I've decided to finally get into reading. I'm an English major, but usually just watch YouTube in my spare time...

I've decided to finally get into reading. I'm an English major, but usually just watch YouTube in my spare time, so I've dug up all the books I bought years ago with the intention to read. What should I have/not have in this stack Veeky Forums?

read 50 philosophy ideas. I only know a few and I'm a philosophy major and that way you can know more than a major in that subject

apologies for the sideways pic.
Cool, what philosophy have you been studying?

Get rid of Palahniuk.

Why would you major in a useless subject if you're not even passionate about it? Fuck is you doing?

I've been engaged with the core readings, but outside of college allocated material I've only read about five books this year.

Apart from Dostoyevsky you can throw it all away.

Throw away all self help and stay away from non fiction right now just to be safe

Alternate between trying new classic authors and reading books you find enjoyable. Your taste will come naturally

Soon enough you will be more patrician than most of lit

The 8 mindful steps book is one I want to re read, loved it the first time. I've read two books on Buddhism before, and just want to get into it more.

Any fiction you'd recommend with casual enough prose?

>I've decided to finally get into reading. I'm an English major

Trust me, it's less weird than you think. Few people sharing my course would read more than a handful of books each year for pleasure.

>Few people sharing my course would read more than a handful of books each year for pleasure.

thats sounds bad

He's right. I know a bunch of English majors and they literally don't read. They barely even read for class.

Most people here try and find time to read that assigned work for recreation


>Did you only become and English major today?
Or are you instead,
>an Ursa Major!
Get it, I "usually just watch Youtube" (OP)

Beowulf is a re-read, when I was studying it I didn't get to take my time with it to enjoy it.



I ain't reading a damn thing recommended to me through the medium of an anime pic

t. lemming of the system.

What the fuck have they been teaching you?

>Few people sharing my course would read more than a handful of books each year for pleasure

no no no, that's a chinese cartoon

I read all the college material, but by the time I get home or I commute I just listen to music or watch videos, so I'm trying to get into reading as a hobby once more.

OP here, college is tough. Who has time for extracurriculur reading in between assigned readings, coursework, exams, getting trashed, and fucking nubile undergrads?

This. It's also why many English majors end up being miserable middle school teachers. If you're passionate enough, know how to read and can write properly, you can more or less easily get a job in academia as long as you're not hated by literally everyone.

4/5. Guess which one you got wrong...

30 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes at night. ~40 pages. 1200 pages a month. That's 50 300 page books a year on a bare minimum not even paying that sharp a focus reading. And you consider all the down time, waiting for your next class or on the bus or something, you could get more reading done there. There's no excuse.

Yeah I've started (literally today) reading 20 pages a day, that's the goal I'm setting. It took me about 50 mins to get through 20 pages today of a book with small font, but yeah you're right there's no excuse at all. If I've time for Veeky Forums, I've time to read. But I'm discipline myself.

Favourite books I've read in the last year, outside of college stuff, have been Lolita, Ulysses, and Room.

>I'm discipline myself
I'm also learning how to speak, apparently...

But the more pertinent question I'm having trouble with is why are people balking at pursuing their declared interest, where they have to force and discipline themselves to study the thing they're into, when it isn't that big a commitment in the first place? Why is the -want- not there? where is the hunger?

>he doesn't know about page dimensions and typeface sizes
Ask me how I know you're a fiction cuck

40 pages is the lower limit for people starting out. If you can't make that with denser texts, well I've got some news for you.

Philosophy major here.

Shit is heavy. I can read like two or three books a month max. I think i am a brainlet. But don't wanna be a stem or wageslave either. I am just hoping to be a mediocre academic. My problem is I am a slave to my baser desires. Hence why I support Decadent Astrotheological Freudo-Marxism.

>philosophy academic

Have fun competing for the three positions open in academic philosophy yearly, that are usually only adjunct ones that pay a poverty-level salary. Maybe after two of those, and two or three or seven postdocs, you can have a TT job in bumfuck Idaho until you eventually inevitably overdose on Xanax.

>tfw no hope

>Implying that a STEM degree which pathways you into a job is worse than a degree which will give you very few options unless you get the highest marks and saddle you with debt.

As mentioned earlier, I am a brainlet. Barely understand logic. Just like dem pretty words in books. What use has STEM for a monkey like me?

>I've decided to finally get into reading
I can feel the heat coming on
> I'm an English major, but usually just watch YouTube in my spare time
This is bait. This is bait. This is bait.
>so I've dug up all the books I bought years ago with the intention to read
Gonna smash my keyboard
>the books are ok but there's only 13 of them
I was about to rip apart my room but you soothed my nerves at the end. Just go look at the pleb list and pick what looks good out at a used book store user

I can't fucking believe how badly read you are.

this is the most embarrassing try-hard post i've read all week. Are you 12?

I can't even tell which layer we're on anymore

w-would you like a hug?

I'm aware of that. Hobbit is huge, crime and punishment is not. But it evens itself out.

*sips water*
*spits it out*

Go fuck yourself.

Alright how about this.
Stem will train you into a job or practice and if you do reasonably well you'll have a job within 1-2 years.
Keep doing a degree where you read about pretty words for a couple years with a big fat debt at the end.
This is why reading should be done for leisure or a hobby until you're super into it.

Until? Not unless? I am into reading. It is one of my favorite leisure activities. I am just also lazy. Diagnosed ADD as a child. Stopped taking medicine in elementary school after DARE lol. I am also just not on the genius level of some of my peers. I know one kid who knows Ancient Greek, Latin, and Hebrew and here I am struggling with French... wouldn't being a brainlet suck for STEM? I haven't taken math since high school trigonometry.

What STEM major would you suggest? I guess I should talk to a counselor...

I have thought about switching to psychology before since it seems to offer interesting opportunities and all I would need extra is stats.