Why don't kids like to read books?

Why don't kids like to read books?

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why would they? 3 year olds nowadays can already put their favorite youtuber videos on a smartphone.
kids have unlimited acess to any knowledge, why would they want to read a book?

This, sadly. My niece was a big reader until she was around 10 and got an iPhone.

Hyper-Stimulation from technology, that's why there is an ADHD and autism epidemic among kids. Kids growing up with fucked up dopamine and serotonin regulation, good luck having enough focus and delayed gratification to read books

They do if you show them some. It's just that a lot of parents are too lazy and/or overworked to do that.

The only time a kid encounters a book today is if they have no choice but to read it.

In High school I fucking HATED reading because:
-The books assigned fucking sucked either because they were boring or were forcing a shitty political message down my throat about how my race or culture was evil (at least that's how my teachers often interpreted certain works).

-I literally had no choice but to read them or else I'd fail. I was used to getting all of my homework done rather quickly but reading wasn't something I could rush, so it would be 90% of my homework time.

School trained me until I was 17 that books only exist to be work. Burdens on my life that replaced actual learning with slow, drawn out bullshit. As I got away from that situation, I learned to love reading again, but it took a lot of training to disassociate the act of opening a paperback with committing to 2 hours of braindead time wasting in order to get accepted into college.

Because reading requires more effort than watching Netflix or YouTube. Children want instant gratification. Plus, most kids unironically don't have the brain capacity to be mentally stimulated by reading books. Think about it, OP - black and white can only do so much when viewed from a surface-level perspective, which is how kids tend to view most things. That's not fault of their own, it's natural. Patience and appreciation for reading is developed over time.

Books aren't for kids or even adults anymore
they're for industry artists looking for something to adapt to a more lucrative medium

im only twelve years old and i still read REAL books led zepplin, pink flyod, gun an roses the beatlea. most kids my age read pop garbage like pynchon delilo and gass.

like this if you atill read real books

>The books assigned fucking sucked either because they were boring or were forcing a shitty political message down my throat about how my race or culture was evil
Ahhh, you remind me of this twink I knew. He thought The Stranger was about racism or something because his teacher told him that so I would tell him about what Camus really wrote about between filling his Antinous-hole. I normally hate /pol/ people unless they are vulnerable catboys. It was a great time. Don't know why I'm confiding this to you

Because Transformers 7 has more Explosions

Why don't kids like to eat vegetables?

Parents don't introduce literature to them at all, or improperly. Schools continue the process.

They don't see their parents reading.

Because schools are shit. I took an AP lit class in high school and read a bunch of good stuff but I didn't enjoy a second of it. The environment is just too shit to actually enjoy literature. You have the retarded kids who just Fock around all class and then you have the "smart" kids who are just focused on doing well in the class. People aren't taught to or even allowed to actually take it easy and enjoy a book as a piece of art.

kids these days are too busy snorting adderall and stuffing cough drops up their butts

my 3 year old loves books. either my wife or i have read to him at least 20 minutes a day every day since he was 6 months old. we engage him while we read, talk to him about books, and, now that he's old enough, let him pick the books. technology is a reward, not a babysitter. he only gets to go on the computer at the library (i know technological aptitude is critical, i'm not a complete luddite). home is primarily for books, non-electronic toys, and playing outside. it's been easy with just 1, but i expect we're going to have to work hard to make sure our second gets the same attention.

lol. my little dork-in-training picked out and ate all the broccoli in the chow mein last night.

Because they are fucking faggots thats why

>that normie cheese

You sound like a good parent dude.

>delayed gratification
pretty much it

There is more than enough brainpower for the consumption and creation of quality literature. More than ever before

But the high IQers who may have become poets and writers in the past today go in to other things like maths or professional work.

They all subconsciously realise that literary culture consists of pseudointellectual pretenses and inane "theory".

This was really heartwarming to read. I hope your kids will grow up to be happy and healthy.

because they are too heavy to put back in the wheelchairs

they're more sensitive to bitter food. Its a defence mechanism to stop them eating poisonous shit until they're smart enough to tell the difference.

thanks. we try. fortunately my wife is an excellent partner, and my parents are excellent parents (though there was about a decade in there where i didn't realize it) and grandparents, and we have lots of support from other family.

I can feel it, too. Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory. My mind isn’t going—so far as I can tell—but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That’s rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.


it was this article that made me want to read some books


what the fuck does any of that even mean? not joking. tech illiterate old man here.

Snapchat streaks, teenagers sending snaps every day to hundreds of people just to maintain a streak.

They usually use their phone for 6+ hours a day


so they sent kelly mills a snapchat every day for 420 days?

bingo. 420 consecutive days.



fucking hell, they're just sending pointless pics just to send pointless pics. THROTTLE AWAY, VERIZON!

side note, i'm dad user from a few posts back. i'm so fucked when he's a teenager. lol.

Books are for literal autists. Why bother reading a book when you've got wikipedia, google images and the whole internet.

>I'm dad user
Let's be honest here, if you're browsing Veeky Forums in your 30s you're just as retarded as these teens.

