Other urls found in this thread:
>the interviewer's face when she is talking
>that deranged swaying in her public reading
This bitch thinks she's an oracle of Delphie
I thought this was just a meme but holy fuck...
Also, how she fucking moves and speaks when she's reading it
FUCK LOL "it's not okay to critique my work cause young girls read it"
>Veeky Forums btfo in terms of success by someone that didn't even learn english until 4th grade
how will wh*te males ever recover
god, I wish that were me
If you don't think me
shitting my pants
on instagram
is art
you are sexist.
like the boys
and by that i mean all men
which is what I dont call them
cuz they dont deserve
ever and ever more
skip their human love
and care
they skip
their responsibilities
never a role model for a little girl
who i always refer to as Woman
forever and more
cuz they deserve the title
they skip their care
we skip our meals because
they skip love
we skip fear
they skip in the street
and force us to skip
in the closet
they skip
the righteousness
skip to the loo
not to poo
He is a serious jornalist and he had to fly out there and listen to this bitch repeat generic platitudes for at least two hours minimum,
I feel bad for this guy.
her nose
is obviously semitic
her skin
looks like poo
What a load of fucking poppycock.
>In them, she writes of everyday occurrences like starting relationships, or ending them.
lmaooooo nice
>I'm not trying to be a good poet
atleast she's honest
You want people to see your period stain?
bump up the jam bump it up while the streets are bumping
no, I want to be interviewed on tv as a poet
I prefer her cousin's work
why is her poetry bad?
Hold on, user. I hate shitskins as much as the next user, but let's not delude ourselves, okay?
Who is renown for period stains and line-broken platitudes?
top kek
nice digis my dood.
you think shes into pegging bros?
>the virgin insta critic vs the chad pooet
Absolute state of salty wh*te m*n on Veeky Forums. Who the fuck reads poetry that brings up the same old tropes? If you want to read sonnets and antiquated meter with modern "twists", then go read Carol Ann Duffy.
She even says at the end she didn't intend to get into literature, so now we can stop complaining she's ruining it.
She was literally caught plagiarizing
I really doubt that, I bet she's just so unoriginal and plithey some other dumb bitch just wrote the same shit through probability
If cishet/lit/ knew who she plagiarised they'd have an aneurysm.
Nah, it was the same sort of poems and themes. It looked exactly the same in format too, so she definitely stole the entire look and feel.
You realize there's like a billion of these silly cunts who were all writing the exact same way before Kaur was even published.
They're just two shits that grew from the same shit-tree
>They're just two shits that grew from the same shit-tree
its called a movement
This is one of those videos where I can only watch a few seconds at a time because I'm cringing so much.
Yeah I get that kind of movement after a curry
Nayyirah Waheed. She's the same but black, and considering the high levels of "autism that could never stand up to the black kids in school" in here, I think we'd be angrier about Waheed.
Speak for yourself, I beat the shit out of more blacks than Mike Tyson
>you better take me seriously!
>says poetry retards and lit fic retards
>meanwhile kaur is praised by even non-clickbaiters, academics literally consider this twat seriously
>meanwhile proulx is also praised by academics
good job you fucking assholes, you made me a cultural nihilist. I now believe that the literary output of earth is fucking cronyist bullshit and not worth mentioning, I can confidently assume I could be a decent poet myself without much effort because there is no rigorous discipline involved and that if aliens roll up to earth I'll just present myself as the top poet. why does it matter? our actual planetary output is a joke, even beyond anglo shit because I speak thai, french, and shitty but adequate russian so I can consider the alternatives. nothing is fucking good, jesus why are the humanities full of brainlets it embarasses me to be a part of the whole thing. those IQ graphs were right.
>I don't. Know how to. Use periods.
T. Waheed
her poetry is shit too, who fucking cares nigger "woc" shouldnt ever fucking write and if they do it should be under a pseudonym
Sure, thing. Don't forget your anti-psychotics today, before the sperg rage sets in! Don't wanna go Super Saiyan 2!
Oткyдa ты, тoвapищ
Like how a black girl wrote all of Shakespeare's plays?
At least she admits that she's not trying to be "literary" and just writes for teenage girls.
you are dumber than them all
>one poet is getting attention and praise by the profane masses
>its the end of the world!!
>there are no good writers in the world!!
>I can consider myself a great writer because I can maybe do what I consider a bad but praised writer can do!
Saying she writes is still giving herself too much credit
shes a passing fad. much like cat person, wont be remembered in several years
I'd say two
every literary critic i've seen has (in nicer words) called her trite garbage
She's still doing it inadvertently, and out of her own ignorance doesn't know or doesn't care.
but she does say that she hopes to continue doing it for as long as she can. so she'll likely continue to remain ignorant, while reeling out platitudes, or ending up advice columns on buzzfeeed
It’s so easy to fuck art hoes on tinder by just talking about Rupi
Really? I'd just feel like I was coming off as a soyboy faggot
Just be nonchalant and aloof when you talk about her to them — anything more than that then you’ll appear as a soyboy fag. I’ve literally only said these lines “I like her poetry ... it’s innovative” I’ve never said more and they’ve never pressed me for more. Although have one poem memorized since they’re not hard in case they ask you in person
based quads
Thanks for the recommendation i'm really liking her stuff so far, got anymore "old trope" poets?
This is the sort of devious ingratiating shit that "male feminists" always do. If you think something is bad then say so. Speak your mind. If you say it in a way that is honest and non-obnoxious then it shouldn't matter. Don't tell other guys to be like this. That is trash advice. And if you did get laid by some art hoes it probably had nothing to do with that bullshit you were talking. They were just down to fuck regardless and you seemed alright.
>doesn't realize thats actually Rupi enacting a covert marketing scheme to get males to read and accept her books
nah this one better lol
She's making a lot of bucks, guys.
already well over a million with her last book alone, this is why the whites need to kick all nons out of america, stealing our market share
So much jealousy in this thread, you guys are pathetic.
>don’t criticise my poetry or you’re invalidating the experiences of my audience of young women
>when you realize stemfags were right all along
that's her excuse to deflect criticism
>psychopathic social engineering makes you a male feminist
hate-fucking women you disagree with is the most alpha thing you can do
get off my fucking board