What is important to you and why?

what is important to you and why?

My hands. Without them, I couldn't grasp things too well.

You are the most important thing to me, user.

Nothing. I wish I knew.


Applying myself to my commitments
Finding my soulmate

Masturbating to traps

Knowing that any time it gets too rough I can always kill myself

Nothing. I want to die.

Becoming the type of person that I admire (outgoing, curious, informed, kind). I feel like we should all work towards self-improvement and our idealized selves, if only because there’s nothing better to do.

Your subconscious is always watching if you keep your promises and finish your commitments. When you die all you are left on the gravestone is whether you had a good character.

Happiness. Because I want to have a good time while I'm on this gay earth I guess.

I want to die with you hand in hand.

Where are you? At the very least we can touch butts.

Books for this feel?

True gentlemen and scholars like me

Books. Because I love them. I would guess that's why I'm here..

I want to have a casual conversation with a fellow student from my class

Fuck I failed
This was the last class of the semester btw

The art and traditions of Ancient Greece. To me the Aegean of 700 BC to 200 BC is a mythical place like the Garden of Eden, but irrefutable. This is our true origin place. It's a paradise out of time where we had our first taste of autonomy and where we draw our earliest memories of beauty.

This shitty 21st century money-lending machine I was born into can blow itself up for all I care.

Independence and comfort.

>placing value into something outside of yourself

That's a dumb meme that makes you vulnerable and is only perpetuated by fools who already put them in such a precarious vulnerable bind.

>pride/respect/integrity etc

You can bend and twist your rationale to accommodate your perceptions no matter how bad you actually are, there is no objective benchmark and the only thing that matters is what you think about yourself. Be a case by case opportunist or let your principals be to your detriment.

I want to know someone without being known

My eyes and hands so I can fap to /ll/

For me, it´s the McChicken

If I'm being honest I have a crushing need for the approval of my superiors, which also means I have an equally crushing need to be intelligent enough, well read enough etc to know who my superiors are.

I also urgently need solitude most of the time, and financial security. I also need to be able to talk to people on a level that lets me utilize my brain, which means Veeky Forums is usually a waste of time.

I want to surpass myself entirely, to the point where the former self is a shameful primordial stage of evolution I find the kind of amusement within that the first European merchants and explorers found when gazing at the visage of the Orangutang
>im really like those ancient greek boy fucking psychotics who had slaves and used to raze whole villages and slaughter millions
>not like this (((MONEY MACHINE)))
>truly it was a paradise for MUH ANCESTORZ
>im anglo-germanic-irish btw

Fuck off, nobody reads here

I'm not sure why.
Evolutionists tell me it's because it's in my biological code to find them attractive as a marker of fertility
Social constructionists say it's because our culture fetishizes them as a marketable sex commodity
Psychoanalysts say it's because they remind me of the security of the mother.
All of these remarks seem phenomenologically incomplete.

my dick


I wack that bastard

what are some books about that time period?


Marcus Aurelius' Meditations

An honest and pure desire for truth. Also, my antidepressants.

yeah, yeah

Leave, leave before it gets you


you're a long way from home, bud.

Being Ernest. Because that's my name.

Ready Player One is awful, please kill yourself

My love sense of romance and spontaneity. I will let nothing kill my tiny tiny tiny soul. I want to help. Is there anything I can do to help? I have so many limitations but will just want to give it my all. I'm sorry I can't do more.

And my name is Jeff. From Dahmer to Dunham to the shitty line in 22 jump street. My life has been a leyline to meme magic because of it. I have the best of luck. Literally. Everything falls into my lap.

Huh. Thanks for the dumb idea.

ensurance of an indefinite existence of humanity and the upholding of our status as the most powerful species

I agree that tits are great but I’d rank ass slightly higher.