I can only imagine the consequences of their fucked up reward system 20 years ahead


This, 99% of kids don't have proper parents. Meeting a kid educated from birth by its intelligent parents is like meeting a super hero. You can't help but feel extremely bitter by all that sweet neuroplasticity you wasted

I'm convinced if a kid was homeschooled with Veeky Forums it might be better off

I legitimately get teared up when I read stories like this, I'm so happy to know a kid has good parents, it's just so rare. I hope you and your wife have several kids

I know that feel. There wasn't a computer in my house until I was 15 and before that I could read for hours on end. 10 years later and I can barely read 10 pages without getting distracted.

i completely admit this site is an utter waste of time, but there's a hierarchy of wastes of time, and even this pit of despair is higher than what they're doing.

That's because of all the meaningless bullshit that has been pushed as art since modernism. If you give a kid Homer instead of Harry Potter they will notice the value in it. Show them pic related, not "feminist art". They'll see the merit in it.


Veeky Forums is one of the last good boards that hasn't been invaded by reddit. Yes there are shit threads, but if you ignore them there will be some quality ones in an almost daily basis. No other board has that. We need to keep Veeky Forums as small as possible. I first got into Veeky Forums because of pol, but I quickly got tired of it. Checked /mu/ as well, a hellhole. Decided to check lit for the heck of it, profit. In no other board you get people who actually fucking read discussing philosophy, prose, languages etc

yeah. i'm pretty much only here, /out/, and /trv/. on all those boards it's fairly easy to pick and choose worthwhile (relatively) threads, and sometimes even actually contribute something of quality or help someone, ever so rarely. now if i were still just yelling into the vacuum of /b/ 10 years on i'd have a real problem.

As a kid I loved to read. Maybe you need to buy kid's books to them. Just leave them lying around, don't try and force them to read, do some reading yourself. Teach by example.

is good


Glad to know you enjoy /out/ as well, your kids are in good hands :)

Good books for children/teens don't get enough exposure.

Wtf is feminist art?
Also have you ever actually met a child? I don't think you understand how they work.

Didn't they say the same things about books when they came out? The "ADHD and autism epidemic" is most likely because of vague definitions and over-diagnosis. I was fidgety as shit in primary school, I always seemed autistic in online tests, etc. but I was able to read anyway. Readership has shot up over the years too.

You'll have to forgive me for not having absolute cultural waste littering my devices, but feminist art would be that stupid shit of former-now-liberated-housewives painting vaginas and being praised for their "independence" and "bravery". Think the Vagina Monologues or some horseshit like what Howard Stern's daughter did (and got publicity for) youtube.com/watch?v=HMAIFBhBvd4 (idk wtf this video is I just picked it because I remembered the audio track).

>invaded by reddit
nobody even knows what this means. It's just a vague insult everyone levels at whoever they don't like. I've posted here since mid 2000s, and am accused of being "reddit" all the time
enough w/ the reddit vs. ribbit episodes

as a teacher , I ask myself this everyday. In the context of my work, it's about making it relevant. I live in a town with a lot of war vets and military families, so I teach the Things They Carried and excerpts from Here Bullet and how the two wars (iraq and vietnam) are both similar and different. It really resonates.

I think you can draw that same notion out to kids as a whole. Intentionally give them texts which are or can be made relevant to their situation - even if its YA trash. a lot of YA books hold broad identifiable themes that kids find relatable

>male teachers
What are you the only one in the school? Let me tell you, men have a way of teaching that allows most people to flourish under their guidance. It's just the unfortunate circumstance that they're generally vacant, either due to financial incentive of anti-masculine fear-mongering, from the educational sphere of K-12.

It's taking a well-established motif and superimposing it on your enemies. I, contrary to you, enjoy it. Go back to r/DestructiveReaders

No I'm not the only teacher there, but yes being a male english teacher allows me to have that guidance role.

Not my blog I know, but I got into teaching because I wanted to impart my passion for lit on to kids (and it was the only thing I was good at) and increase the passion of kids who were already into it. I think a huge part of that is allowing students to draw their own conclusions and analyses about a text so long as they can argue their point. I think that's what can allow students to love literature is letting them dive deep into it.

My whole thing is I'm more focused on teaching skills than I am literature, and I use works of lit that lend themselves well to skills like critical analysis or rhetorical writing or comparative studies, and so on.

>autism is caused by technological overexposure
Imagine being this retarded

Because they are boring and most kids have other means of socialization.

smart kids do and the really smart one’s are interested in maths not lit or phil


Veeky Forums may be an ideological chess board, but nobody here is an "enemy"

Kids may not like reading books but they sure love books being read to them. If you read kids enough books they'll get excited to read them for themselves, because they might start catching on to patterns (kids love discovering patterns) or just come to like it as a leisure activity.

Modern parenting in the face of technology has managed to suck all the fun out of reading to your children. Combine that with the educational motto "reading for nothing but the sake of more reading milage" and you're left with an increasingly tightening space for kids to enjoy books.

If parents and teachers don't enjoy reading how could the kids possibly do?

has anything changed in 14 years? when i was 5 years old we read books all the time

This has to be fucking bait. Nobody is that retarded

They spend all days with their nintendos


I don't think that it's necessarily true that kids are reading less.

How can you concentrate on a book or even a movie living like that?

Of course media won’t talk about this addictive behavior because they don’t want to lose advertisement revenues.

A girl I like is like that, she makes me feel like a worm

If you’re a twenty something you are supposed to be outside talking to people and practicing sports with your healthy body. Jokes on you.

I don't think people ever liked reading books much if there was an alternative.