Is this list exaustive enough?

I wanna start with the Greek but I'm a autistic completist and want to read everything and have a thorough understanding of it before I move onto other things. Is this exhaustive enough to quench my autistic completist disorder?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is really great. Do you have any more lists?

You only have to read the complete works of Aristotle and Plato if you're autistic completest as you say, for anyone else it would be a waste of time.

I wonder how deeply you need to understand the mythology, epics and plays. Missing Homer would be unfortunate, wouldn't it?

I have this:

Oh you didn't make this did you.

I'm suuuuper completist. Like, I even want to read the presocratic philosophers. That's how bad it is!

Marx should be on there.

Nope, but I have a ton of them. here's another.

>No Heidegger's lectures on Nietzsche

Can I just read A New History of Western Philosophy and call it a day?

This is what I mean!!! I want everything!!!

Does anyone here have a recommendation for secondary lit on Aristotle? Aristotle is supposedly very dry so I'd like some pointers.

Why read at all? Just get a 10 minute youtube video. Then go to the gym and get ripped.

Find me a 10 minute youtube video that will give me autist level knowledge without reading Main texts

part 2 pls

Not sure about a part 2 but take a look at this:

here's part 2. I have a lot more as well, I can post my collection of lists in a min if people want them.


>no analytic philosophers apart from wittgenstein

No love for the analytics?

can you make that a zip file please?

don't see why not. big though (145mb), and might contain duplicates. also missing a couple new ones from this thread, but you can figure it out.

Thank you so much user.

no problem. if I were you, I'd consider reading a couple meta books first, like the first three from the auto-didact list, so you can better understand the other material.
also, not listed iirc, but Mindfulness in Plain English. meditation really works.

I will look into that.

you the best

I can't believe this. It misses the Social Contract by Rousseau and includes Emile. What on earth.