The reason why is because

>the reason why is because...

It is astounding how often this mistake is made.

Every time someone starts a sentence with "and the reason why" (which is usually redundant as it is) I just pause and wait for the "is because" and manage to be twice redundant using just five words.

By the way, the correct sentence is
>the reason is that

9 times out of 10 the word "that" will also be redundant. So the correct way is "the reason is".

The word that is usually added to improve clarity and remove ambiguity.

The best thing about Veeky Forums is that you're anonymous.
The best thing about Veeky Forums is you're anonymous.

Second flows better.

The best thing about Veeky Forums is anonymity


'That' makes it explicit that the reason is a fact/state of affairs that a proposition describes.

But you can't rewrite every sentence. Sometimes "that" is necessary.

You realise the "is" is redundant, right?

>Anonymity, the best thing about Veeky Forums.

pretty clever i gotta say

>not 'the reason being'

no verb

This is especially redundant in argumentative essays. The whole text should be explaining your reasoning. Write every word of it as if it is your gospel.

about Veeky Forums? The best thing: anonymity!

Yes verbal fillers are a thing.



you realize that "redundancy" implies that your version is semantically isomorphic to the original, right?

>hey user what's the best thing about 4chubs?

The Virgin Grammarian vs The Chad Linguist

this. so many grad students are paralyzed by this trepidatious self-abrogation that denies any possibility that what they’re saying is true.

This is metagrammar snake oil though, no one in their right mind would reject a well argued well researched piece for a few rhetorical "I believe"s and "I think that"s.

one thing i cannot stand is lack of examples where one would be very useful to the reader, and you seem like the kind of person that wouldn't use examples to keep his text "gospel-like", and would rather opt for prose that is abstract and general. i've actually concluded that starting off with an example and THEN explaining the general makes much more sense than doing it the other way round.

What does any of that have to do with what I said?

You are retarded

sorry was meant to reply to and
forgives please

What an autistic thread.

Who said I had to answer a question? What are you on about?

Best part of Veeky Forums? Anonymity!

Look at me in mr big words over here

Big words shroud clarity

Veeky Forums's best part? Anonymity!

>The word that is usually added to improve clarity and remove ambiguity.
Most redundant writers probably think that.

The second sounds fucking awful and clunky. Kys

Brainlets, the worst thing about Veeky Forums.

Anonymity, Veeky Forums's acme.

You talkin' to me?

good post

good thread

This thread is worse than reddit

>The reason is is that...

Bein' user: Veeky Forums's acme

>just because x doesn't mean y.
Fuck these sentences.

>is is
DFW loved this

>X doesn't exist in a vaccuum

