>foolishly enter debate in a thread
>realize I don't actually know what I'm talking about
>frantically start googling and reading wikipedia articles to support my original argument
>call the other guy an idiot and tell him to read some random gigantic article
>slip away while he's wasting his time reading something I didn't even read either
>pretend I'm not around anymore to reply
Foolishly enter debate in a thread
nobody cares
Honestly, I've seen this happen in real life too.
>say something stupid as a joke
>people call me dub
>get offended people called me dumb
>defend point seriously
>frantically start googling and reading wikipedia articles to support my original argument
>pretend I'm not around anymore to reply
what kinda pubs you go to
U r dub, idiot.
Reminder to sage, report and/or not reply to Veeky Forums threads.
>not keeping an ironic distance to all replies you make
>not being constantly unsure of whether or not you actually agree with what you're arguing for
>not just making up facts to back up your argument
>say something
>get called out
>frantically google up some research
>actually, by some miracle, turns out i was right and the other guy was wrong
>get to lord it over him and pretend that i had already known about the research all along
>write long and condescending diatribes about him being one of the idiots who form opinions first and research afterwards
good one
>enter a debate with someone
>realize I don't actually no what i'm talking about
>instead of pussying I out, I double down and triple down and stick to my original argument, even though I've been proven wrong
>never under any circumstances admit I am wrong
>show such outstanding confidence level it makes my opponent question whether his argument is sound, even though he knows it is
>eventually he starts questioning his own sanity
>"maybe that guy was right, he seemed so confident and sure of himself"
>spends years thinking about this thread, even though I forgot about it a long time ago
>eventually he is driven to madness and hangs himself
>his suicide note reads "i thought i was right"
I do this at my university in a very liberal bubble city and just say I'm having socratic dialogue. it saves my reputation but also allows me to ask very "triggering" questions. although I try not to make up facts, just embellish certain things
That's definitely me. I stopped arguing things that I have no clue about a few weeks ago. Feels good to be ignant.
this is what plato was talking about sophistry
This is probably happening at this very moment.
>enter a debate with someone
>realize I don't actually know what I'm talking about
>remember that I wasted 4 years of undergrad, all of high school and a masters doing parliamentary debate (aka professional lying)
>bullshit my way through it
>convince everyone I'm smarter than I am
it doesn't fill the void of all the weekends I wasted
>win argument decisively by every conceivable metric
>mong just keeps repeating and repeating the same nonsensical shit you refuted 7 replies ago
>he can barely formulate grammatical sentences but as long as he doesn't admit defeat, how will you know you won?
>tfw this used to consume me but now I avoid these scenarios completely
you have to gauge the intelligence and general character of anyone who replies to anything you've written before deciding to interact with them or not. This is surprisingly easy; you can tell a lot from a couple sentences of text. If its below a certain threshold just ignore them completely and save yourself the headache. If you miscalculate and start arguing with a dumbass, just call them a dumbass (preferably in a creative, eloquent fashion that makes your superior command of rhetoric clear) and exit the argument immediately. Do not be drawn back in no matter how many times they reply "ad hominem is not an argument lol!!!"
You don’t even know what sophistry is idiot
Fucking kek user im eating
fuck off faggot
the descriptions of this thread, sophist
>clearly exaggerate a point
>everyone points that out saying that its not true and misses the whole exaggeration
Every time on Veeky Forums.
counter sage