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Literature #105
Give me feedback
Who here has a Veeky Forumserary name?
Post your best work thus far and see how shit it and you actually are
What books do MEN read?
What are the arguments against "gender is a construct"?
What are some tips for writing microstories or flash fiction? Ive read some really bad ones...
Any good poet can write good prose but not every prose writer can write good poetry
You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery...
You awaken in the middle of the night to pic related standing at the foot of your bed...
Why there's no alternative to the capitalism versus socialism/comunism dycothomy
When did you realize that philosophy isn't as mindblowing or enlightening as you were originally lead to believe?
Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea...
Why does this shit resonate so much? Has it permeated our culture to that degree...
What the actual fuck?
ITT: authors who wasted their exceptional prose
What are some books that will make me value women as human beings?
Post shelf gore
Dan Dennett: the point of philosophy is to convince average people that science has everything figured out
Post you best science fiction book ideas
Eastern philosophy
Macaulay, Lincoln, Ruskin, de Quincey, Browne, and Emerson are the greatest prose artists in the English language...
Never read Pynchon. Is it any good?
Hey brainlet theists:
What's this guys problem?
Was this a deconstruction of the fantasy genre?
ITT writers who absolutely positively posted on Veeky Forums
What is the most Veeky Forums STEM subject?
How do you go from this:
I enjoyed this
Nietszche paradox
"John Updike...
He hasn't studied meta-metaphysics
Any mensa members here?
Was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
What am i in for
Brainlet family members?
From what site do you fellers buy your books?
Naturalistic fallacy
Like, harry potter, i dont even know haha
Wake up at 10 am
If a book can't tell it's story in less than 1,000 pages it isn't worth reading
So I've just finished my first book( this)
Low iq here and want to read short stories. what authors my friends
This is without a doubt the dumbest twist ending I've ever read
Tfw the primary way I engage with literature is by listening to audiobooks while playing video games
You have 10 minutes to refute Nietzsche's will to power. Good luck, no one has done it yet
Do people even like Ezra Pound...
I wouldn’t dare give myself a ranking among my contemporaries in any field other than craftsmanship...
What are some anti-capitalist, but non communist books out there? Or even better...
Where do I start with Freud?
Name ONE (uno) good thing philosophy has done for you
Who are the greatest thinkers of our time?
The Art of Cruelty
ITT: Post Essential Red Pill Books For Your Ideology
Plato's dialogues vs. the Bible? Which is better/more essential?
Any of you anons read Thomas Metzinger...
Am i retarded
Who is, unironically might i add, the best philosopher seen in this image? I'm starting to lean Kierkegaard desu
What is the Veeky Forums recommended and approved e-reader? I was thinking of Pocketbook Touch HD 2, because of the 3...
By the time he was 12 years old...
Why do redditors aka (((intellectuals))) hate the Landmark series so much...
Stirnerians BTFO
So where does it say in Genesis that God created the universe from nothing?
Mfw you realize argueing Political philosophy is pointless
Alt-libertarian thread
How old are the posters on Veeky Forums?
Was Asimov right about 1984?
What music does Veeky Forums listen to?
Is it actually correct to lose your virginity?
Is it bad that I always skip the intro when I read a book? It always just feels like padding
Story is told from an animel's perspective
We all agree Novel is the lowest form of literature, right?
LOL What if I was a neoreactionary but also anti-racist? Wouldn't that be EPIC?
Meta Thread
What is the most obscure book have you ever read Veeky Forums? Did you like it?
DC Veeky Forums meetup round 2: electric boogaloo
I just realized I got raped by my dad as a kid and have pushed it so far out of mind for so long that I barely have a...
Can we discuss this. It's probably the comfiest book I've read in ages
What are some childhood bookinos?
Has this retard ever made a single coherent argument for anything in his entire life?
Why is this the Veeky Forums starter kit? Most these books suck
Peterson's book was pretty disapointing. Advice was basically just common sense shit you heard in Sunday school
How to write lewd scenes without it turning into smut?
Love letters
Worth the read?
Fuck, a cute girl lent this to me and now I have to read it. Is it any good?
Ok Veeky Forums whats ACTUALLY the best book because it's definitely not any of these
Years of shitposting and informal debates have allowed me to develop a rhetoric so exquisitely obnoxious that it causes...
