>Writing fantasy garbage >One of the MC characters is a robot, used mostly for comedic relief, she fights with guns and shit >Start thinking about dropping her for some other MC, some other magic creature like mage or elf and more depth than just comedy relief >Also because guns seems either OP or shit in a magic world
What would you do? Also guns in magic shit, yay or nay? Guns seem so tricky to use or is that just me?
I mean you're writing a piece of shit Fantasy novel so who cares?
Robots with guns? Flying Dragons? It's all the same horse shit with no basis in reality, adored by chinless virgins.
Read literature and get serious about your life. Get serious about writing.
Colton Mitchell
I write serious shit too user, I write realist short stories, and I'm working in a realistic book too that deals with stuff like depression, suicide, losing someone you love early on in life and feeling of being a outsider your whole life
But I like to write fantasy as a way to warm up, or just cool off my head when I'm without inspiration to write more serious stuff
You shouldn't be so elitist about something so relative, neither judge other people like that. Also I write reviews about classic books I read and paid reviews by contemporary ones they pay me to do it
Anyways, thanks for your answer, even tho it didn't helped me much.
Caleb Scott
the relativity of art has its limits i.e. the objectivity of aesthetics
Austin Richardson
depends on what the magic is like in the world, i suppose. if fireball-tossing mages are a dime a dozen or if plenty of the other primary characters have abilities that are much more useful or impressive than propelling a chunk of metal really fast at something then i don't think it matters.
what is much more concerning is where the "robot" and gun came from. lost civilization? do other people have guns? computers? unless the robot's origin is an important part of the actual story, i would say that it's probably more distracting than anything else and they should just be replaced by a golem that magically hurls rocks from itself instead. the comic relief can stay.
Joshua Barnes
Still doesn't excuse projecting that much stuff into someone without reason.
There is fantasy garbage out there with a lot more merit than realistic stuff. The Fault is On The Stars is more realistic than The Silmarillion. Does this make John Green a better writer than Tolkien?
Julian Moore
not gonna make it
Kevin Brooks
This universe has magic but technology, computers and stuff. One of the MCs, the most important one actually, is kinda off Batman knockoff in some way since she doesn't actually has any powers, but a lot of training and runes,spells,knowledge on how to deal with magic things.
Was just thinking because bullets and firepower seems a bit outta of place when you have Angels, Demons and everything of magical people running around.
and the MC uses a dagger for most of the time since she is very stealthy but, wouldn't just a gun with angel-killing bullets be more effective in that case? maybe I could work on those being more rare/expensive, or just doing removing technology completely from the universe.
Anyways, thanks for the answer, it actually inspired me a bit here.
Parker Anderson
Here's some advice: Unless you're an animator there's no point in crossing genres. Without the visuals the rule of cool falls apart. Stick to one genre with an interesting concept. Also stop writing childish horseshit keep that garbage on Veeky Forums etc. etc. Good luck.
Gavin Lopez
magic guns, bro.
Jordan Cox
Why do you have fucking comic relief in your book you retard. Its not a play, the audience is not being subjected to specific levels of emotion within a specific timeframe. You do not need to cleanse their palettes. Stop writing anime fucking garbage, unless your character has an actual REASON to be funny WITHIN THE NARRATIVE (culture, character motivations, etc) they don't need to be funny for the sake of the structure.
As a /k/ denizen if you get anything about firearms wrong people will hate you for it. Its not just saying magazine instead of clip it's shit like saying and "assault rifle" is more "powerful" than a hunting rifle.
If it's for rule of cool get it right or you'll have the opposite effect.
Aaron Wood
Why would you include a character who brings nothing to the story in the first place? If it does not help to build a narrative, then cut it. Do you know that saying about how a statue is made by chipping off unnecessary parts from a piece of stone? Even a comedic relief character can help to better display your themes, you are just not using it properly. If you can't handle it, then, yeah, kill her off.
Cooper King
She would be linked with one of the villains big bad of arc 2 would have been her creator and original owner and have some other stuff, but I still find hard to play with her in the same depth as the other 4 MCs
Sucks having to re-write all her lines because she speaks in a different pattern, gonna meditate over getting rid of her or not, but I agree with everything that you said
William Mitchell
>robots with guns >no basis in reality You're a complete fucking shut in. We literally have robots that can fly ON THEIR and deliver destruction of to entire city blocks (or more if their payload was changed to a nuclear warhead.) What the fuck are you talking about? You dumb piece of shit. Go neck yourself.
Ethan Thomas
Josiah Taylor
Also I'd like to add >Read literature and get serious about your life. Get serious about writing. Get a real fucking job, you fucking useless piece of trash. There's a reason all you writers end up communist. You were TOLD not to do something useless to society. Instead you went against what you were told. Now society won't give you any money for your useless services, so you want to take money from everyone else. Get a real skill.
You're a disgrace.
Aaron Howard
Matthew Rivera
You're too busy sniffing your own farts you think robots with weaponry has no basis in reality when even local police forces have them. Let's not get into the hyper complex military robots.
Robert Mitchell
This 1000x Trying to shame people in something so relative like genre of art is just actual brainlet projection shit, like saying non-fiction has a better merit than fiction just for the sake of it being real.
Jeremiah Rivera
give the guns and/or bullets magical properties.
Gabriel Hill
wanna write a review of my book
Lucas Turner
lmao. It's the Veeky Forums-tryhards who won't make it, not OP. Even fucking redditors get published.
Matthew Russell
I'm a little bit busy these days, but friday night I can take a look at it if you want at least.
When I'm going to deliver the review is going to depend on the size of the book, you can send me your twitter or something if you want me to link it there for you or anything.
Dylan Thomas
Do you watch any shows or movies at all dude? people pull asspulls vs guns all the time
I don't think its that hard to understand how guns are 1 shot 1 kill specially in a magic world, magic seems way more OP than guns
Ayden Hill
how guns aren't*
Samuel Williams
It's pretty short. Here's a link that I'm pretty sure is public.
Reading the e-version might not be ideal, unfortunately. The novel consists of two separate 'books' that are meant to be read simultaneously to achieve a synthesis. Reading online might not be conducive to switching between the two stories.
I don't agree with social media, but if you're so inspired please do post on any platform you'd like. Publicity of any kind ain't easy to come by.