Peterson's Philosophy

> Clean your room.
> Embrace the inner lobster.
> Climb the dominance hierarchy.
> Fight the dragon of chaos.

This is it boyos. The complete philosophy of Peterson summed up in a single shitpost. You will never again see a corpus of great literature summarized with such conciseness and precision.

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Is it true that he wants to structure society after lobster society?

no one reply to this thread after me

Jordan Peterson is the fidger spinner of shitposting.


cathy pls go

>my room was a mess
>buy an apartment
>my apartment is a mess

Why is there so much Peterson spam on this board?
He's a subpar but somewhat charismatic professor. We've got loads of those..

Without shitposting, the best summary of Peterson's philosophy are the first ~45 minutes of this video. He's using uncharacteristically clear language.

Why is there always a jordan peterson thread now?

No, the point is society is already structured like lobster society. Understand that and act accordingly.

*snaps your dick with my giant claw*

I don't understand this lobster shit at all.

>Kermit, the uh, pseud here

They run on serotonin and so do you.

>The complete philosophy of Peterson summed up in a single shitpost.

Yes now please unpack that for us.

Or is your mind so purely governed by memes that you are unable to articulate yourself in anything but reductive shitposts?

man, those bloody post modern neo-marxists. so, let me tell you about neo-marxists. so, back in 1970s Foucault and Derrida decided to destroy the idea of masculinity because it was too penis-logic centric. And that's dangerous! What could you do without a penis-logo centrism as a male? That's why I tell my students... so, Jung wrote about this and Jung was a VERY smart man, talking about the image of god - not god, but image of god - so, Jung talked about a descent to hell, and man... he MEANT it. That was NOT a metaphor, to Jung hell was ACTUALLY hell. Like in the Biblical stories, when Adam got bit by God's snake... that was hell. and you DON'T want to go there, you know, that's CHAOS and you need order as well as chaos or you're going to DIE. And that's what exactly happened in Soviet Russia, well and also Nazi Germany, too much order and it devolved into HELL. You need a balance, an equilibrium, of yin and yang. So, when I tell my students about responsibility, I can see their eyes lit up! No one ever told them that before! Those bloody post modern neo-marxists man...

Oh my god you faggots are even starting to mirror his speaking now. Are you 12? You're trying to have a meaningful conversation on Veeky Forums. Do you realize how retarded that is?

leftypol shills

>never had a meaningful discussion on Veeky Forums
i feel sorry for you user

His latest interview became viral and is the latest hot topic.

>There’s this idea that hierarchical structures are a sociological construct of the Western patriarchy. And that is so untrue that it’s almost unbelievable. I use the lobster as an example: We diverged from lobsters evolutionarily history about 350 million years ago. And lobsters exist in hierarchies. They have a nervous system attuned to the hierarchy. And that nervous system runs on serotonin just like ours. The nervous system of the lobster and the human being is so similar that anti-depressants work on lobsters. And it’s part of my attempt to demonstrate that the idea of hierarchy has absolutely nothing to do with sociocultural construction, which it doesn’t.

>The nervous system of the lobster and the human being is so similar that anti-depressants work on lobsters.
Then why won't they work on me ;_;

Fight me:
Isn't that just a reduction of the whole issue though? Lobsters and humans have similar nervous system and form hierarchies--ok. But what about the point that humans are fucking humans and are capable of so much more, for better or worse, than lobsters are? So the hierarchy could be the result of biology--in which case what is preventing women from reaching the head of said hierarchy?--or it could be the result of sociocultural construction, as he puts it. I don't see how this rules our the fact that humans can choose to be exclusive of certain groups if they wish, or if Peterson's just found a neat example that supports his position and is suggesting we follow it.