Is intelligence overrated?

Is intelligence overrated?

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

Yes. Money, manipulation, and looks are better.

It's certainly not terribly advantageous past a certain point. That point is about 120. Anyone smarter than 120 has to start investing serious amounts of energy into managing the stupidity of the people around them to make sure it doesn't crop up and destroy them in totally random and retarded ways.

apparently so

no, it's underrated. if people were intelligent then the world wouldn't be such a shitty place.

What actually constitutes it is so little known that I'll say yes. But it's underrated as well. (It shouldn't be 'rated' at all). Never NEVER underestimate an opponent. He has a human brain just like (you) do.

I generally find that the second stupidest explanation I can come up with to explain a person's behavior is the accurate one. In a smart person, it's generally the third stupidest explanation. I know less than ten people in my whole life who warrant more than that.

can testify, must enter stupid mode everytime i speak

>familiarity is what allows for genius not intelligence
great scam artist cons a nation during the youth of the age of information
yeah, fairly plausible

Intelligence is underrated and undervalued. If most people weren't so manipulable by looks and money, and developed a more nuanced and abstract view of the world, everything would run much more smoothly. Especially if we're talking about a combination of emotional intelligence (humility, social skills, knowing one's role) and technical knowledge (being efficient at actual skills society needs to run the way it does)

I'm not sure that is a fair statement to make without a compelling argument to support it. I could just as easily claim that the world would be "worse" if everyone were more intelligent, on account of people acting in their own self interest. An essential aspect of society is that some people have duties which are more burdensome than others, and some people put more work in and get less return out. Perhaps if everyone magically gained increased intelligence, you'd have people suddenly realizing what a raw deal they're getting and striking out.

I don't know my iq but it happens to me too, I only get to not talk like that with my psychiatrist.

acting in your own self interest has little to do with intelligence. even morons who are duped into doing dumb things believe themselves to be acting in their own self interest.

couldn't increased intelligence lead to people understanding that while they may not benefit directly or proportionately from some action, that it's better for everyone in the long run?

Intelligence has never done me any good
Wish I were a stupid, I might be happy

Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to Veeky Forums. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Sage and report.

>If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

no, that's where you go if you want to experience an alt-right echo chamber.

Do explanations help when going head to head? In an argument I try to stick to the topic(s), and make sure my opponent does as well. How I 'rate' their 'intelligence' bears little if any weight.

*name of a book about intelligence*
Now this is literature related thread.

No, they will eventually decide you are being manipulative or tricking them somehow

tfw too smart for smiles

I definitely think that's a possibility, but it could also lead to people acting only within their own individual or their own group's interests, not necessarily the overall interest of society. They are just as capable of making decisions that benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else. Also, an intelligent person can still make mistakes in judgment, with the added danger of being more capable at enacting their ideas and plans. Perhaps someone has an idea that they think would improve the world but in fact makes it worse? I guess it all boils down to motive and ability. Which is worse, a malicious fool or a benevolent but misguided wise man?

Depends on your environment. If you can find a way to be around other intelligent people, then it's brilliant. If not, frustration and obtuseness. Then again, maybe I just have a superiority complex and am a twat.

confidence is everything

don't get on my nerves you pedantic dumb fuck

you have zero emotional intelligence if you feel that you must "enter stupid mode" to communicate with other people

if you are well read and can bantz they won’t be able to dog pile you at all. you’re just fearful. the only commies on there are retarded teenagers spouting off barebones /leftypol/ memes

Here is a good text on intelligence. The author is "biased but fair" (his words). He provides support for his arguments at least, and he provides some interesting insights on the nature of intelligence. He claims it is mostly genetic and he also thinks humanity is on the verge of some serious breakthroughs in understanding the exact neurobiological mechanisms that determine intelligence.
Here you go, here's a book about intelligence.
The OP is stupid but I think this thread has great potential for discussion, I hope the mods don't remove it.

I'm stupid?????????????

>humanity is on the verge of uncovering the neurobiological mechanisms for intelligence

book looks interesting and it is genetic, but polygenic traits like intelligence will be the last things we figure out from the genome besides the immune system, human development, psychosis. this is just absurd digorati lunacy to think we’re even close to being able engineer smarter humans.

Can intelligent offspring arise if both parents are dumb?

