction books is the equivalent of a bachelors degree. I don't know how accurate that is but it sounds good, especially if you like to read alot

I stopped reading 10 years ago.

Yea that too, but I seriously doubt that somebody that is 30 points lower in IQ would be able to read as fast as someone who is 30 points higher. I mean if you really think about it does a higher IQ mean you think faster? I'm really asking. I don't know

Once in a while I'll make my way through a text in its entirety, but I couldn't see myself doing it every single day unless I radically redefined the concepts of "reading" and "book."

there is such a thing as having read too much bullshit

but there are more worthwhile books in the world than a single human life can contain

It took me a year to read all the GOT books, but I didn't read everyday. When I did read sometimes it would bee 150-200 pages a night sometimes only 10

I'm pretty sure higher IQ is associated with higher processing speed.

If you turned the closed captions on and the volume all the way down on something like a documentary, would it be considered reading. It's the same core concept as reading a book just different medium.

not Goscinny, into the trash it goes

response time is correlated with IQ, as is mental processing speed


this is stuff that you can read really fast. another example is pleb non-fiction that writes 100 pages for what could be explained in 1 page. try reading the right kind of scientific paper and you will not even manage 10 pages per day of understanding and retaining.

It means you solve problems faster it doesn’t mean you can read or write faster. you could be 120 iq and read a book a day and you could be 150 iq and read only difficult math books very slowly. Its really different kinds of intelligence. People with high verbal iq peak out at around 130 iq usually, people with high mathematical iq can be anywhere from 130-200 iq typically. Its just not even comparable. Being able to problem solve, reason and abstract are more important than the speed you can think words in your hear. What books were read by JFK? Im willing to grant that a speed reader probably doesn’t have an IQ below 115 i just couldn’t accept that this means they have a relatively high iq compared to a mathematician or a physicist. Their average iq is around 125 and only skyrockets upwards from there. If you go on Veeky Forums many of them are functionally illiterate and have quite poor diction, syntax and displays of verbal complexity compared to this board. but, i highly doubt they’re remotely in the same territory of intelligence as most of the users on here who probably hover around 115. That board’s average iq if you remove /pol/ users who are just there to be retarded, is easily 125. If you removed the CS monkeys and engineers it’d be around 130 I think.

Point to take away is that you are correct but the correlation doesn’t hold past a lower threshold of high iq than most top STEM talents would be able to claim. Even just upper-middle tier physicists who read crap like Game of Thrones and the Atlantic would have significantly higher iq’s than some booknerd on here who can plow through Ulysses at break-neck speed. if that wasn’t the case then English majors would be far higher on the iq curve relative to the STEM majors, but they’re all significantly lower than even biologists and computer science dorks (who are considered the feebs of science).

Well said. Thank you for taking the time to explain

I try to read at least one comic book a day

vocabulary is the strongest predictor of IQ, at .9 correlation, higher thana nything else including spatial awareness

So if somebody reads nothing but sci-fi and fantasy garbage but a lot of it, would they become more intelligent just from the act of processing text? Say compared to someone who doesn't read as much or maybe not at all

that’s interesting, i’ve never heard that before. even above the ability to solve problems that gague spatial reasoning like rotating objects and things of that nature?
this is for the both of you, it appears that maths majors are actually not as impaired as id suspected, but to be fair the phil majors outclass them in verbal intelligence by a wide enough marging to consider it a significant deficit between them. Here you go

popular business/self-help books are the most brainlet things to read, even more so than YA. you're seriously a retard if you waste your time on them

complete chart here, my mistake


(cont) (verb sat, quant sat, total sat, iq)

these last few aren’t surpising to me

Now you sound stupid. Being smart or not doesn't infer anything about a specific persons ability to withstand productivity inefficiency. It is entirely related to the person ability to withstand gratification, which of course correlates with one's intelligence. This, however, assumes the individual is entirely in control of their "development" which of course is molded by their environment.
I think you are just to oversimplifying it man. I speak three languages fluently, but I am just a product of where I am and lucky, otherwise it would be one language.

delayed gratification is not a "correlate" to intelligence. a larger frontal cortical load DIRECTLY helps suppress hypothalamic signalling (for immediate gratification)

yes it is not a complete model but it is true. yuor ability to learn is limited, today, ENTIRELY by your intelligence and the margins separating the intelligent and stupid broadens to the FULL amount, as previously it had been limited by material constraints

the environmental constraints on intelligence today are the least in history and probably very nearly completely gone

If I get really into a book I can, but that's unusual. I usually just set myself a goal of a chapter a day or something

Since OP made this thread I read a book every day. Thank you for pushing me forward OP!

reading is gay

Do smart people capitalise words?