Most depressing book you've ever read?
Read in public at uni to kill time between classes
That part in dune where they find the dune
Stop being fragile
How do we rate Chris Hedges?
Could there be any way for you to be enjoy a genre fiction book?
*plagiarises buddhism*
Who does this?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Outlaws of the Marsh / Water Margin Reading Group #1
Are intellectual people less interested in having sexual behaviours...
Am I just a brainlet or is Moby Dick really a struggle to get through? I'm only about six chapters deep, but god...
Do you think Pinecone is well read? I bet he just has a team of researchers...
Alright, i'm tired of hearing this debate, so it's time for the the highest IQ board to settle this once and for all
Unironic Peterson thread
What kind of literature is pic referring to?
Religion is bullshit
The purpose of life is whatever you make it to be
She was music
According to Derrida...
I hate 99.9% of women and think they're only good for sex and/or serving men
/language general/
Dialectically speaking, what is happening to the culture of Veeky Forums right now?
Find a flaw
Has Peterson actually attempted any real philosophy?
Where can I have an in-person philosophial debate in my city?
If Wordpress is so much more professional than blogspot/blogger...
Is there a body part which keeps getting mentioned in your writing? Mine is pic-related
Is his whole shtick literally just saying
At the risk of causing this board to heave, has anyone else been reading this crazy Michael Wolff novel?
What does he have to hide?
Book's story is in past tense
Ahh, just why did this get all the admiration by the critics and scholars? Did readers actually enjoy it? Even fans?
Anybody work at a library? What do you do?
Critique Thread
Books you threw in the trash after the first eight pages?
What are some psychedelic or schizophrenic books/writers?
Why aren't you greenpilled yet?
Why should I, an intellectual female...
Get complimented by almost everybody in school when it comes to my writing
Is it true?
Tfw no smart and Veeky Forums gf to discuss books and history with
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
He's thirty
Why are people so against communism when communism has not yet been achieved and would actually solve the problems that...
When you overhear two people arguing over what the "correct" definition of a word is
Can someone explain to me, why is Goethe regarded as one of the most intelligent...
What are some books that awakened you spiritually? When did you realize that science can't solve all of our problems?
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
Are her lyrics Veeky Forums?
Signs Of A Pseud
Learning Sanskrit
The anglo speaker question
Greatest comic novel since Confederacy Of Dunces
/SFfg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Not to be demeaning but
Which current contemporary thinkers/writers will be revered 30 years from now?
Is INTJ the greatest skillset for being an writer? Check out the master race right there
Do you think Jordan Peterson has read it and secretly knows the truth about this problem we're facing?
Be a neoliberal, except IRONICALLY xd *dabs*
The only that people believe this non-sense is by actively avoiding to think about it, right?
Who are some good contemporary short story writers?
I started reading this to be more smart. How can I apply the principles in this book to real life situations?
What's the most difficult book you've read that's not a Joyce book or Hegel?
Most literary pet?
Julius Evola Super-Fascist Edition
Thoughts on this man?
ITT things post-modernists have said that you agree with
Tfw your thoughts are too complex to possibly transcribe
Just read Frankenstein for a college class...
Why does he think the esoteric metaphysics of judaism, christianity, islam, mahayana buddhism, hinduism, daoism, etc...
Read a “Best-Seller”
Be Catholic
Give me your dankest ideas on what the fuck we as humans are doing here on earth and what our goal is supposed to be...
I read it and found it boring. What’s so special about it?
I'm looking for books with twink male characters that are possibly homosexual but the book doesn't tell you...
Debord traces the development of a modern society in which authentic social life has been replaced with its...
Catcher in the Rye
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins
Book ends with its title
Are there any books about mental health among Millenials?
Post a piece of artwork and get a recommendation similar to it
Which board would he be shitposting on Veeky Forums?
What are some books about "waifuism"?
Okay, what the actual fuck was his problem? Not even memeing...
Women can be writers too: the writer
What is the best version of The Divine Comedy?
Happy birthday, Virginia Woolf!
What does lit think of philip roth?
How Veeky Forums is your city?
Majoring in English
What are some good books on AI?
Why is Eastern philosophy not discussed more often on Veeky Forums?
What are some argument s against Stirner’s egoism?
Céline's vocal support for the Axis powers during the Second World War and his authorship of antisemitic pamphlets has...