As long as you have self worth, no personal aspect is overrated.

OP meaning original post. So yes, the original post that you made to start this thread off was stupid. 3 words of text isnt exactly useful for anything. This isn't a political board but you picked a picture that seems intentionally incendiary and will almost certainly invite and encourage political discussion.

Are you stupid? I can't know that for sure, there's not enough evidence to say one way or the other, although I highly suspect you are. Is your post stupid? Yes, it is by definition a low effort shitpost. Despite that, I do still believe there's potential for this thread to lead to meaningful and interesting discussion.

Not him but yes, if by dumb you mean not well educated or unaware about the world around them–Kruger_effect

>thinking you are intelligent means you are dumb
>thinking you are dumb makes you intelligent
>realizing you think you are dumb makes you realize you are actually intelligent
>now you think you are intelligent so you are actually dumb
>it would be intelligent for a dumb person to accept they are dumb
>now that you know yourself to be dumb, it would be intelligent to act according to your own nature
>acting dumb and making dumb decissions now makes you intelligent
>being dumb is actually being intelligent
Wat do?

Stop being dumb.

I create, like God, out of NOTHING, a thread, that leads to " meaningful and interesting discussion", and I'm stupid?

I've always intepretted that to be more about skill in a specific field than general intelligence. Computer programming for an easy example. At the start, you learn so much and so fast it seems like you're making great progress. Perhaps it is easy to become deluded and view yourself as "pretty competent" in your ability as a programmer. It is only as you continue your journey that you realize just how vast the amount of knowledge to learn is, and as a result you become humbled and see more accurately where your skill level is. If you want to get an idea of your general intelligence level, I'd say an IQ test is probably your best bet for an objective analysis.

If start being intelligent and thinking that what I'm doing is intelligent because being dumb is dumb and being intelligent is intelligent I will end up being dumb

>tfw too dumb to understand this post
Feels good to be intelligent.

What can you do if like me you're just of average intelligence? Should you accept that you're not going to succeed in life or just work harder to make up for the deficit.

Life is but a result of luck.

What if I experience the process of becoming humbled because I realize how much knowledge I lack and how much I have to practice my skills but do an iq test and get 80 points. Am I dumb or intelligent?
I think that the process of realizing how "dumb" you are is actually about wisdom and not intelligence. But, what is wisdom actually? And how does it relate to intelligence?
Some ancient greek guy must have already come up with the answers to this

I'm also just average intelligence. I wish I knew the answer, it's something I think of every day. Even with hard work and constant effort, is there a hard limit of skill/success that I won't be able to surpass? Society loves to preach the platitude of "you can do anything if you set your mind to it", but I have no way of verifying that to be true. I think it's likely we all have a limit we can't pass, but we can always improve as well. I know that sounds like a contradictory statement, but hear me out: think of the mathematical concept of an asymptote. Given a function, as the input approaches inifinity, the output approaches (but never reaches) another value. So for example, the function f(x) = 1/x-5. X can never equal 5, but it can get increasingly close to it without ever touching it. 4.97, 4.98, 4.99, 4.991, 4.992, and so on.

Perhaps the input is our efforts and hard work, and the output is what we can actually achieve. Maybe for one person the number their function approaches is 10, maybe for me it's 8. I can work hard and always get closer to 8, but maybe I will never be able to reach 8.1, it's just not possible. Obviously this is a kind of shit metaphor but it's just an idea that's bounced around in my head, hopefully some user can explain to me why it's a poor analogy.

>emotional intelligence

That's correct. The irony being that it's precisely what I'm trying to avoid allowing happen on their end. No one likes to capitulate, whatever their intelligence ratio. On the other hand there are some who are actually interested in whatever's being discussed and are willing to make amendments as the conversation moves forward. These may not be the most intelligent, but they are the most sane.

Go back to posting sonichu memes on your deviantart.

I hope the mods prune this thread. I have nothing against discussing intelligence, but this thread is clearly /pol/-bait. After it gets closed, just open a new thread about that Richard Haier text.

Well you couldn't follow the stickied post at the top of the board, so yes.

I'm more of a leader than a follower

>he does it for free
>he does it for free and he's not even a mod
where did it all go so wrong?

he's right tho

just because it's right doesn't make it correct

he's also correct