I'm really excited to read this. Can someone hype it up even more for me?

I'm really excited to read this. Can someone hype it up even more for me?

you're just asking for pinecone spoilers


Why does it have the same cover as some woolf novel?

It's good

Just reached the end of part 1 and beginning of part 2 (Iceland Spar). Wtf?!?! What was that?

Dude it's such a good book you should read it. It's amazing, just like all of Pynchon's other works. Confusion, paranoia, goofs and gags!

underground cabal lets in dimension hoppers in chicago fair 1983
you're going into inner earth now

you've met tesla, yeah?

Yeah. I ... mostly got that. Should I be consulting something else as I read?

This but only semi-ironically

Don't go in expecting to finish it anytime soon. Take your time and enjoy the ride.

Should you read it with an aid?

Why would you

It's pretty straightforward, but there's the usual Pynchonian fantasmagoria that won't make any sense on first reading.

here's the chums of chance
they're the bois of the skois

Here's Duece and Sloat
they nasty

here's scarsdale vibe and Foley Walker (aka scarsdale vibe) foley has psychic powers from a bullet in his brain he took for serving as scarsdale's surrogate in the civil war

they evil

Did you know that the Traverse family is related to Zoyd Wheeler from his other novel? There's a family tree on one of these pynchon wikis

The pynchon universe is like the view askewniverse

I'm the person who was thrown by the traveling into the earth and encountering warring gnomes poster. I'll admit I'm reading more to pick up on style so I'm not horribly concerned with missing some things here and there, but I really wasn't expecting that kind of bizarre, out of the real world, twist. More so because I've read other Pynchon books and wasn't aware he actually did stuff like that. I had been wondering how the chums ended up going from India or wherever to the Arctic but wasn't expecting that fantastic storytelling. It's something I'm welcoming however.

>the bois of the skois

boys of the skies

Have you read Mason & Dixon? Because that prepared me for a lot of the strangeness of AtD