Literary Share Thread
Who do you think will win the war on Lovecraft?
Can artificial intelligence produce greater literature than man?
This quote is so powerful, and especially meaningful in today's society of reactionaries
Has anyone ever complimented your writing?
What are the best books on how to seduce women?
What is the main critique against Jung's theories?
Ever met or communicated with a writer you like?
Plato or Aristotle?
Post sexy writers
Need some advice
Gonna be dumping the poetry of Veeky Forums-favorite John Williams. This is all from “The Broken Landscape”...
How do you argue with people who believe in logical fallacies?
Thoughts on this classic piece of literature, Veeky Forums?
Reminder that if you're not a bislut then you're not appreciating the Greeks and Romans enough
ITT: essential liberalist readings
Write something inspired by this painting
Question: What drove Nietzsche mad? Was it his philosophy, or some mental disease?
Obamas reportedly sign $65 million book deal with Penguin Random House
ITT: Essential pseud-core
Write what’s on your mind
The Petersonian "Lobster"
Why is it that Veeky Forums gets so buttmad over the ramblings of a random academic/literary critic...
Veeky Forums musicians?
What does Veeky Forums think of kpunk/Mark Fisher?
What kind of emotion is he displaying here?
Taking an African-American literature course (it's a requirement for the English major)
What books should men read to gain understanding of the female experience and better relate to women?
How do I learn to believe in god? What books should I read? The kjv isn't cutting it (over halfway through genesis)
What did he mean by this?
A fucking box
Just how comfy do you get before you start reading?
Modern covers
Peterson's Philosophy
Modernist Poetry
He's too self-consensus to read books in public
Stack/recent cops thread?
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why is writing a Tomboy character so hard?
"Start with the Greeks"
Just started reading this, what am I in for?
Why doens't lit ever talk about this book and his author? It seems like it would be a natural fit:
Are used bookstores agents of gentrification?
Veeky Forums approved female authors?
"I built a shack in the woods, now let me spend 150 pages telling you how much better I am than you"
Who was the greatest American writer of the twentieth century and why was it Philip Kindred Dick?
What does Veeky Forums think of Stephen King?
Let me get this straight...
New Critique Thread: Not started by a retard edition
Dune or Hyperion?
So, user, I heard you're a writer. How's that novel coming along?
Is there any good literature (not fantasy/genre stuff) that takes place in the Middle Ages?
Emiliy Dickinson, Henry David Thoreau, Louisa Alcott, Edgar Allen Poe, Edith Wharton
Just remembered the time when I was very into guy debord and the situationists
Gravity's Rainbow Reading Group: #05
Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I'll sock you in the goddamn face, and you'll stay plastered
Is it a meme?
Was Aristotle a Nazi?
Authors Wth The Best Book Cover Art
How do Christians deal with all the Bible passages showing Jesus is not divine?
Post the first word of your story in exchange for violent, bloodthirsty criticism
A hour ago
What are some good novels about time and the fact that a human life contains a small amount of it?
I read philosophy books
What the FUCK was his problem?
Tfw aged 27 ugly meek beta, no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to pub...
Similar plots
What was the last book that made you do this, Veeky Forums?
The Last Man in Literature
What languages should I learn if I want to read the most beautiful literature and poetry in its native tounge?
Egg - Short Stories by Michael Gira
Is Bloom actually a good critic, or is he just a meme like Roger Ebert?
Anyone here read anything other than Slaughterhouse-Five and Cat's Cradle?
Are there any famous /fitlit/ writers?
/SfFg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Jordan Peterson’s Daughter
Stop being fragile
What do you do when you find a new word you don't know? Keep a journal and google the definition?
What's the literary equivalent of Chris-Chan's comics and Sharknado?
These are the forces that are thought to drive us through life
Based old high school english teacher
Is this one of the greatest pieces of fantasy Veeky Forumserature every written?
Wtf I hate brown people and BOOMERS now
Read Greek tragedies
*laughs at you*
Skipping the translator's preface
I just went through a loss, and my normal moral autism...
"So you reading, user? Tell me, what's your favourite book written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie? Oh...
So, what is consciousness?
Admit it, the only reason to read the Bible in 2018 is to do picrelated as you go through classical literature...
Can good taste be acquired? Can you improve your comprehension of literature? I never went to art school...
