He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong.

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Why is Critical Theory so based when the rest of Marxism is so shit?

also since I'm a brainlet can someone explain Theses on Feuerbach to me? It has something to do with materialism but i don't know anything about philosophy

Feuerbach was a young Hegelian like Marx was, except his spin on Hegel was this ultra-edgy "religion is robbing you of your humanity" thing. Marx was saying that the both of them were materialists, but Marx used his thesis on Feuerbach to state that the source of alienation was not from religion, but from labor that was inherently robbing the worker of his value.

reading other people than just hegel, marx and engels, i.e. psychology and sociology

To save billions

True. He gave us a very clear and obvious enemy full of useful idiots to unite and fight against.

Didn't read these yet, but if I'm not wrong Marx' critique of Feuerbach was that he didn't see how religion/ideology are always products from the actual material circumstances people live in


you a docetist m8?

seems marx proved his own point about the need to not exploit workers

There are far too many white dudes in Marxism.

far too many white dudes pretending to be revolutionaries so they can wear a beret and fuck chicks who are pretending to be radicals to piss off their parents

Yane, still in the guise of Sir Hassifa the Moor, came quietly into the parlour. Aillas straightened up and swung around. "Ah, Sir Hassifa! May I ask, are you a Christian?"

"By no means."

White people ruin every cause. That's what happens when people who have never faced any struggle try to be revolutionaries.

Goddammit, I hate how true this is.

yes he did

He did some things wrong, but he did more things right than most.

If you put /pol/kiddies and libertardians in the same conditions British people were in due to the capitalism during that time, they'd be screaming for marxism. The capitalists were literally making children crawl under machines for a pittance and they even managed to get charity banned at one point. Adults and children were subsisting on boiled sweets because they couldn't afford proper food.

Wasn't it a similar situation in Russia after the revolution?

before after and during

No, it was mostly in Ukraine and they deserved it.

White people are always so ignorant about any kind of hardship.

What a terrible argument- you are comparing these conditions to the ones we have today. The conditions you are talking about were certainly better then the middle ages- sure kids were worked to the bone but at least they could work in a factory and survive on their wages rather then work as a serf in some field and die at 8 years old.

Weren't there two huge famines in Russia in 1921 and 1932?

not really and we're talking about marx and not lenin anyway

Or maybe they would scream for fascism and national socialism just like they are now. Marxism isn't the only anti capitalist ideology.

Oh right, Marxism has never been tried.

Fascism and NatSoc are pro-capitalism all right.

more like Feuerbach says "humanity is spiritual" and marx butthurted about "we can be whatever we want because is the material thing what change us".

Why are you on Veeky Forums when you have read nothing?


t. Never read Origins and Doctrines of Fascism or Mein Kampf or just chooses to ignore the truth

My nibbas, every fascist and natsoc regime in Europe after WWI came to power with the help of native industrialists and capitalists which were in turned supported by the regime.
NatSoc may have been ideologically anti-capitalist at the start, but after Hitler purged the party the regime and the ideology was openly pro-capitalism.

oh right, marx is personally responsible for bolshevik agricultural mismanagement 40 years after his death

That wasn't true National Socialism.

cultivating a plot of land you can call home and consuming its products is surely a preferable existence to being stuck in a nightmarish factory all day making who knows what for who knows who.

Oh so you admit it was anti capitalist but got morphed by a leader that purged the idealistic. Just like how communism got morphed under Stalin and Mao. My point was just that Marxism isn't the only anti capitalist ideology.

They became factory workers because they had no choice. Many were orphaned children and single women and many farmers were displaced by the shift away from the cottage industry.

However, there's no problem with that. Industries come and go. The problem was the aristocracies complete and utter disregard for the conditions the workers lived in and quality of life was far worse for them in the factories.

Cultivating materials into products you can call merchandise and consuming with your wages is surely a preferable existence to being stuck on a nightmarish plot of land all day and night growing who knows what for who knows who.

fun fact: the term "privatisation" stems from the nazis, which first big move after coming to power was to privatise the german steel industry as well as the railroad and postal system

Fascism is a capitalistic system that's based on war. They wouldn't be better off at all.

>Marxism is a capitalistic system that's based on war. They wouldn't be better off at all.

Fascism is actually the inevitable ultimate stage of capitalism.

Maybe the form best off, doubtful its the inevitable form.

Except its not and militarization of the population and violence is inherent to fascism. Fascism without the war is just authoritarianism. I don't agree with communism by the way: the reason marxism failed so spectacularly was the single party state. A system that no-one is allowed to dissent from is bound to be corrupted by power and the stupidity of one man. I don't understand people who want emperors, furhers or dicators, time and time again history has proven one person in control of everything doesn't work because no-one is uncorruptable or infallible.

Also, it should be noted that even when Hitler was bashing "capitalism", it's really unlikely he was really attacking the economic system per se.

Not entirely. The nature of NatSoc is petite-bourgois, in the sense that the ideology supports the prominence of the national working class but does not attack core capitalist principles such as private property.

