Spend all day reporting threads that break the board rules about non-Veeky Forums content

>spend all day reporting threads that break the board rules about non-Veeky Forums content
>only thread that gets pruned by the mods is the one discussing the current state of lit

The lit mods are a big part of the problem.

Get a life, faggot.

lol peterson rules cunt

Maybe try reddit instead McQueer

At this point, reddit and lit are functionally equivalent in their normie bullshit.

“The more leeches there are affixed to a host, the less resources there are to siphon from said hosts, per parasite. The ability to only absorb energy, without the ability or desire to reproduce it in a productive manner, is a dangerous, unsustainable, albeit attractive long term method of collapse and decline.”

“He completely lacked any ardent interest that might have occupied his mind. His interior life was impoverished, had undergone a deterioration so severe that it was like the almost constant burden of some vague grief. And bound up with it all was an implacable sense of personal duty and the grim determination to present himself at his best, to conceal his frailties by any means possible, and to keep up appearances. It had all contributed to making his existence what it was: artificial, self-conscious, and forced—until every word, every gesture, the slightest deed in the presence of others had become a taxing and grueling part in a play.”

>when the leach thinks he's the host

Think about it, you're the one attracted to a forum with free discourse. Who then is more to thank for that attraction, those who are talking freely or the faggot who wants to bring in rules

The rules enable the free discourse, faggot.


This is a literature board, you won't impress anyone with your half-baked teenage rhetoric.

This. The board no longer has legitimate debates, because every thread gets railroaded away from a discussion of literature. Crossposters are making debate mostly impossible, and it's driving away anons who actually want to discuss literature, and not how it relates to politics or religion.


but in this case no. get fucked you nigger

Very telling that the poster supporting the current state of the board can only reference highschool level texts.

>lit is only about the things I like
yeah okay nigger

you're worthless

1984 is literally one of the achievements of the human species in terms of literature

if you don't understand it, that means you're at the high school level

Politics and religion are Veeky Forums topics. They don't belong here unless they explicitly relate to a work of literature.

Oh my poor child. It's not even an achievement in the subset of dystopian literature. Zamyatin and London did it better, first.

shh he's just doing what you were complaining he did

Huxley was right, Orwell was wrong
cry harder, bitchboy

>implying 1984 is about dystopia and not the modern state of british socialism
nah, you're a nigger

I was only stating to board rules for the benefit of the lurkers.

There's a reason that Orwell is taught to highschool students, and it's not because of the complexity of his works.

This might be me.

Imagine if this isn't bait though

Bait has become indistinguishable from the majority of lit posters these days.

There's two types of posters on Veeky Forums
Those in on the joke and those not

If you're an imbecile maybe, bait separates the men from the boys

>spend all day
well, that's a day's worth of reading you're never getting back. nonoko

Bait has attracted a legion of brainlets who think they're in good company.

if you havent figured out that manipulation of language is the most prescient political force as these muslims kill people ithout recourse and trannies literally recongifure our government, you're a complete idiot

that is literary value. take your esoteric authors and go fuck yourself, fedora

Yeah its hilarious

>literary value is derived from political value

I think you're on the wrong board, brainlet.

I find that if the thread is completely off-topic spamming it with cuck porn is most effective.

mods and janitors get uppity about receiving hundreds of reports from triggered T_d faggots.....but yeah the mods and janitors are faggots and primarily to blame for the current state of Veeky Forums (also wee need /yootoober/ and /self-help/ boards)

>also wee need /yootoober/ and /self-help/ boards

They'd basically be the same thing

That a good idea, user. I'll have to keep that in the arsenal.

So long as its not on Veeky Forums I don't care