This breaks Veeky Forums

>this breaks Veeky Forums

hording mentality

Veeky Forums fixed

why do you buy books? whomst saves money by not buying books are the smart ones

I dog ear most of my books, except for expensive, rare, and research-related ones.

Why does this even matter? When the book is closed for long enough after reading, the crease disappears.

Either use a bookmark or remember the chapter/section.

>the book closes on top of the fold

The book closed on top of unfolded folds and after a while the crease disappears

The book closes on top of folded folds and does irreparable damage to the page

Your fault

I wipe my boogers on the page
By end of the book I I have a massive booger clump and I usually leave it inside the front cover for the next reader

for me it would just be stains and pages with rips on them.

It's like you like to hurt me.

that's disgusting.

omg what are these called i found some in a Loeb edition of Cicero De Amicitae at my library that was last checked out in the 90s and took them all

what are these called?

Book darts

>the virgin dog ear
>the chad toilet paper

>the chad booger

These are quite cheap if you buy it from their website (everywhere else the price is doubled). Might buy some for presents. Thanks user for reminding me they existed.

Not really

I dog ear the pages so I can flip through a book to find my annotations.

Why don't you use those post it flags?

Real men dog ear

Post it's are the way forward my g