What do you guys think of the work of Nikos Kazantzakis?
A popular Chinese author said on Monday many parts of his science fiction trilogy, The Three-Body Problem...
"Behold! I am weary of my wisdom, like a bee that has gathered too much honey; I need hands outstreched to take it."
Read the book posted under you
Guns in fantasy
Can we keep Veeky Forums text only? It’s help with pol and Peterson posting
How do atheists keep from becoming nihilistic hedonists?
What am i in for?
/clas/ - Classical Greek and Roman Literature Thread
Canterbury Tales
Why does everyone just keep on giving away valuable food and supplies to complete strangers?
ITT: Life-changing books
Blogger or Wordpress
I have Nietzsche, Kant, Plato and The Bible. What is the correct order for reading them? Chronological seems obvious...
What do i think of murakami?
Chess books thread
Can you be good without god?
Is he overrated?
Reading Speed / Sub-Vocalizing
If you had to choose only ten books that are essential Veeky Forums, what would they be?
Post a name
Are there any quirks of yours that seem to seep into all of your works? This can be either good or bad...
Pynchon's next novel
Why do continental philosophers fail to make any advancements while analytics have given us so much?
Omg what happen to mishima
Post the worst thing you've ever written: passage, sentence, chapter. Don't matter, as long as you think it's garbage
Poetry critique thread
How to into Nietzsche
The theme of Lolita is not the corruption of an innocent child by a cunning adult...
Why should we trust anyone Veeky Forums?
How Veeky Forums is your city or hometown, user?
Can someone explain the last chapter to me?
How much do you faggots read ?
Because I could not stop for Death –
What am I in for?
Author describes a sex scene
Is there any reason at all to ever read the apocryphal dialogues and works?
Languages Thread
"The gathering point of geniuses, besides the research universities, is in the prisons.” - someone
Does it ever upset you how little activity this board has? Even the popular threads have like 2 posts an hour
Can you write a love poem, Veeky Forums?
It's a Mitya chapter
He works at a Barnes & Noble
Veeky Forums lyricists
Where should I start with him Veeky Forums? Also is there any importance in what translation I read?
ITT: Post the philosophical positions you hold
What's a good compilation of Pushkin's poetry for someone who has never read any Russian lit before?
Stop desiring your mom!
Apart from the Stranger. What else of his is good?
Seeking Submissions for Nationalist Lit Journal
Is it racist?
Hei Nigger
Is it worth reading
Jordan Peterson - Serious Thread
He did nothing wrong
Folklore creatures
Lit´s passions besides reading books?
Continentals: people concerned about genuine matters, real world issues, problems concerning humanity...
I'm in love with my PhD supervisor...
Has a book ever made you cry?
Just finished this. Did I like it?
When did it become fashionable for pseuds to dislike him and belittle his novel?
Book of the New Sun
What is the most Veeky Forums college or university?
The Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard, himself a resident of Sweden...
What philosophy is closest to "Nothing fucking matters at al "
What books do girls like?
Current Stack
What is bad about /Stoicism/ Veeky Forums?
Kindle or books?
So Veeky Forums
What did the distinguished philosopher Jordan Peterson mean by this?
Sup Veeky Forums
At long last, Stephen had done it: he had painted A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Ay teacher, user's reading his book in class again!
Philosophy is being replaced by science...
Did you ever fell in love with a character from a book?
I'm a retard that is easily impressed and I really like plot twists...
What does Veeky Forums think of Ben Shapiro's novel?
Books that changed your life
I miss him bros
Post a image, user recommends you a book. Let's go
Post the first sentence of your story. And get bullied
Are Christians allowed to be happy?
I'm going to work at a bookstore but I'm a non-reading Neanderthal, name the top 5 most important books to have read
Constantly too depressed to read books
Gilgamesh Thread
Post your country's most famous writer
There aren't people here who still think Nietzsche was a nihilist, right?
Gravity's Rainbow Reading Group: #04
I have bought that book and i want to start with James Joyce. Is it a good start...
I just bought a shitload of acid what should I read
Post your used book notes finds
How can literature retain a large audience in the age of advanced technology, limitless distraction...
Which major is more Veeky Forums, philosophy or literature?
Andrew Anglin
I am looking for a good book about dominating social interactions...
This board gets shittier everyday...
