Worst covers ever
Worst covers ever
Oh nonononononono
The sad earth really brings it all together
It's not sad, it's angery
Truly a cover befitting a two time Hugo award finalist
i think its cool
Johnny Cash's "Hurt"
Please stop with the EA Games™ cover. It's too much
They need to bring back constipated mega man
chuck tingle is cheating
good god who how does not a company allow this to happen
Most Bantam book covers are shite
You don't know what you're talking about.
Old school bantam books are fucking high art and I with fight you in your own home.
Dare ye test mine 4-tit-tude with thine tie-knee penie soai-bowie s-no-flak? I with fight u 2 a death wit mi large benis and mimis. NO HOMO
You should post a cover that is decent, I am not trying to troll, I have just never seen a decent Bantam cover before.
if you think that's bad you've obviously not seen the Stinky Steve series
Are those pig capitalists in a gulag? How original.
I didn't need to see this...
That can't be real.
U want a timestamp?
haha nice one
What is the date on that publishing?
They went all out with that picture.
Teenagers pretending to be boys, dressed in prop costumers not from the era, and photoshopped into a forest....
Wait, did you photoshop them onto the cover?
honestly its too tragic for someone to come up with jokily. You can see the "artist" at the bottom of picrelated though.
the date of this edition is not given inside, just the original publishing date (1992)
Jus' a couple a young twinks hangin' out in the forest.
>make a shitty photoshopped pic
>call yourself an "artist"
Why is this allowed?