Why Christianity?

I'm a 23 year old engineer, and my thought was shaped by physics, Plato, Aristotle, and Spinoza. I am spiritual, but I believe in an organic, All-Is-One universe as presented in Ethics and Parmenides. I just finished reading the Bible recently and to me, the Old Testament was, spiritually, no different than ancient Greek or other Near Eastern works, and plenty of Old Testament works were analogous to ancient Greek works I have read.

The New Testament's gospels were touching but books like Revelations simply read as nonsense. Is there any reason to go from being philosophy-minded and spiritually open to being a Christian?

If you become a priest you can pop your thumb up a little boys arse if you're into that sort of thing

>a thread about religion disguised as a thread about books
Go away

>Shitting on Revelations

Try reddit instead Engineer boy

>the Old Testament was, spiritually, no different than ancient Greek or other Near Eastern works, and plenty of Old Testament works were analogous to ancient Greek works I have read.

This is an artifact of the centuries of translators and commentators distorting the narrative with regards to ancient greek thought, as they could not concieve of (or intentionally intended to adapt) an erudite worldview that was incompatible with their religion, the source of all they considered good.

For example I was reading a compilation of Proclus, and the introduction was pages and pages of deuteronomy references, despite Proclus having been an avowed pagan. The translators of yesteryear really thought no one would read unless there were constant references to the bible. Most classical scholarship pre-Jaeger suffers from this taint.

Christianity is the Microsoft Windows of spirituality

Is the only escape from this nonsense to learn Ancient Greek?

yes, and hebrew to read the bible

Consider moral perfection (God). Imagine what it would be like to have a relationship with such an entity. It's impossible. Moral perfection could not abide imperfection (us). There needs to be a bridge between the two, a mediator with a hand on both our shoulders (Christ).

that is a fucking weird looking kitty cat

also why are you starting another shitty religion thread, fuck off to Veeky Forums

>Revelations is nonsense
Spinozists confirmed idiots

So the only correct one to use if you're not a tryhard pseud or a literal retard

>that is a fucking weird looking kitty cat

Its like a tiny Lion

Knowing how to do things is the opposite of a pseud

Found the Gentoofag

>hands on both shoulders

Read Plotinus, then Augustine, then the rest of Plato's students. The Catholic Church was doing alright until they lost their way. Absent of philosophy, it became an oppressive organ of state and a thousand year mistake.

And Revelations is literally not meant to be read. It is not for you, and never was. It is a mystery meant for the priestly caste, and it is as relevant to philosophy or the common man's search for god today as the Eleusinian Mysteries. Ignore it.

>read John
>basically Parmenides

>Eleusian mysteries
which everyone in Greece could be initiated into lol

i hate catholics as much as Jews and Fascists, can’t wait to burn down all your monuments to your blood god when the time is right and then we’re gonna hang all the pedophile priests and cardinals and bishops and behead the Pope in St Peter’s Square

Read Guenon, start with Crisis of the Modern World.

My Christian friend invited me to her Christmas party last week and I decided to go, despite being pagan. Everyone enjoyed talking to me and I had good philosophical debates with their minister who hosted the party. I got their minister's number and he said he'd love to get coffee and that he enjoyed talking with me. At the end of the party they asked me if I was going to their church Sunday, to which I responded no. They kind of glared at me and I haven't heard from any of them since, despite trying to text them and get dinner or coffee.

They're all hypocrites who only care about you insofar as they can convert you to their little cult.

Werner Jaeger does a lot to dispel the myths surrounding classical scholarship, his books are at archive. Try your best to only read direct translations, if possible with bilingual editions so you can catch the translator pulling a fast one by rendering plural deoc in the singular.

I mean reading it in the original is best, but I get the feeling that's going to dissuade a lot of people. That would only give the victory to the destroyers of western civilization.

Not the user you were responding to but what a shitty experience. Your story perfectly captures whats wrong with religion. It's not about a shared philosophy, or informed morals.

It's Revelation, pseud

>he doesn't understand the fundamental link between medieval theology and politics
>he has never read a good critique of political theology
>we wuz good

Recommend one.

a rather jewish looking cat

*Each our shoulders
And I will get to the rest of the Greeks eventually.

Always trust an engineer to let you know he is, in fact, an engineer

Revelations is the shorthand you fucking retard

>long skull
>therefore Jewish
you can’t even do phyisognomy correct you dweeb

get a Catholic POV on Revelations; don't read the surface bud.