How i get into Phenomenology?
Who else shit memory here?
Which 21st century hacks will be remembered a century from now?
Is there any better representation of the enlightened mind in popular culture?
What the fuck in God's name has the New York Times come to?
Be brainlet who does nothing except play video games all day
Who is the best poet from your country?
Anti-Oedipus Book Club
Post a book that is well received by many but you personally hate
If I don't care about religion or morality is there any point in reading this?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Is the Fagles translation really bad or just a meme
Listens to audiobooks
What college do I go to if I:
Veeky Forums games
I get called pretentious and arrogant a lot because I read whenever I have the opportunity in class instead of having a...
Tfw made so much with crypto I won't have to work another day in my life
Mfw I like fascism
Voynich manuscript
Stirner: "Philosophy doesn't mind you convincing people to believe in spooks, Friedrich...
Sange's Critique thread
There is no reason to actually read fiction right? If you read 1000 fiction books you come out with nothing...
Is Carl Jung among the smartest people of all time?
What now?
Write what’s on your mind
What are some good books about alcoholism?
Cormac McCarthy on going through life without working:
What is the best language to philosophy, to think clearly, Veeky Forums?
Start with the Greeks bro
Writers throwing shit at other writers
Some books about our oversexualized and/or sexually repressed culture? Please no desu diaries or Eliot Rodgers
I'm inspired by the umpteenth negative John Green thread on here to post the catalog for his personal library...
Integrals in Infinite Jest??
Max Stirner
This is bait
"Oh, so you like reading, user? Tell me, what's your favourite book written by John Green? You haven't read him...
Post the five women that influenced your life more than others
/sFFg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
There have been Veeky Forums reading clubs for the postmodern meme books and I think there were a few for western...
ITT Biggest Pseuds in the history of philosophy
The Platonic Form of money
Any writers, philosophers, or theologians that jive with the big brain rung of pic related?
Critique Thread / Writing General
Who is the stupidest philosopher with the most profound insights?
So how many of these do you own? I currently only have the H.P Lovecraft Collection, Edgar Allan Poe Collection...
Hey mates, I'm about to read Conspiracy against human race. Has anyone read it ? is it any good...
What is the best book ever written?
Have you even read Locke, Veeky Forums?
Unpopular Opinions
My mortality frightens the shit out of me...
Have you ever been caught reading an illegal book?
Has nerd culture produced anything worth reading?
What's your favorite Lovecraft story?
Who has the same level of mastery of language as James Joyce and Shakespeare?
He still believes in evolution
Last meal you ate
Pick up a book
What the fuck? How is it even possible to write shit like this?
Tfw you realize the Brothers Karamozov was supposed to be a 3 part series
Anton Chekhov
Explain to me the problems with the Categorical Imperative
Which rappers would qualify as literature?
Who is/was the smartest/best jewish philosopher?
Day trade cryptocurrency and make tens of thousands a month
In what chapter does he explain The Claw?
I don't get it
Is the Bible worth reading for someone with absolutely zero faith? Or is it a waste of time?
Stop being altruistic
Some biographies that are ACTUALLY interesting except Hitler's ?
Let's have a philosophical discussion...
My favorite author? Thomas Mann of course!
Anyone read this yet? How is it?
"Oh, you like philosophy, user?"
Why is Veeky Forums so terribly, terribly afraid of this man?
Origin of the species
Recommend fiction books or novels that have pagan/anti-civilization/anti-liberal views
So what in the hell was the Golden Fang
Ruler of a kingdom becomes deposed and Lea ves to a foreign land
Indians on Veeky Forums
Prescriptive vs Descriptive
Latin vs. Ancient Greek
What are some good books that point out the negatives of hedonism?
User, this is George RR Martin. He is working very hard to finish hus next book, “The Winds of Winter...
Harold Bloom Accusations
Why read any other philosopher when this fucking guy exists...
"The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character was afraid...
Confess, my child
Egalitarianism is a dumb meme for pseuds who deny basic biological diferences exist
Did solzhenitsyn really say this?
ITT:Post a pic and get a recommendation
Is Hacker News Veeky Forums?
