ITT post a pic, get book recommendations

ITT post a pic, get book recommendations


My wife

The Toff At The Fair - John Creasey


Here, do me.

Me first

Are those gay skinheads?

Rec me something dealing with severe psychological illness: Psychosis / Mental breakdown
Something tragic


The sound and the fury


>Borat voice

Keep the gun but switch out the ocean and the room for a shitty Massachusetts motel overlooking a landscape of filthy plowed snow and I'd recommend The Friends of Eddie Coyle.

But I'd probably recommend it in any event. Top-tier crime fiction.

Brothers K

Recommend me.

No Immediate Danger

Pre-order it


Yates, Eleven Kinds of Loneliness; in particular, "No Pain Whatsoever"

Burroughs, Junkie

A couple of other things lurking in the mist at the ragged edge of my memory, can't quite put my finger on them atm.

Bonus quickie:

'In a Station of the Metro'
The apparition of these faces in a crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
-Ezra Pound

The Stranger






The master and margarita

I'm a Lutheran, if it helps.

I should rewatch that

Actually was about to read Crime and Punishment, but I started reading Saint Augustine's confessions instead


Beginner's Bondage: The Will


one day in the life of ivan denisovich

Thanks. I was waiting for something,
All Quiet on the Western Front.

The Stranger. But that one is always recommended for this pic.


Hunger by Hamsun

Nowadays those could be body positive non-binary (=ugly female) polyamorial feminist green communists. They might not be gay, the kissing might be a part of their feminist revolution


Power to them I guess

Cosmos by Witold Gombrowicz
The Slynx
The Divine Comedy



Harry Potter

>death to wahhabis
The Stranger

Jurassic Park



Adam Buxton voice is the real patrician choice




The Edible Woman

House of Leaves

Nine Stories (Salinger)




The double by Dostoevsky
Infinite Jest unironically
The Luzhin defense



Delany- Hogg unironically.



I wanna bully her about the fact that she can't give a good handy



The Foundation Pit

The Third Policeman

Temple of the Golden Pavilion


Swann's Way, no contest

Moby-Dick I guess

Labyrinths (Borges)

To The Lighthouse

The Magic Mountain


Eugene Onegin ;)

Empedocles' texts

God I wish that were me


damnit man im on nofap day 7

Almost anything by Murakami.


as the other guy said, this is unironically close to Infinite Jest.

I have no idea but I love that pic

Sylvia Plath

The Road? Maybe too literal. Some Pynchon, then?

I have never read Le rouge et le noir but I always thought this was what the novel was like. Maybe it's not.


i hate these kinds of images

go read harry potter fag

please no the sun also rises



The Great Gatsby

No One Belongs Here More Than You


Island People



i've seen the movie, book worth it?




You better not tell me to read jap lit I swear to god

A Bugs Life.

excellent album, go read neuromancer or something

源氏物語 because fuck you

come on man


Down and Out in Paris and London



Jim Buthcher's "The Harry Dresden Files"



good detail of the feet in this pic, actually. better composition and expression than i see in most art.

film recommendation Stan Brakhage films

La Vita Nuova
