*blocks marxist philosophy's path*

*blocks marxist philosophy's path*

please fuck off to /pol/

>when commodity fetishism has spread to nationalism

*has a 10 year olds understanding of marxism*


Marx had a ten year old understanding of Economics

the intellectual powerhouse of the right are a bunch youtubers and milo & spencer


Honestly, whatever people think of marxism and how horrible it may sound to some, it amazes me that people don't turn off from these movements if only because of the shitheads that lead it.


Marx understood economics better than you ever could

no, you are!

What do you think he got wrong?
>durr hurr if you spend an hour making a mud pie Marx says it should cost money

Use value is added to goods through -socially necessary- labor.

>a couple of 110 IQ youtubers outsmarted the ENTIRE progressive establishment and voterbase
>Alex fucking Jones played all of academia, the banks, Silicon Valley, every major media institution in the Western world, every pissbaby leftist rag from Chapo to Jacobin, and oh yeah, the entirety of their latte-drinking, tattoo-getting, sitcom-watching underclass
How do you even look in the mirror when you know that ALEX JONES outsmarted you? Alex fucking Jones.


This, this. It baffles me how people take the statement "all value comes from labor" and twist it to make it seem like he said "all labor has value".

lurk more

Why are you familiar not only with Marx but also with anti-Marxist online arguments? You're not seriously Marxists, are you?

>You're not seriously Marxists, are you?
Not in the sense that I've got a bust of ol' Karl on the bookshelf, but plenty of what he said in Capital is straightforwardly true.

skinheads over commies any day

Holy shit. I'm a nazi now.

I'm not particularly fond of capitalism but you're nuts if you think the key to saving the world can be found in the writings of a nineteenth century economist.

Most of the marxists I've encountered online are fanatical ideologues who will brook no criticism of their namesake.

It's almost more like a religion than a political philosophy.

I find it somewhat worrying but thankfully marxism has been irrelevant since the fall of the soviet union.

IIRC most trade unionists voted for Trump so maybe you should put the pricey books you ordered from Verso down and take a look at what the working class is like and what they actually want.

>completely destroys the tiki torch market by symbolically associating it with small penises and impotence

think of the poor tiki torch manufacturers that they put out of work.

couldn't they have made proper torches like the Nuremberg rallies?

why is this on Veeky Forums?

Because you're arguing with teenagers who haven't read Marx but have see a couple Molyneux videos

>implying the skinheads aren't also commies

"class" has been subverted by identity politics by multi-national media corporations (im looking at you breitbart)

Is it a problem not to inform yourself about outdated fringe theories? I can see how some philosophy is timeless but why would you concern yourself with a failed political theory from the 19th century?

does it have an effect on the present day?

>outdated fringe theories
See, this is how I spot the Americans. Loads of the prominent political parties in Europe are based in Marx to some extent (albeit they're some variety of socdem, not full red)

I think Marx was right about pretty much everything. Marxism is the most cogent analytic framework for understanding modern society.

Why are you bringing such a shitty thread here. This doesn't belong at all this is meant for /pol/.

Buddy you don't have to read Marx if you don't want to, but don't pretend to have an informed opinion if your understanding of Marxism comes from Hollywood and youtbe comments

Holy shit, you guys really behave like you're part of a cult.

>The Soviet Union's shit economy falling down means Marx was wrong

Karl Marx never said "nationalize your peasant economy and invest your entire fossil fuel reserves into missile production"

>The leftist strawman targets the small business owner and not the birth lottery bourgeoisie

I can't speak for others but I'm not going after mom and pop teacups
I'm going after jeff fucking "more money than half the american population" bezos

There are people
who inherit
and soon trillions of dollars in assets and means of production and private property.
They can afford better legal representation than any small business owner.
Their every move generates millions in free media coverage that mom and pop teacups would have to pay for to get a hundredth of.
mom and pop libertarian teacups incorporated is not the target, friendo

If meritocracy were real we'd abolish inheritance and make everyone start on a level playing field. But even that would just be a genetic lottery.

Government regulates the private sector to prevent the compound interest of financial gains from providing an unreasonable advantage.

The private sector lobbies government to regulate less and regularly infiltrates the public sector to enforce its own interests and shrink government

In the absence of a nation-state, you would just experience tyranny by private property owners, traditionally called feudalism

In the presence of a nation state you experience taxation and government corruption, but power is balanced.

People who think of one as being inherently more free than the other are not grown up enough to realize that FORMS OF FREEDOM ARE TRADED FOR ONE ANOTHER.