Was Plato talking about a Caste system?


Yeah, Paganism always result in Caste degeneracy. If you read Aristotles politics its full of caste based understanding of societies.
Be thankful for the Christian faith which prevented Europe spiralling into an India like shithole

No, he was talking about the soul.

A hierarchy is natural.

Go be natural in the jungle nigger

You aren't exactly contradicting the other guy.

If you don't inherit your caste, is a caste system bad?

How would you get your caste then?

A merit system based on publicly funded education... Oh wait.

Platon is unironically talking about an intellectual vanguard, leading the people in the right direction.

this is the original of that image btw

In the Republic, Plato described a system in which children receive their caste based on school performance. They either become producers (farmers, craftsmen, etc.), auxiliaries (warriors), or guardians (leaders). The children of the leaders could become farmers, and the children of farmers could become leaders, based on individual merit.

And a hierarchy will naturally form even without government, so why do we need governments to arbitrarily hold people down?

Greeks were the pinnacle of mankind.

Fuck off commie.

That isn't smug. He is disgusted.

Did he mention how to avoid corruption?

the Republic is an anology for how one ought to moderate their own actions according to their position in life, not a model of politics. Plato himself admits that the model Republic collapses at the slightest introduction of complex social or economical issues, such as the production of luxury items which naturally motivate individuals to act beyond the interests of their station on an economic level.

Try reading the fucking book

What autist would call that cat "smug"?

You're right on the first point.

But it is a political novel. You're also right that it is idyllic and maybe quixotic, but not impossible.

Just improbable.

I think it's a great book on political science, because the greatest political philosophers, Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, etc. etc. knew how to interweave religion with political systems, to show how to move and create movement from the top down with God.

And this is necessary and also right, as shown most especially in the aforementioned authors by Plato himself. Make no mistake, The Republic is one of the only books I can think of that constitute a theological work and a political work at the same time well. But most authors strive to do just that.

>implying a government isn't a natural expression of this
what's the difference? It'll end the same either way.

just have really high standards for becoming a guardian.

>Try reading the fucking book
No u.

Yes but this school system you talk about.

Everyone should understand that in Plato's mind, the best form of society was a place where morals were held to a high standard.

Which is why the economy is actually socialist in the Republic. All divine kingdoms are socialist when it comes to property, after all.

In this way, this caste system actually works best, because everyone is technically the parent of everyone's child. And it actually says this in the book itself. That every individual should consider everyone else their family.

THAT is the ONLY reason why such a caste system instilled in education during the youth (no need to restrict it to 'school') could be applicable to defining what metal the children's souls were made of.

Yes, Plato knew that humans are naturally unequal. Egalitarianism is an aberration arising from Christian thought.

Caste systems will soon rise again, once it's obvious that equality is completely antithetical to nature and humanity

governments don't select rulers as well as the market does

Okay but you cannot combine this viewpoint with aggression. This is where the Darwinists fail. It must be combined with love.

And if someone wishes to refine their souls to purer metals then as opposed to believing in reincarnation in the carnal state like Plato, this ideal society would believe in reincarnation while you live, being reborn again and again. In this way, you could refine the metal you were born with, and your soul with it.

But you fools! The biggest point of that whole passage is that you would tell it to the children and have it be their fundamental view of the world! Then if they were told their soul was not purified it was because they weren't born Good enough. In this way, whatever aspect evil worms its way into our brains, whether it is spiritual or genetic, it will be absolutely slaughtered. And this is the way to do it. To praise what is good, and admonish what is evil. To die and be reborn again as one lives.

You're right. The Christians don't have the balls for that kind of draconian thinking.

False the market is a complete democracy. That's slavery to popular opinion. Far too simplistic. Go back to reading, please.

"popular opinion" in this case would literally follow whatever worked the best

God damn it. Platonist circles were unique in that they promoted equality. Women were leaders back then. Slaves participated. The republic is an allegory. He is talking about the tripartite soul. Please stop this bullshit you fucking idiots.

The Greeks were big into slaves
Not in that sense. Maybe the hierarchical organization of systems, but even that is disputable and unrelated to that kind of hierarchy. Let alone hierarchy as a property of what life do, know what I mean.
Regardless you are wrong and I'm a bit discombobulated to explain

So you're saying popular opinion with regards to leaders is correct?

I concede the point, fine. But in most other matters it is not good. But since the popular opinion has not to do with any materialistic matters and how well they like a person, this could be admitted. The issue is how does someone really get to know everyone. Like really, it seems the best way to organize government would be a circulating aristocracy that is focused on preserving intellectual vigor, objective morals, and industrial creativity.

This is a futuristic government. But in order to create the future and pave the way for progress, government must be retrenched and centralized.