Too bad phil and English majors don't get jobs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I can read a 300+ page book a day fairly easily, I just don't want to and can't imagine anyone who would.

>the value of my soul is like this, i cannot express it myself, I can only point to it

poor sympathetic soul
can see it in his eyes

to help retards to understand basic concepts, yes

And yet you failed to do so.

Depends on the book. Back when I only read YA trash when I was younger I could easily read a few hundred pages when I was bored, but it's not like it was complex literature. When reading a book with actual substance it's better to read slower to gain an actual appreciation and understanding for the writing.

So much this.

its not my fault if you are mentally handicapped

margins of productivity in education are pretty thoroughly understood

I can read non complex non heavy symbolized Fiction in a day

Wrong thread?

Why are you so racist?
What happened to you?

I always fallsleep at the 10 pages lmao

Facts are waycist huhh

correct thread

I am trying to communicate to the brainlets that a book a day is possible

the salient fact is not if I am racist or not, but rather, if you can underscore a better method of rationalising productivity (you cannot)

you’re a gigantic brainlet not even for the racism. im not talking to people like this anymore
>the wealth gap between Donald Trump and Jake White in Idaho who both have a 120 IQ is due to intelligence
no its not you evil faggot

the ealth gap is NOT an income gap. everyone has a job. they can choose to use the proceeds to invest (but they DONT)

that causes the gap. the gap is caused by investment, not income. people can make 90k a year and still have no investments. IF people even BOTHERED to invest, then I'd say the gap is unfair. but htey DONT invest then complain they don't have investments

you're an idiot and if you insist on stoking anarhcy against the legal president and encouraging random violence against caucasian people, you're gonna get shot in the head faggot

That's weird because your initial post had no mention of that at all.
Is it actually that you are just looking for validation on a Kazakh carpet weaving forum? Cause that's something only the intellectually inferior require.

I think this person proves that IQ is absolute bullshit because of how he is acting in this thread.

No reading a book a day does not mean you are smarter than someone else. I’ve been reading one book over a three month period, another will probably take me a month, and I’ve been reading other, smaller books one a day. I think it shows that it just depends on what you’re reading

mental illness

wat the fuck is happening the last 12 hours? where did all you niggers crawl out from? did someone kick over a rotting log?

if you have a house paid off you are in the top 20%, do you understand this?

do you think people that have houses are part of some conspiracy to oppress you?

no. they arent. they saved money. you didn't. the end. thats the evil "gap"

Some crazy ass nigger with a lot of time probably. I'm happy if I manage to read 20 pages a day. I usually read in bed before sleeping

Its impossible to read a book a day unless you are reading trashy pamphlets. most books take 2 or 3 days, some have taken me 3 months to finish

I check Veeky Forums daily, basically the same thing

I do have lots of time. free time is a function of the efficiency of other given tasks in your life

you go to school, theoretically, to get better an faster at the things you do as an adult

the first years of schooling are dedicated to learning things that'll make you faster at school itself

you'll notice that people that are busiest in the later years of secondary education are the ones that never learned the process/discipline of studying effectively

my office has geneticists that have a much more demanding job than you and htey find PLENTY of time to read maybe 10 books a month or so. most of them find job to go to th gym too

fat illiterate people claim they're too busy. gee. very curious phenomenon. I suppose the god of hating obese people cast a magic spell on fat people to make time go faster for them

I am capable of it, and did so for about a four month period in the past.

If you are going through

I bet you chumps read Ulysses in a day, will never read it again and believe that you've gained something from this.

This is a fiction reader everyone