Itt: your shit in elementary/middle school
Every Single Lovecraft Story
Is Robert Anton Wilson just the poor man's Pynchon? I've been thinking about reading him
Redpill me on Kerouac
I wrote this because I'm a genius. Pic related is me
Stop listening to jazz
Metaphysics are timeless
Learning German
Be honest with yourself: she's smarter and more talented than you
Amazon product quality
So I've been learning Spanish for a year to read this book in its original language and I just discovered that it's...
Thoughts on Harry Potter books?
Come with an actual flaw in Maps of Meaning
At least 10 lostt books of Hebrew scripture and at least 3 lost Pauline epistles are mentioned in the Bible
Is art the key to immortality?
Lovecraft ripped off Gogol
Was there a single (1) author who had a healthy and regular family life?
Greatest quote in history of english language
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Was he wrong about literally everything after all?
Who remembers?
Reading book
Brave New World vs 1984
What do you call someone who seeks correct information by being wrong on purpose?
Forbidden Books
List of the 100 best books of all time was prepared by Norwegian Book Clubs...
/clas/ - Classical Greek and Roman Literature Thread
Every Harry Potter fan I've ever met
Holy fuck
Veeky Forums Jobs
I don't think I've ever read a book by an Australian author, do they exist?
Thoughts on Murakami, is he a hack?
Antinatilism General
The ancient Greeks threw some MAD PARTIES
So You Want to Talk About Race
Female writers dominated 2017's literary bestsellers, figures show | The Guardian
So we all know the neo-Darwinian synthesis is complete bullshit and "evolution" (as it is currently understood) is...
ITT post wordsworth covers
Tfw just finished Quixote
How isn't a reductio ad absurdum a petito principii for binary issues?
As a male I feel like I'm lost when trying to understand women...
What's the Veeky Forums stance on Great Books?
ITT: Historical Fiction
ITT: disdain for plebs
Responsible adulthood
Brutal sentence critique
Just finished pic related. Definitely not a meme
Friendly reminder that reading fiction rots your brain and is completely useless except as entertainment...
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
Next step
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Overmen dancing on the shoulder of Orion...
How do you deal with eye strain from reading for extended periods of time?
ITT your favorite book covers
Why do non-Americans struggle so much to write compelling contemporary literature?
Help Veeky Forums
Who are the most Veeky Forums comedians?
Japanese lit (sharethread)
What is Veeky Forums opinion on Aristotle?
Veeky Forums discord
From Zola to Celine, Cocteau, Queneau, Bataille, Duras and onwards to Houellebecq (and others)...
Hey Veeky Forums, moving to China soon with my qt3.14 Asian gf
/SFfg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What books express the loneliness and longing of the modern age best?
What is time?
Jordan Peterson never replied to my email
Where do I go from here?
/PKD/ general
Are you able to name three women that influenced your life more than others?
And so, he emerged from the London tube system with his single scrap of paper, one of several Notes from Underground
Literally starts his book by talking about upvotes
Ok, so what parts were 'delirium' and what parts are real? The murders never really happened right?
Thoughts about this?
How do you personally pronounce Nietzsche?
Are you guys actually religious or is it just a meme on this board?
How do you guys cope with the fact that the greatest philosopher of the 20th century was a literal cuck/cuck advocate?
Stack thread
I have an idea for a novel. It follows a stupid gimmick, would be between 10,000 - 20...
How do I stop interpreting things so literally? it doesn't only happen in books either
Plato is stupid
Have you ever joined a literature club IRL, user?
Americans are so bad at poetry this is their most prominent poet
My ex is now a lesbian. Books for this feel?
Should a story be allowed to end in the same place as it started...
How do you deal with feelings of loneliness while trying to read...
Brainlet here
Want to write
Conservative Suggestions?
Mfw I like capitalism
What does Veeky Forums think of this man's body of work?
How do creative writers describe things that are undescribable?
If I was writing a book with a guy like him as the main protagonist, what should his name be?
And but so
What are some books for lovesick, lonely feels of early adulthood?
So why shouldn't one just commit suicide?
Why has he been forgotten about? He's way more relevant today than ever
What are other cases where the "author" didn't actually write the book?
I cried bros, I cried when the Knight of the White Moon defeated the Ingenious Gentlemen Don Quixote in honorable combat
Post your favorite video of all-time and others recommend you a book
Is the moderate position always the best position?
ITT: Contrarian Books
I’m agnostic because there isn’t concrete evidence for God’s existence nor his non-existence...
