What are some good books in portuguese?

What are some good books in portuguese?

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Os lusiadas, luis de camoes
Os maias, eca de queiroz
A cidade e as serras, eca de queiroz
Conde de abranhos, eca de queiroz
Primo basilio, eca de queiroz
Memorial do convento, jose saramago
O ano da morte de ricardo reis, jose saramago
O homem duplicado, jose saramago
Ensaio sobre a cegueira, jose saramago
Cain, jose saraamgo
A viagem do elefante, jose saramago
Uma viagem a india, goncalo m tavares
Matteo perdeu o emprego, goncalo m tavares
Klaus kump, goncalo m tavares
Memoria de elefante, antonio lobo antunes
Eu hei-de amar uma pedra, antonio lobo antunes
Nao é meia noite quem quer, antonio lobo antunes
Que Cavalos São Aqueles Que Fazem Sombra no Mar?, antonio lobo antunes
Mensagem, fernando pessoa
O livro do desassosego, bernardo soares
Aparicao, vergilio ferreira
Conta corrente, vergilio ferreira
Vagao j, vergilio ferreira
Vale abraao, agustina bessa luis

Check out the rest of camoes and pessoa's poetry, gil vicentes' dramas and Padre antonio vieira's sermons

funny image

no Brazilian?

Dom Casmurro - Machado de Assis
Lavoura Arcaica - Raduan Nassar
Contos Novos - Mario de Andrade
Lucíola - José de Alencar
Memórias de um Sargento de Mílicias - Manuel Antônio de Almeida

You brazillian fags have too much publicity down here on Veeky Forums. Nobody seems to know about Portuguese stuff, so I did not include you

Read Ondjaki and Mia Couto too

Fuck brazil and bump

Tristão e Isolda

I'm brazilian and I can't stand brazilian literature, it bores me to death. Most books just seem so decadent, it's like rolling naked in filth. I don't really give a shit if I trigger some br lit fanboys, I just can't stand it. It's like every BR book makes you feel surrounded by that shithole spirit so uniquely brazilian that I hate with all my strength

O Vampiro de Curitiba - Dalton Trevisan
Todos os Contos - Clarice Lispector (this one has a nice english edition)
Vidas Secas - Graciliano Ramos
Alguma Poesia - Carlos Drummond de Andrade
O Cortiço - Aluísio Azevedo
Asfalto Selvagem - Nelson Rodrigues

>all these portumeme writers
>fucking gil vicente

>Raduan Nassar
Good taste user.

Você é um cuck.

Cantares Galegos
Follas Novas
Os dous de sempre
Os vellos non deben de namorarse

Some other good books not named by the Anons

Viva o Povo Brasileiro - João Ubaldo Ribeiro
O Tempo e o Vento - Érico Veríssimo
Incidente em Antares - Érico Veríssimo
Os velhos marinheiros e a morte e a morte de Quincas Berro d’agua - Jorge Amado
Gabriela Cravo e Canela - Jorge Amado
Tereza Batista Cansada de Guerra - Jorge Amado
Crônica da Casa Assassinada - Lúcio Cardoso

>Lucíola - José de Alencar
>Memórias de um Sargento de Mílicias - Manuel Antônio de Almeida

those are crap

Do you like One Hundred Years of Solitude?

I don't give a shit, I'm indeed not proud of this country. I'm not one of those muh br culture soyboys. I'll gtfo first chance I get.

That's not br, but I'm kinda neutral towards it. It's overhyped as well. I find it hard to connect to Latin American literature. It's kinda the same feeling I have towards African authors, albeit somewhat subtler. Like when you read a book about some Afghani girl and it's ALWAYS THE SAME SHIT, and you just can't stand it anymore.

>All this Jorge Amado
You redeemed yourself with Viva o Povo Brasileiro.

Morangos mofados-Caio Fernando de Abreu

>he doesnt like Capitães da Areia

>That's not br,

Eu sei que não é. Só perguntei por que eu sentia o mesmo que você pela literatura brasileira, mas após ler 100 Anos de Solidão passei a sentir mais orgulho da literatura de nosso continente e a ver nossa literatura com outros olhos.

Também é curioso (ao menos para mim) o quanto eu gostava de ler os contos realistas de Tolstói e Tchekhov (que falam da pobreza dos mujiques e da desigualdade social) mas não gostava de ler sobre os mesmos problemas em nossa realidade.