Not bad

You cant fool people forever with spooks. Eventually wealth will become so concentrated, domestic production will bottom out, consumers won't be able to consume, and people will get pissed. The elite will have to stop the people from taking off their heads somehow.

are you seriously arguing that crawling around in industrial machinery and inhaling poisonous chemicals is better for a child than growing up on a farm? which one would you choose for your kids? there's only so far you can take your devil's advocate argument before it turns into willful idiocy.

nah, that would be feudalism

Are you seriously arguing that wading around in mud and inhaling dust is better for a child than growing up working in a factory? Which one would you choose for your kids? There's only so far you can take your devil's advocate argument before it turns into willful idiocy.

okay, you're just a clown. bye.

Okay, you're just a clown. Bye.

If he had worked just a little bit instead of writing his bogus theory, his children wouldn't have died of starvation.

sick burn bro

The cooptation of capitalist leaders into corporatist structures does not equal capitalism. It doesn't equal socialism either but at the heart of it fascism and national socialism are ideologies that want to mediate class struggle through common identitarian endeavours. They are not necessarily pro-capitalist. The economic system is secondary to fascist thought.

>Karl Marx's three children died of malnutrition while he went every day to the British library from 9:00 to 7:00 and wrote Das Kapital instead of getting a job to feed his family
So much for from each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs you piece of shit. Marxism caused innocent people to starve to death before it was even written down. The ghosts of those three children should haunt every copy of his work. Fuck communism.

Or better yet, he could be a capitalist and send them to work in a factory where they could die a much quicker death being scalped by a machine!

Last time I heard that story it was that only one of this children died. Anyways, I like how you manage to invoke both glee and pity from the fact of his child(s) death. It makes it easy to see how full of shit you are.

>caused innocent people to starve to death
Capitalism has never done this

Or he could have been an anarchoprimativist and scalped them himself.

>Capitalism has never done this
Capitalism is not a person.

Where the fuck did you read glee, you raving fucking retard? I'm pissed off that this piece of shit starved his children to death. I don't his children's death hurt him at all because he was clearly a sociopath.



Nothing anyone else has ever done or not done justifies Karl Marx killing his own children.

And by the way, Marx had 7 children and only 3 survived to adulthood.

carl marks is racist and sexist

>libertarianism is anarcho-capitalism
Nice meme faggot.
>hurr hurr extreme capitalism is bad so I want extreme communism! Surely that will solve everything!
>[starves internally]

You guys do realize that this board is being raided by redditors who want to push their ideals on Veeky Forums, right? You can't all be this retarded.

Also polite reminder to sage politics bait threads such as these.

And no revolution happend at all.

Communism is a good system that is incompatible with the shitiness of humans

Capitalism is a bad system but it is very compatible with the shitiness of humans

based nobookz

>Capitalism is more compatible with human nature

>Communism is a good system
That's a very last man thing to say and not overmanly at all.

I don't know about your emotions user, but your anger seems awfully convenient for your purpose. It really doesn't matter how you feel about the event to be completely honest. Can we count the emotional outrages directed at capitalism and build a case against it?
Yes, because the real issue of this thread (COMMUNISM) is the same as Marx's neglect of his own children, and the user who brought it up was not guilty of whataboutism at all.

No watch, a detailed explanation showing how, in fact, communism is really just a sophisticated form of child neglect.

While militarization and the cult of violence is rooten within the basics of fascism, communism itself managed to progress to a similar form - socialist realism glorified the strong, naked body, physical culture, there was even an event called the Spartakiad you could easily compare to Nazi sport parades. The struggle for national expansion was replaced by the struggle of the workers against the higher classes and the struggle for liberation against the Nazis. Value was also placed on family - a divorces were heard of only in bigger cities.
I'd argue it's a pretty close call.


Try reading m8. The dark satanic mills were absolutely worse than even prehistoric subsistence farming.

Nietzsche's beliefs are compatible with communism.

Jesus christ, is this the new Veeky Forums?

Communism was supposed to be the answer to humans being shitty though. It limits their ability to exploit others and ends the conflict of interests between classes.

>wanting a revolution
>not struggling
That's fucking stupid anyway.
And what does Marxist coordination look like? May 68 lmao

Fresh off facebook comment section

>I don't understand what a mode of production is

>le hooman nature on Veeky Forums of all places
I don't come here often but each time I do you guys disappoint me

The labor surplus value theory seems to be the crux, and I'd imagine now that we have real economic scholarship anyone actually buying into it would get laughed out

Oh wait I though we were gonna actually talk about marxism

>real economic scholarship
economics is a meme field, everyone can interpret results to fit their political agenda whether its keynesians or neolibs
t.econ major

How about this one?

Oh sounds like philosophy kekeke

thank you critical theory!

it is, and if I did not opt for a financial engineering degree I'd be flipping burgers too

was engels anything more than Marxs paypig cuck?

wish I had a friend like engels

>paypig cuck?
Is that an actual fetish?


Communism is anti-Christian and evil.

How is being anti-Christian a bad thing

this is some real bong philosophy shit user

marxism* is
communism isn't a marxist exclusive thing

the luigi of communism

both systems crumble under corruption, what we need is high trust societies and local democracies desu