Last book you read
Tfw I support my local used bookstores
The reason I am not posting this on the politically incorrect board of Veeky Forums is because I would like genuinely...
Tell me about your experience with college """"""English""""""" teachers
Which philosophers do people namedrop to sound smart these days?
How can someone not be a nihilist? You literally can't scape from it
'''ITT: Subtle Veeky Forums clothing'''
Is it true I can master lit by skipping every other book and just reading Shakespeare
Why do negative philosophies always attract fedoras?
The natural world is a world of war; the natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error...
Which novel would Veeky Forums give a girl to impress her?
Is there such a thing as "Jewish" literature?
What are the best books to read about medieval European history that won't cut out any of the more "problematic" parts?
William Lane Craig
What goes here
Depressed and Faggoted
What is it that makes this book so hilarious...
Books on folklore supernatural beings?
You just published your novel and it's on shelves everywhere. What are the critics saying about it?
Canook Lit
Best novel of the last 25 years
Okay so someone recommended that I read Less Than Zero after having read American Psycho and I really loved it...
Bertrand Russell found them contradictory and inconsistent...
Critique Thread
In this will to supreme combination, he resembles Thomas Pynchon (with Joyce the blessed progenitor)...
Why no major Asian authors?
Stop being a transsexual
Reads Evola once
Be honest with yourself user, he was a little bit smarter than you
Korzybski was giving a lecture about semantics and how people consume words and images to a packed auditorium...
"So user, what do you read?"
Post the five men that influenced your life more than others
Veeky Forumssips thread: what's in your cup?
Your Myers-Briggs result
STEMfags are slowly advancing mankind, one step at a time. What kind of actual contribution do humanitiesfags make...
How much time do you dedicate to read daily? and to write? how much you read/wrote this month already?
Train by day, Joe Rogan
Did you guys read the Bible? If so, how did you approach it...
Why is Tolkien scholarship so much better than Lovecraft scholarship?
Did Veeky Forums ever break up with a gf because she could not appreciate literature...
Tfw Nick Land still hasn't responded to your email
I've started writing a Caribbean pirate story...
Do his novels contain any literary value whatsoever?
What's the best Catholic book?
Who are the most literary songwriters in the history of pop music?
Best of Veeky Forums
What's your favourite consonant?
Where were you when Sam Harris BTFO David Hume?
I challenge you to convince me that I'm smarter than you
St. Louis /midwest/ Meetup
Is there a Southern Gothic-esque equivalent for the American Midwest and Desert Southwest aka the "heartland"...
I've always been a pleb growing up and didnt read much...
Your guide
Poetry Critique/General
Is this list exaustive enough?
Sings of a brainlet pleb
W-w-what kind of books do these chicks need
My God, he wrote a lot
Is homesteading on a small farm or cabin the ultimate philosophical redpill to the problems of modernity or a vain self...
Postmodernism is the consequence of modernity...
Best novels of the last 10 years. GO
Post a single sentence from something you've written and people will try to guess what it's about
Why is this book not mentioned more often?
What are some good books about laymen turned cult leaders?
Why does Veeky Forums fear the work of Philip Larkin?
How do you write generic YA dystopian trash literature?
Recent purchases thread
What philosophical works argue against homosexuality?
Why are esoteric writers so confident that the supersensible realm is benign...
Books on communism
If there's one book you recommend everyone to read before they die, what would it be?
Which Kindle to get?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
You’re at the club when you see cult horror writer Thomas Ligotti tell your girlfriend that the ultimate horror story...
/QTDDTOTT/ -Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Hello I would like one book please
Has philosophy ever achieved anything truly relevant ?
Book that you stopped reading half way because they were terrible
Veeky Forums newfag trying to get into literature overall. how do i read philosophy without being a pretentious cunt?
Which novels truly capture French aristocratic mindset?
ITT: reactionary authors
Worst of the latins
Is there a legit happy literature chart ?
Reminder Nietzsche was just a poor man's Carlyle
What are some Veeky Forums books about Femininity and Lesbianism, aka the future of humanity?
Write what's on your mind
What are your thoughts on Jim Morrison?
How would you rewrite this headline to make it clearer?
Dude what if civil rights but with animals
The Chad Jung
We are brothers....Karamazov!
