Daily Writing Prompt:

Daily Writing Prompt:

Describe this lizard waking up.

The dead lizard suddenly came back from the dead and woke up.

He awoke to a crash, but found that it was neither the sound of pancakes or golden retrievers, but the sound of having had his head eaten.

he has a surprise

yearly reminder that /an/ is the best board on Veeky Forums


I have no eyes and yet I see my thoughts and dreams explode into specks of incandescent night. I have no ears and yet I hear my past and future rustling much alike dry leaves caught in an autumn gust. I have no tongue and yet I taste these words forever trapped in the abyss that is my lack of conviction and theirs of meaning. Forever I sleep and yet I wake, forever I stand and yet I hang. I will long be dead before I am born and my first words will be those of mourning.

The more my skin shrunk, the more my lust for life grew
To show my appreciation, I'll go as far as hugging a simple piece of white concrete

He doesn't

I awaken to ants everywhere; ants on the skeletal remains of what used to be my head, ants on my body, ants all over the ceiling, a reverie of formication from which there is no return. It is only now that I realise I am hanging upside down, and thus therefore the ants I thought to be on the ceiling are in fact on the floor. More pressingly, I have also realised that I am dead, and but thus so this is a most surprising set of developments, or would be if I had any remaining brain with which I could thus use to feel the emotion of surprise. As it is, it is so that I cannot, and thus I must hang here forever antsy.


Why the head first?

When he wakes up he has a surprise?

i like this


One afternoon (he had a habit of sleeping in), as Gordon Gecko was waking up from hellish nightmares - visions of purgatory cast by an impulse of weariness or perhaps truly remembered - he discovered that he had fallen asleep upside down, suspended on a wooden beam, and moreover he discovered with great dismay that the ants above which he had decided to find rest the prior nights had in fact now managed to strip his scaly head to the bone, leaving him in great anguish.
He shook off the rest of the vermin who had advanced their decay up to his neck and scurried away.
'What was I thinking, ' he thought. It was a writing exercise.

me head gone

The stinging sensation on his face was the last thing he remembered before everything went dark. Suddenly, it intensified and grew. Awakening once again to the agony, he threw the insects that were the cause of this pain to the side with the last surge of energy remaining in his being.
With a series of quick movements, he shook them off and ran away to a nearby patch of grass that was free from the vermin. Thinking about the experience, a voice from within told him reply to this thread or your mother will die in her sleep.

The unseemly bender I had been on for the past month had left me ratcheted to the underside of a dresser, my failing liver giving way to an unbearable stench of decrepitude. Awaking, I found that the ants had taken sense of this notion and had decided to strip me of my head, as if I was a car in the bad part of Tijuana. Longing for the embrace of death since I had but emerged from my egg, I decided to relax and let my final act be one of contribution.

>forever antsy
You motherfucker

rather pretentious

That's probably how long it's been since the last post on /an/

fucking hilarious


"What was it?" he wondered. "What was I supposed to remember?" The question ate away at him.