Enfim, eu concordo que muitos de nossos escritores escolhem dar uma enfase obsessiva a nossas mazelas e focar apenas nesse ponto, porém creio que temos bons livros por aqui.

>It's overhyped as well.

Eu realmente não penso assim. Creio que é um dos livros mais belos que já li. Olhando para a cara do Gabriel García Márquez você não diria que ele seria capaz de escrever aquilo, e mesmo seus outros livros não chegam ao mesmo nível, a essa mesma síntese. Creio que nenhum romance norte-americano ou inglês se compara a Cem Anos de Solidão (nem meu amado Moby Dick).

Claro, os romances de Tolstói são outra história, mas mesmo assim continuo vendo 100 Anos de Solidão como algo muito especial, mais como um poema em prosa sobre a história da humanidade (do gênesis ao apocalipse) comprimida em apenas um século.

>I don't give a shit, I'm indeed not proud of this country. I'm not one of those muh br culture soyboys. I'll gtfo first chance I get.

Se você não gosta do país agora, se prepare: com o golpe de estado da extrema direita e as medidas que estão sendo tomadas nós vamos sofrer retrocessos sociais gravíssimos. Se a coisa estava feia, vai ficar pior.

>I'm indeed not proud of this country

Why don’t you do something meaningful to help the image of our country?


C’mon, that fucking meme-word has been circulating for what, one week and you are already using it? Don’t be that much of a teenage-meme-minded kind of guy.

>I'll gtfo first chance I get.

Let me guess: to the US?

>Se você não gosta do país agora, se prepare: com o golpe de estado da extrema direita e as medidas que estão sendo tomadas nós vamos sofrer retrocessos sociais gravíssimos. Se a coisa estava feia, vai ficar pior.


Nem vou perder meu tempo. Só a Reforma Trabalhista é exemplo suficiente do que eu falei.

Neoliberalismo (a modinha por aqui) é um sistema que apenas aumenta o abismo de desigualdade social entre as pessoas, e isso segundo o próprio FMI (o grande defensor desse sistema nos anos 80 e 90):



Pode ter certeza: os níveis de criminalidade, de empregos precários, de trabalho escravo, de falta de acesso a Universidades - tudo isso vai aumentar.

I'm gonna answer in english, after all this isn't a br board.

The thing is the "brazilian identity" was always a very far away reality for me, as I grew up in a small city in the south. Most br literature seems far too stereotypical for my liking, and that includes the good and the bad stuff. When they focus on social issues and the like you get something really depressing such as O Cortiço, after which I feel tired and filthy, as explained beforehand. When they decide to focus on the supposedly good things, it's beach, alcohol, samba and everyone fucking each other like there's no tomorrow. Again, I finish the book feeling tired and filthy. And authors such as Jorge Amado try so hard to push their agenda my impatience piles up.
I'm thinking of reading 100 Years in Spanish to see whether I feel differently about it.
>golpe de estado da extrema direita
I could go on and on about the thousand reasons why that isn't gonna happen anytime soon, but given the rest of your reply my guess is it would fall on deaf ears. If the arts community didn't suck the government's tits for 10 years in hopes some Rouanet money landed on them, something good could've come out of the changes the country went/is going through. But they're too busy being political puppets to sit down and come up with something original. They act as if Rouanet was a gift from the heavens, yet nobody bats an eye when Luan Santana and Claudia Leitte get millions from it. Good art doesn't come out of government support, you can't fake demand. All you get is a bunch of sycophants desperately praising whoever puts money in Rouanet.

>why don't you help the country
The big question is: did I ever belong here? All I had any identification with was the region around where I grew up in, and the government is destroying it by sending a disproportionate amount of Haitians and African immigrants here while they could send them to some city with infrastructure and jobs. This was a predominantly rural place, and it was great. Now it's ruined, and most people who cared about it are either dead or on the verge of death. I have nothing to do in here, this place is completely hostile.
And no, I'd rather move to Europe, but if I only get the chance to go to the US so be it. I'll go to Europe in the future.