Give me ONE good reason we shouldn't burn communist and marxist texts
Well, Veeky Forums?
What is to blame for this phenomenon...
Am i a pleb for skipping over the game of Eschaton? Is there any point to it, or does it add anything to the story...
Nick Land
What is the best book cover ever?
The Rats in the Walls
Is fantasy as a genre creativly bankrupt...
Just finished Genesis. Was it supposed to make me hate jews?
Will reading books help me expressing my thoughts more clearly and eloquently?
Introducing the New Western Canon
A picture is worth a thousand words. No book can evoke feelings that a painting can
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
What's the deal with poetry?
What's the point of reading philosophy books...
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
So we can all agree on Krasznahorkai being an extremely talented writer whose works we enjoy, right?
Why does Veeky Forums constantly shit on STEMfags?
In the Catholic Church dogma, what is the biblical basis for the intercession of the saints, who are long dead?
You're looking at the best literary critic there is right here
Asian American History
This book is a distasteful high concept gag and the characters are all cartoonishly ludicrous
Post original names
What books would you recommend to someone who likes Twin Peaks?
I've been going through the catalogs for canonical writers' libraries and I've noticed that they generally didn't own...
He thinks being selfish is a bad thing
You DO schedule your time to maximize your reading, don't you Veeky Forums?
Discord Charts
Why did he choose a twelve year old for his wife?
What is the most boring book you've ever read cover to cover?
ITT: Authors or characters who are literally you
Philosophical production from Germany before the war
Which of his books should I start with? Does it matter?
Girlfriend has more books than me
Idealism is back
How does one go about meeting a lit poster? What are some key words I can use to find a lit boyfee...
How the FUCK is the greatest writer in human history a conservative?!?!! Ughhhh...
Good version of The Divine Comedy
Is suicide selfish?
Dunno if this is the adequate board for this question, but people seem to read here, so...
If Islam despises Christianity...
Expect cool sci-fi
How the fuck don't you guys like Freud? This is kino
Is this book just a meme, or is it actually any good? Is it worth reading?
What are some good books on attention span and how to increase it?
What's your opinion of reading while high?
ITT Veeky Forums demographics
How can people fully absorb what they're reading when they read on the bus or other public transport?
Convince me that physical pleasure is futile
Roommate talks loudly on the phone past 11pm-12am
Post furniture and decorations that you have or want to have in your reading room/study
Why do we fall in love and what makes people love us back or not? I don't mean liking or wanting to fuck someone
1 book that everyone must read?
Is Japanese literature still a thing in this board?
How much do translations really matter...
Veeky Forums age poll
There are great historical presumptions that from time to time the interests of the state and those of civilization is...
I'm a drunk user. I halfway know my stuff...
Well known author comes to Veeky Forums
This fucking book, guys. I just finished it and it blew my mind. I went in expecting mythology...
Your big 5 score
Lit´s opinion on Models?
Veeky Forums and Celine BTFO
Typical internet atheist edgeboi
I have always really admired the story-telling in the lyrics of Spiderland, by Slint...
Are the so-called "Chiraq Savages" of today the closest people we have to Homer's heroes that we have today?
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
What the F*CK was his problem?!?
Required reading
In Search of Lost Time
“We can’t worry about meaning. Ari proposed to us that meaning is a consumer item...
Does it affect your appreciation of their work when you find out an author was retarded IRL?
Muh-muh muh Materialism
This guy gets a lot of shit around here. Care to tell me why?
I only read fiction. Convince me I'm doing the wrong
How has reading philosophy changed your life?
Where will the next big cultural/literal movement come from?
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
Economics LIT
Carli and Cliff is in the same room
Why aren't you reading one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century...
Post the most overrated piece of garbage written in your native language
What's the most patrician book in the Bible?
Harold Bloom on Tolkien
Is Chabon legit or just Oprah-bait?
Is there a spookier horror subgenre than lovecraftian horror?
The following is a true story...
It takes me 1 hour to read 1 page and at best I understand maybe 1 sentence of what I've read
Besides the works of Marx & Engels and Lenin, what are some good books on communism?
I'll soon have finished picrelated...
Does Veeky Forums have an official stance on audio-books?
Chinese literature thread
Here are two French poems please criticize
Why is neoclassical economics such unsubstantiated garbage when you look at its assumptions with a critical mind...
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/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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