What are some book topics you want to read about?
What are some book topics you want to read about?
The ww1 italian front.
Tbh I'd like to read about programming and computer shit for idiots.
You know, from the "what actually IS fucking CPU" technical base to actual programming.
Fabian Society
Red Vienna
Weimar Republic Degeneracy
The Wobblies
The Mau Mau Rebellion
Mekong River pirates
That soccer match where the Scousers murdered all those Italians
Bolshevik strategy
How to have a threesome with prime Gemma Arterton and prime Hayley Atwell and suck on them big british titties.
>You know, from the "what actually IS fucking CPU" technical base to actual programming.
The central processing unit, it handles the movement of binary states and basic arithmetic functions for the computer. The easiest component of the Von Neumann model to grasp really
You seem to have missed the "for idiots" part, friend. Because I am an idiot.
Look into Code by Petzold.
lmao kys.
Ok, I checked the pdf out, this is right at the beginning:
"Code [the book] has no drawings of trains carrying a cargo of zeros and ones. Metaphors and similes are wonderful literary devices but
they do nothing but obscure the beauty of technology."
I am a bit scared but scrolling down, it doesn't look all that bad. Thanks, user.
A reconstruction of daily life in a European neolithic settlement.
Kids being forced to act like adults for any number of reasons
People acting feral (main characters especially)
Stuff like that.
bizzaro westerns
horror comedies
see fitness and financial guides
also time travel
such a ideal rack for motorboating.
Someone explain me, why are the hottest pics on all worksafe boards always on Veeky Forums.
"ten days that shook the world" by john reed for early 1917 petrograd stuff
"history of the russian revolution" by william chamberlain for coverage of the entire civil war and revolution
Comparative mythology
A list of future predictions
How to reduce the homicide rate in Latin America
Virtual reality
Henry, the infant
Weapon's race during the cold war
I want to read to read about someone that commits a heinous crime to set himself above the herd and become great.
Read Code by Charles Petzold
Phenomenology and history of human sacrifice
A criticism of Marxism from the perspective of it as usurping and inverting the principles of German Idealism
You sound like a faggot
I want to read about Blas De Lezo but all books about him as far as I know are in Spanish.
>book topics you want to read about
Art of scientists
Ancient cities
Lee Kuan Yew
good mid- and post-soviet literature
any recs greatly appreciated
i would like a book that promotes decent work ethics in a capitalist state.
>Art of scientists
Don't know what you mean by that, but that picture is from Art Forms in Nature by Ernst Haeckel.
I'm actually planning on getting a tattoo from that book, it's really great.
>Don't know what you mean by that
I'm interested in naturalists who drew or painted the things they studied.
>decent work ethics in a capitalist state
"how to bend over and take it up the ass" by john smith
Ah. Well, I've got a few, but I'm interested in that as well.
Like I said, Art Forms in Nature is a fantastic book (even if it's not exactly what you're looking for) but I can also offer you "Der Verzauberte Blick" by... I don't know. It translates to "the bespelled sight" and it's a reprint of drawings some explorer made of australian flora and fauna.
Proper original illustrations are hard to come by since it's a bit of a niche. Best bet is looking for scientific illustrations as a tag.
correction, Der Verzauberte Blick is a reprint of multiple drawings from multiple expeditions from 3 different centuries.
I want to read a book that is basically "A History of Defensive Architecture."
Thank you
More Mafia-themed books would be good, there's a lot of movies, but not many books.
Beat the Reaper, kind of
Nothing honestly
Nothing. I just want to die.
That's why I drink.
the mature marx’s main idea is that capitalism itself completes the system
Erotic occultism!
Veeky Forums help
>not opiates
I'm too crazy for opiates.
also alcohol is cheaper.
I'm depressed, not made of money
The Yellow Turban Rebellion
what the fuck is a book topic?
a comparison of binding methods?
nobody reading your post thinks you're smart
Be careful desu
Smarter than you.
The modernization of Turkey in the 20's and 30's.
but not now
a couple fat bags of tar and an insulin needle might actually save you money though
Boo, so would a bottle of sleeping pills
Unfortunately, average programmer in high level language doesn't need to understand what CPU is to produce some kind of result.
The "For Dummies" series is fantastic.
I'm not even kidding. If I need to learn a lot about something real fast, I shell out a couple bucks for a used copy and spend an afternoon reading.
I wanna read about big boobies and hot blowjobs, but it can't be a womans chad millionaire book.
I know. I'm the user you replied to.
I program a lot of shit in Python as a hobby, lot of really complicated shit, but it always feels like I learned to run before I could walk. I know NOTHING about electronics whatsoever. It was a harrowing trial to even attempt to insert an additional RAM card into my computer. I don't even know what it does, just that my computer runs faster now.
Snuff by Palahniuk
I want to read a book that reaffirms my belief that my generation(millenials) are fucked because of choices and actions of past generations and my current living standard is not my fault.
The French Postmodernists (Deleuze, Foucalt, Baudrillard etc)
I'm familiar with the general gist of a lot of what they were saying but haven't actually read any primary texts, but I just have no clue where to start. It is probably the most intimidating, myopic topic I've ever tried to get my head around.
Cyber hermeticism (huge Fan of Lain)
Aside from courses and books: megaprocessor.com, visual6502, Minecraft computer projects, etc. Try some assembler (not specifically x86).
Imagine drowning in all that overabundant flesh.
Another quantum dimension
Veeky Forums without all the shills
Picturebooks explaining the blockchain and networks
Mermaids and unicorns
/x/tier satire
Schizophrenic stream of consiousness
Walt Disneys Book of Spells and Secrets
Shame about the face
MckennaFag spotted
Google "NAND to Tetris"
Hands free fapping
>Schizophrenic stream of consciousness
But thats what Finnegan wake and Ulysses is. Carl Jung thought James was deteriorating even faster than his schizophrenic daughter after reading some of it.
“like two people going to the bottom of a river, one falling and the other diving.”
You haven't read crime and punishment yet?
smelling your hands after fingering a chilly asian babe
Anything on Ukrainian language an culture.
>Schizophrenic stream of consiousness
If Joyce is too hard for you, this is also literally what American Psycho is about. Well, that and BEE having daddy problems, but that's metatextual.