Do any of you litfags keep a journal? I tried to, during 2017...

Do any of you litfags keep a journal? I tried to, during 2017, but it ended up being a notebook for writing expenses and taking work notes, not a proper journal.

Maybe I'd make it a goal for 2018 to keep a journal, but I wouldn't know what to write. I'd feel like a pretentious fag.

Don't write about what happens during your day, write about how you feel about what happened during your day.


I tried bullet journaling in 2017. Kept up with it for maybe 2 months or so, fell out of it, and kept it to see if my roommate and I owed each other money. Then I tried picking it back up when I started college again and my classes took up so much of my time that journaling was one of the first nonessential activities that got the boot.
I also tried keeping a .txt where I did basically but I took my Chromebook out of developer mode, lost the local file, and never started it again. The whole time I was afraid that someone would find it somehow, despite the chances of someone being able to see that file are infinitely lower than someone being simply curious about what I keep in a notebook.

i love the idea of starting one, feel like it would help me as a person, but i always get to obsessed with how it looks rather then the actual journaling

use Evernote. bullet journal is a meme

I started an EverNote last year to record all my thoughts and opinions on literature and film after I'd read/watched something that made me think.

It helped me flesh my thoughts out, helped me retain a lot more, and it's interesting coming back and seeing how you looked at how you interpreted and felt about a novel/film 9 months ago as almost a different person.

I have a cheapo android phone that gets confused if I type for more than 30 seconds. Couldn't imagine using Evernote on it. And if I'm supposed to just use it on PC, I might as well just use a .txt file.

>tags,notebooks, and loads of other features
>might as well use .txt

>Tags, folders, loads of other features
Well maybe .docx files would be better there

>Paid service
>Not everything is always synced

Hell, if I want Evernote on PC without having to pay, I'm sure there's 1000 freeware alternatives sitting around.

you don't have to pay

If you want all the features, yeah
I actually don't know what those are mind you, but who cares when .txt files work for me
Also I really like Onenote for school (Storage is paid but also kind of free as part of my tuition fees I guess) and just realized that I could use that too

Instead I keep a sketchbook and sometimes write shit I saw in dreams

Veeky Forums is my personal journal.

the point is that you get better functionality than the bullet meme journal or a text file using Evernote

I can agree with that

starting a journal was the best decision i ever took. started in september, wrote 250 pages since

Yeah kinda but one I use to record reading and some definitions ass for the other I barely use because I don't know what to write about

I tried to, but nothing happens to me so instead its filled with inane incomplete ramblings and thumbnail writings. Plus my pens are shit and smudge all over the goddamn paper.

I do, but only write in it once in a while. What demotivates me is that if I start a formal journal I'm always preoccupied with making the entries seem intelligent or polished, so it comes off as kind of pseudo-philosophical. In the past I've kept cheap notebooks to dump my thoughts in sometimes; I always liked those entries because they were more organic.

I write down stuff when interesting things happen, the rest of my life is too boring to keep a daily record of.
The result is something a bit HST-esque, a period of a few weeks in which obscene amounts of drugs happen sprinkled with some sex.

What's the benefit over a bullet meme journal? I can think of:
>Available on any electronic, making it impossible to lose
>No need to carry multiple pens or highlighters for multiple colors or highlighting
>Don't need multiple notebooks keeping up space
But otherwise, having a physical journal seems to be a better choice due to the freedom of the pen. And no, the touchscreen of a phone doesn't do the trick when it's so much less accurate.

I have blogged for sixteen years. Not as frequently these days, but that's adulthood for you.

I take notes in a note app for practical purposes but I think documenting your life in the forms of diary entries and pictures is a distasteful clinging to what will be lost inevitable tbqh.

OP here. Same. I'd spend half an hour on the same sentence, not because I want to say something to myself, but because the cursive looks off.

write about being a pretentious fag

that wears off
I've been keeping a journal for almost a year now and for the first few entries I kept obsessing over the look and kept rereading them again and again to critique the writing but once you develop a habit it goes away
aside from the first 4 entries or so I have barely read a word I've written since

also use a physical book, not a fucking program
that way you feel like you're actually accomplishing something

>use a physical book

I want to do this but I would be deathly afraid of someone finding it and reading it. Even using software I'd be worried. Does that not worry you at all?

not particularly
if you still live with your parents don't you have a room to yourself?

I have kept one over a couple of months so far for days when i felt like i had a lot of things on my mind. Writing my thoughts down, and really trying to get it right helped me sort out what i was thinking and feeling, and made me sleep easier. Externalizing your thoughts will make you look at them in a different way, since now you can see exactly how ridiculous some things look when you write them down, and also it can help you remember important feelings and ideas.

For example i wrote an entry every time i became angry for like a week, often writing while i'm still fuming. Not only did i feel better once i had written out exactly what made me angry: at the end of the week i looked over the pattern that causes me to be angry and it has helped me become more mindful of the things that (i hate to use this word now) trigger my anger. Lots of problems that you wouldn't just solve in your head become a lot easier to solve once you have externalized your thoughts.

I just write in a normal Word document, with a few empty lines inbetween every entry, and the date and time in bold underlined. I don't do any creative writing, but just keeping a journal has made me more articulate and aware of what language i use.