ITT Biggest Pseuds in the history of philosophy

>dude I just like don't give a fuck man

>missing the point of Cynicism so hard you slam your face into the doorframe

Get a load of this featherless biped.

That looks comfy as fuck.

And yet all the good boys wanted to be his friend.

The man was so rich in virtue that he devoted his entire life to having nothing, and yet you wish to take evem more from him by defaming his reputation.
Truly pathetic OP, truly parasitic.
Are you a government employee? You are surely acting like one.

> "devoted his life to having nothing"
> still wore clothes, ate food
> had his own swanky jar to live in
> carried around a lantern in the daytime
> went around trolling people to make himself feel better
What a poseur. Poor man's Buddha.

>Implying you can truly be free outside of a prison cell

>tfw I'm a government employee
>get paid for doing nothing until the government shutdown ends
Thanks for your contribution taxpayer (or thank your parents more accurately)

A poor man's buddha is the ultimate buddha


Include me in the screencap

My Nigga.

And I mean you OP. I can't fucking stand Diogenes

That's not Jordan Peterson


A Buddha is just a Buddha you fucking tard. No wonder you like Diogenes.

Um, what was the point again? I mean I know it, we all know it, but just to reiterate for the sake of confirmation?

>what was the point again
jus bee urself

For you.

How does one do that?

truly the biggest pseuds on Veeky Forums. i don't care that they're part of the "culture" the lain dramasphere that has popped up around it is a fucking disgrace.

you need to understand the context of hellenistic philosophy

I just thought it was a cool looking image user...

sorry. this has affected me on a personal level

And you don't seem to understand...

Looks like someone lost bitcoin to the Tsucc

You are seriously far more of a pseud than Diogenes, OP.

Techically Gautama Buddha is already materially poor. Everything was literally given to him throgh alms.


Shame you seemed an honest man