Really enjoyed the whole theme of letting go in this book. What does Veeky Forums think of the Great Gatsby?

Really enjoyed the whole theme of letting go in this book. What does Veeky Forums think of the Great Gatsby?

God-tier prose and very poignant

I love it. Many people go into it looking for some huge revelation and leave disappointed, but it's not trying to do that. It's just a beautiful book.

one of the best prose stylists ever, but also not a chore to read like Joyce.

It's a beautiful little book.

Most people go into it because they're 10th grade teacher made them

English is not my native language, so I've never got to read The Great Gatsby on school/high school.
I've been reading books in english since last year and Gatsby was one of the first ones I did. I liked it a lot, though i'll have to admit, I did watch the Gatsby movie they did and going into the book I was very surprised and pleased. It's a short concise beautiful book, and it's qualities shouldn't be undermined by the fact that the book is beign read by kids/teenagers.

When I first read it, my favorite part was the early chapter when they get drunk and rowdy in the hotel room.
Don't really give a shit about the theme.

Probably in my top 5 favorite novels. I wish Fitzgerald's other books were equally good.

I think Tender Is the Night is superior, albeit not as rich.

I couldn't get past the much weaker prose. The plot is more interesting, and the characters are more three-dimensional, but even though the novel has much more to say, it struck me as much less interesting.

"Perverted as a breakfast of eggs and hashish" made me giggle, though. Great simile.

I kind of liked the way that the story is told, a blank generic guy being at the right place at the right time helps push the story along in a way that makes sense.

Utterly beautiful book. To me, its main quality is not really about "the american dream" or any of that. But just how so many sentences capture the feeling of longing, of wanting something that will always be just out of your reach. The book is filled with these descriptions of fierce desire for a memory that you can never quite attain

It falls apart in the last third. Scott needed to lay off the alcohol.

>Come to thread expecting Veeky Forums to shit on Gatsby
>People actually praise it

I'm surprised considering the contrarian nature of this place.
Gatsby is fantastic and Fitzgerald's prose is of an enviable quality. He makes good writing seem so effortless.

Was Nick Carraway meant to be read as gay? (or possibly bisexual?) Not exclusively because of his obsession with Gatsby, but I remember one section of the book where, quite abruptly, he winds up in bed with another man in nothing but his underwear.

Hating The Great Gatsby is the most entry level Veeky Forums opinion

When I read it I was very surprised at how good it actually is. Really effective prose and there's not one extraneous detail. Now that we're talking about it I actually want to go read some more Fitzgerald.

hating the great gatsby is the great gatsby of Veeky Forums opinions

Meh. Normalfaggot wageslave fantasies at best, I do not see what the author tried to convey.If the theme was "letting go", it was merely a better articulated formofg chad's "be urself" and stacy's "it's just sex YOLO"

I greatly enjoyed Nick’s character, especially during the drunken retard apartment party scene. His introspective description of the many apartment windows and there odd surreal within-without disassociated existence. the sort of birthing of schizo atomized existence with each little cell looking out while containing its own self-oriented world within was brilliant. Fitzgerald is a decent writer, and those who shit on him are mostly pretentious caterpillars with nothing to do all day but nibble on the fruits of better minds.

Super slick prose, it's the literature equivalent of Kanye West - Gold Digger

Money is the only thing that never betrays you.

Fuck bitches, acquire currency (and a love doll).