Bruh the soul interacts with the body thru the pineal gland

>bruh the soul interacts with the body thru the pineal gland
>animals don't have souls lmao
>you're always conscious, even asleep
what a fucking retard lol

Give an argument for why those things are not true.

>>you're always conscious, even asleep

What are dreams

I don't get where got that notion about animals, it's not even Biblically justified

all true

stay mad brainlet

>Veeky Forums still talks about this guy
Descartes is just an annoying Tool fan that somehow ended up in the 1600s

He thought animals have no capacity for reason, and are therefore just automatons of nature. I don't see how someone can think this unless they have literally never interacted with a domesticated animal.

Why didn't he ever get married?

>Descartes is just an annoying Tool fan that somehow ended up in the 1600s

fuck, I don't know why that made me kek so much

>I don't see how someone can think this unless they have literally never interacted with a domesticated animal.

And yet he must have because you couldn't go to the next village without a horse in those days.

He must have been autistic.

Too busy having one of the most adventurous lives of any philosopher.



i have a cyst on my pineal gland :/

He did say one good thing though

'Give her the dick!'

I am sorry to hear that user :(

dismissing Descartes out of hand is an unmistakable marker of a pseud. sorry about your microbrain, op sama.

>listening to a guy who didn't understand the value of God.

Kant believed in humors. A bunch of philosophers are irrationally (yeah, I know, le fedora) religious as a product of their times. Foucalt chased bugs, Guattari fucked with couples, Hayek went to Chile under Pinochet, Marx lived off Engels (who misunderstood diamat and write some retarded shit about the "natural world" bc of it), Plato, Socrates, Aristotle all had more dumb ideas then smart ones in aggregate. So what?

I don't know how to feel about people unironically saying animals don't experience consciousness and are just automatons. Do I congratulate them for coming to such an unintuitive conclusion? But then I should only do that if they come to it by rational means, which I suppose Descartes did, but he used it more as an awkward crutch for his own theory on human consciousness.

Descartes saying we are conscious while we sleep is vindicated by our understanding of different states of consciousness, brainwave activity and shit. You are conscious while you sleep. The experience of being asleep and being knocked unconscious or put under anaesthetic are completely different. You probably could have reached this conclusion because of sensation of passage of time and dreams but whatever.

>Invents analytic geometry



this unironically

Descartes said a lot of dumb shit, but everything else was 150% pure genious

> Dostoyevsky is just an annoying NIN fan that somehow ended up in 1800s

Have you ever seen an animal soul?

yeah your mums lol


>you're always conscious, even asleep
You are.

in mysticism it is thought that animals have group souls instead of individuated ones, in other words each animal type follows patterns unique to their own species, in addition to being pure expressions of life.

>bruh the hypothalamus regulates the endocrine system thru the pineal gland
>animals don't do self-criticism lmao
>you brain is always on, even asleep