French literature is better than any other language.
French literature is better than any other language
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my ex had that issue
*tfw too microscopic to properly tit fuck*
Come to think of it that ranking is basically how it is for everything on earth.
so outside of philosophy
is there any reason to learn german over french?
No, other than wanting to associate myself with a past I had nothing to do with.
>Russian lit
How to spot the pseud, is there a bigger meme?
who is this tit rig?
German is better
>My subjective taste is objective
bad bait desu
I'm serious you have about a century of literature that adresses the exact same themes in the exact same setting
I'm not Russian and you've not read much Russian lit.
Better profesional prospects
Poetry isn't enough user
Please, tell us how Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenyev, Lermontov, Leskov, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bely, Gorky, Mayakovsky, Zamyatin, Bunin, Bulgakov, and Solzhenitsyn are all going over "exact same themes in the exact same setting".
Stop talking about Subjects that you know nothing about, you ignorant boob.
Jokes on you I know exactly what I'm talking about butthurt Scythian. Russian lit is derivative bullshit peddled to impressionable Americans who fetishize suffering
>Reads Dostoyevsky once
You're illiterate opinion is not worth taking seriously. Do yourself a favour and read some of the above listed authors.
I have a feeling you are the unfamiliar with that list
Who is this saggie Maggie?
I have a feeling that you can't handle someone telling you that you're wrong on the internet. Would you like me to recommend you some lit by those authors, because I'd love to?
are her tatas uneven?
>muh materialistic bullshit is better than yours
It's always about sex, violence, or le poor poor people. 'Artistic merit' goes to the ones with the floweriest language
Idk why but i just can't get into the Russian stuff. I'd much rather read Emerson or George Eliot or DH Lawrence.
Montaigne did write some great shit
Hard to say. The only thing that is the definite truth is :
English lit/French lit/German lit/Russian lit are the top tier literature and everything else is below.
t. french guy
Nah they are just saggy and one tit is sitting higher in the bra.
More like Turkish>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>French=Russian>British>American
>German lit
German phil you mean
Bait aside thank god I wasn't born into a nearly useless Uralic/Turkic language
>implying Turkish literature isn't god-tier, with titles such as...
I am willing to concede this you, Magnificent Turk.
That's totally fine. You're allowed to have your own preferences.
Though, If you've never tried it before, I do recommend that you look into some modern Russian writers like Bely, Gorky or Bulgakov. Just because you don't like Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky (Both of which I think are great. Dostoyevsky is my favorite writer) doesn't mean you don't like Russian lit. Russians were writing things before 1864 and they kept writing things after 1881.
Who is this chesticle festival
Who is this titfuck potluck
Who is this mammarily askew honey-boo
>wearing bra
>can clearly see nipple outlines in shirt
It's just her tits sitting unevenly in her shirt because she doesn't have a bra keeping them leveled.
this is a woman with a 5/10 face, saggy bovine growth hormone tits, and is refusing to wear a bra with a t-shirt one size too small for her midsection draped over it.
What did you expect from Chicago
a ripe breeding sow is what she is. do not deny it.
Google Image search brought her up on the first page. How come no one does that? She has a large collection too.
Debatable. I'm teaching French in a College in the US right now, and while our department is slowly losing students over to the Spanish dpt, the German dpt is on the verge of dying.
I have to say, after having visited Chicago once, I am unsure about taking a PhD in Northwestern because of this.
>tfw the tinder scene in Chicago feels like France's countryside
Why are you all forgetting Dutch literature?
why belgian sluts so hot?
>blocks your path
>implying tinder girls aren't all whores
>putting Solzhenitsyn i. e. meme Cold War propaganda on the same league than the best of Russsian writers
Fuck Americans.
t. Lenin
We like to ask questions, answers are for cucks.
As someone who was unfortunate enough to be born in Chicago, avoid this place like the plague. One of the worst cities in America.
Such a meme. The German language has some incredible literature.
Watch out for that broad
Shame paris isn't French anymore then
There are some good pics/clips of this cumshot kumquat taking facials, blowing guys etc.
It's completely irrelevant.Weed and prostitutes are the only good things from netherlands.
brb checking the mirror to see if I have it
this desu
Veeky Forums is the go-to board for the best variations of the jizz jezebel archetype
I don't get it?
Yeah but weed and prostitutes are better than literature.
Google sanpaku/three whites.
The Koran?
>like France's countryside
explain this metaphor to a brainlet pls
wait so is Cancer Ward bad? i read the first page and got annoyed with his prose
It still gives a good picture of what is around
ty user
Not a metaphor, I meant it quite literally: it feels like the countryside. Not dressed properly, overdone make up, dull description and, overall, a sad feeling of being second rate.
>tfw I'm the reason people hate on Parisians even though IRL I always manage to blend in with the pleb
Did I speak of the Netherlads? I meant Belgium
plz respond
Lol even more irrelevant, you childhood traumatized, scrotum-less, roided, cow farmer animal from Limburg.