Is she, darw I say it, the greatest poet of all time?
Rupi Kaur
She's in the top ten easily.
id like to give her a fat load
She's kicking down the doors of publishing!
Whats Jasmine doing in current year canada?
she definitely is the only poet i have ever read, (and that only because of Veeky Forums shitposts)
so i cant rly tell
(even tho in retrospective, i think a big part of those poems were written by anons and not by rupi herself)
Rupi-Poo is CUTE and TALENTED.
This gets less and less funny each time you post it.
do you ever think
sometimes ur sad
Kanye West already holds that position.
i saw one of her books at a whitcoulls (local chain bookshop) classics section
>rupi kaur will be studied for years to come as a classic
it's funny how
poos can be attractive
but fucking nasty-looking
at the same time
Kanye os actually unironically talented though, even if you don’t care for his music. Rupi is not.
That said, I’m gone for 6 months and you neckbeards are still on Rupi? Jesus.
This is truly the pinnacle of poetry.
This is perfect because it doesn't take any effort to understand, it has certain signals that supposedly make it artistic (empty platitudes, a little scribble of a painting, line breaks, etc.) and it's short enough not to require any real time commitment.
In essence, it's the PERFECT commodity for your consumer who wants to signal that he is somewhat cultured, a bit deeper and a bit misunderstood. Rupi Kaur is a genius businessman.
And we have to ask ourselves seriously whether she is not also smarter than your average Veeky Forums poster with his delusions of creating a great work of art and masochism of being well-read in difficult works (of which let's be honest he derives no real pleasure of, outside of a falsely derived sense of superiority). Rupi Kaur as much as we all laugh at her, actually is at least above average in one area (selling herself) and more importantly she has ACCOMPLISHED what she actually wanted. That's more than any of Veeky Forums users can say.
why did i even click on this thread
>racists will pick virginity over this
how the fuck do we destroy feminism
>cause the two of
This is my new favorite line of poetry. So profound and eloquent
shes only popular because she was censored on instagram for her period posts. thats how our world works now. we don't have great art, we just have famous art. great works aren't judged by their literary or cultural merit, but by some threads of social justice underpinnings that launch the mundane into the serene. its an attack on culture. once the world can't discern between what is good and what isn't, then society will have to look elsewhere for guidance. and the few left behind, those great souls who create beauty out of the murk? they'll be forgotten. that was the intent all along: to inundate society towards greatness, to silence the extraordinary, to make the masses small and uncultured. the sound perception of ants does not include thunder.
>she was censored on instagram for her period posts
whatcha mean?
You don't. Feminism waits for you to die.
wait until racist and conservative countries take power from the west