

Just wanted to mention I go to Yale.

Run along now

I go to ecole normale superieure. get back to me when you attend an actual school :)

Heh thats cute



You're both adorable.

Lmao, that's not even a global top 50. Maybe in France it's impressive, but in America (the intellectual hub of the planet) your school is a toilet

the actual one

normale means not for the retards and supérieure simply means anything above secondary education (high school)

>american education
we have as much fields medalist as the entire usa with 40 maths students a year, your ranking is propaganda

So its a normal college? Doesn't sound very impressive

> America (the intellectual hub of the planet)

According to the ARWU (a ranking composed by the Chinese government with no input from Americans whatsoever) your school is




More of that American propaganda, right? Hahahaha

>not selecting student on merit thru a nationwide competition with written and oral exams the brightest of the land, and those of the former colonies, work night and day for two or three years to prepare

C'est pas la première fois que je te vois te la ramener la dessus, tu complexes gros

ill tell you what, you base your school's merit on a ching chong ranking and ill base mines on its objective proven superiority

oui clairement mais j'en suis conscient donc oklm

no, it's a good school (I'm not the guy going there)
the choice of word might be retarded, but in France "normal" schools used to be the best schools

Objective by what metric?

all kinds of awards, intellectual figures, etc. also from personal experience; i did 6 months in Princeton, the grads were good but the undergrads were laughably stupid (lack of merit-based selection)

Why you wasted $150,000 on an education you could have got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library?

>not just pirating shit

>so i see here you didn't go to college
>no sir but i went to the library
>you're hired

Yeah I believe it. US Universities are businesses first and education institutions second

Ah ok nickel alors. Niques-les, toi t'as payé que ta prépa!

>I didn't go to school, I went to books

>so I see here you got a degree in English
>welcome aboard, glad to have you on the starbucks team


I live about 20 min away from Yale. And I have a friend that goes there for Neuroscience, what's your major?

cool now you can attend the obligatory course about how your penis is responsible for every evil in the world, you dirty rapist scum

don't forgot the report back when you drop out after title 9 :^)


Ivy League fags are the worst. They live in the delusion that their mother didn’t suck off the dean for their precious child to be admitted with their mediocre grades and inability to engage in abstraction even with a significant financial donation

c quoi l'interet de normale sup? à part trouver un taff

who /littleivy/

>MFW I didn't go to an ivy league college and chose instead go to East Los Angeles City College like an enlightened individual

I have never seen a more 56% face

'elite' universities are reptoid indoctrination centres designed to stamp out all semblance of independent thought

>mfw im a fuccin loser watching all my peers succeed

Wait, why do undergrads have to be smart? I'm a brainlet really - didn't even pass highschool properly because I dropped physics - but still got to Uni through an admission test. I realise some of my fellow freshmen are idiots (especially in English, it's all Harry Potter morons). But, there's nothing wrong with idiots getting bachelor degrees so they can get a job or explore the arts for themselves, etc. Bachelors aren't even supposed to mean much - they're there to prepare you for research.

>hot asian mild
>56% face
Dear god, you mulattoes are so self-hating aren't you, that you go after the Asians too?

I got my ivy league education on the internet

Kek what a n00b
My dad works at Nintendo

>America (the intellectual hub of the planet)
>Americans actually unironically believe this and their bullshit rankings based on how much trash their paper mill prints each year

j'y suis en maths : la frequentation, accès aux meilleurs gars pour la thèse, parmi les meilleurs profs du monde en maths, accès à des cours vraiment bien dans toutes les matières (j'ai pris des cours de grec, d'histoire medievale, de philo tous avec des khagneux et des très bon profs), cours dans les meilleurs facs étrangères sans se fouler, et salaire et loyer

because the profs have to cater to them; during my first year at normale the stupidest guy in my class would've had a 4.0 GPA without working an hour at princeton or harvard, hence what we do in class is much more interesting