This is the reason why the BR arts community sucks: it isn't an arts community, it's a political campaign community.
And just for the sake of replying your political rant: neoliberalism and communism both serve the same groups of people on top, the difference is communism is too abrupt and breeds tough skinned people, thus it will likely not happen again. Neoliberalism is about the illusion of freedom, Brave New World and all of that. Read up on the groups on top, everything else is just a symptom of that, the FMI included. Issues such as violence, employment and what have you have their roots much beyond the Reforma Trabalhista, stop drinking the kool aid. These are symptoms of a much bigger issue, but I won't discuss it here as this is a literature board. If you indeed care about debating these issues I recommend you go to /pol/, you should be able to defend your stances without having a knee jerk reaction if you're so sure of them.

>When they decide to focus on the supposedly good things, it's beach, alcohol, samba and everyone fucking each other like there's no tomorrow.

Well,a place to start is to focus on good things other than that.

>The thing is the "brazilian identity" was always a very far away reality for me, as I grew up in a small city in the south.

Same with me. But it's hard to have an Brazilian identity on so huge and multifaced a country like Brazil.

>uma vez mais, uma thread que podia ser para falar sobre literatura portuguesa e abrir os olhos ao Veeky Forums é desviada por autistas brasileiros que acham que a literatura deles é espetacular e que Portugal é só Camoes e padre antonio vieira
>menção especial para o retardado que acha que a "extrema"-direita vai fazer um goldpe de Estado no Brasil

Foda-se para esta merda, devíamos ter colonizado a puta do Canadá

Fuck off brazucas, you fucking ruin every single thread with your inferiority complex, shitty attitude and awful dialect

Francamente é triste a falta de autores africanos nessa thread. Mas eu não sei porra nenhuma sobre isso, vai outro.
Op, since you seem to have way too much as it is I'll just sum up the best yet real quick.
Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa.
Poesia Completa de Alberto Caeiro.
Fuck the rest of Pessoa's work, specially the tales. Alvado Campos good, but not on the same level as above.
Alguma Poesia by Carlos Drummond de Andrade.
Antonio Vieira in general.
Devil to Pay in the Backlands by Guimaraes Rosa.
Noite na Taverna.
That's it go for spanish or something.

t. Alberto Barbosa

>a falta de autores africanos nessa thread
Eu postei os dois melhores

that's brazilian education for ya

Um thread brasileiro, que nojo

I thought brazillian inferiority complex was just a meme, jesus...

Some things have a reason why user

Machado de Assis is a very solid writer.

>Being this stupid

Am I the only portuguesefag who don't like Saramago?

Nossa. Já estou sentindo daqui a catinga de negro.
Deixe de ser retardado, pare de envolver política por aqui.

>Good taste user.
Thanks, I have read almost all his work( one book and a half), I'm missing Copo de Colera, but I should read it soon. He is truly a great writer, the movie adaptation of his novel did not please me though; have you seen it?

>>Lucíola - José de Alencar
>>Memórias de um Sargento de Mílicias - Manuel Antônio de Almeida

The aren't, the reason you dislike them is because you have to read it during high school.

>Lúcio Cardoso
That's a surprise, I discovered this author three days ago and haven't read anything by him yet, is he really good?

>já estou sentindo daqui a catinga de negro

I haven't seen it, but if you say it's bad I didn't lost anything of value. I've read Lavoura Arcaica and for the first time felt sad about the waning size of a writer's ouvre, nonetheless, amazing writer.

enternecedor como los nacionalistas gallegos quieren adherise a la lengua y cultura portuguesa para rechazar la española negando así la propia gallega. Tú presumirás de ser gallego pero flaco favor haces a tu pueblo constriñendo su identidad y esencia, siempre ligada al pueblo español.

Sois tan simples y fanáticos que redundáis en vuestro propio perjuicio, ya hicisteis a Rosalía dejar de escribir en gallego y desarrollar en sus últimos años su obra principalmente en español como En las orillas del Sar así como que la juventud por evitar asociarse con vuestro nacionalismo lingüístico espurio utilice el español y no el gallego.

Lo pasarás muy bien por Coruña, amiguito.

I wouldn't say that it's a bad movie as I rarely enjoy adaptations of books I like. I remember enjoying John Ruston's Moby Dick, but that's about it; Dracula, a book that really disappointed me, had a great adaptation by Werner Herzog.
Anyway, one thing I enjoyed about the movie was the actress they've chosen to play Ana.


Oswald de Andrade desu