ITT literal plagarists that got called out but got away with it

>ITT literal plagarists that got called out but got away with it.
I will start with an easy one.


Hegel should thank Vico

fuck off

Rod Stewart

Benito Mussolini

But he's right


joe biden aka the next POTUS

Descartes literally copied this guy and got called out for it by everyone. Does this sound familiar to you?
>Nosco me aliquid noscere, et quidquid noscit, est, ergo ego sum
Descartes just rewrote this guy's work and got away with. The similarities were so obvious that Descartes had to make up excusses to justify that his work was original


is hatred of plagiarism a product of societies that are in favor of private property?

So Descartes just copied from a guy that happened to be called Descarga? He copy his name too? You taking me for some sort of a imbecile, hombre?

>A descarga (literally discharge in Spanish) is an improvised jam session consisting of variations on Cuban music themes, primarily son montuno, but also guajira, bolero, guaracha and rumba.

They were twins and Rene was the evil twin. But he was evil by free choice using the will of his thinking thibg that he was and is.

His philosophy is not just "I think, I exist", I hope anyone here realizes that, and even if it was it's a in a radically new form and context, summarized: one which places the emphasis on the subject-object gap, a problem which has formed most of the western discourse up until now - the "I think, I exist" as a cogitatio, a clear and distinct idea, is something noone came up with before

And yes philosophy probably has some sort of natural (φύσις) progression and inner structure, maybe not the Absolute Idea self-realizing itself or whatever, but the inner φύσις of the progress might make people think that the petty concept of plagiarism is applicable to some of the greatest minds in history


>His philosophy is not just "I think, I exist", I hope anyone here realizes that, and even if it was it's a in a radically new form and context, summarized: one which places the emphasis on the subject-object gap, a problem which has formed most of the western discourse up until now - the "I think, I exist" as a cogitatio, a clear and distinct idea, is something noone came up with before
I know this. I mean Voltaire did a great work on who he plagiarized the whole thing. It is not just one quote. Descartes plagiarized the whole thing.

The name of the dude is Gomez Pereira. Descartes just changed some bits of Antoniana Margarita and called it a day

This is what Voltaire conclusions were comparing both words. Basically Descartes says the same crap while changing the name of some terms and calls it a day.
>1.the method in both is empirical
>2.animals have a soul for both, and in both cases it is a material, limited and mortal soul.
>3. The automatism of the beasts is another coincidence; for Descartes animals have body, spirit and memory, while Pereira says the same but with other terms: internal structure or soma, external stimuli or phantasmae and teaching or memory
>4.the basic syllogism is strikingly similar in both, Descartes's "Cogito, ergo sum" ("Je pense, donc je suis") is preceded by Pereira's "Quidquid noscit, est, ergo ego sum".
The similarities were so blatant that Descartes was forced to address it to his letter to Marin Mersenne

Sauce? I can't seem to find the work you're talking about
It'd actually be interesting if it were true
I have never even heard of the guy he allegedly copied

Gomez Pereira. The book is Antoniana Margarita. Both Voltaire and Pierre-Daniel Huet agreed that Descartes plagiarized him.

Carlos Mencia.

have you ever heard the term "intellectual property"? talk shit once you've written a great piece of work and published it anonymously for no profit.

two words you evidently don't understand


>the "I think, I exist" as a cogitatio, a clear and distinct idea, is something noone came up with before

>I must exist because I can think
>Westerners think this is profound


obviously I've heard of that term. its what made me think it just comes from a society in favor of protecting private property

the "I think, I exist" appears in his Meditations and the ergo is added in the Discourse on the Method. You would surely agree that the Meditations were a work more impactful for philosophy right?

‘Give her the dick’ is not really a new philosophy, no offense