Redpill me on Kerouac

How does a Chad become the symbol of the hippie beatnik movement?

Smoke reefer, avoid work
Congratulations you’re a proto hippy

Funny part was he disliked hippies
Didn’t like rock and roll

He is actually a symbol of the movement.

Because the beatniks pretend to have nothing and to be authentic hit the road just go with it everything will be fine when they already actually have a lot of shit lined up for them and they just squander it into mediocrity and crass pleasure seeking instead of actually aspiring to something.

Burroughs = rich family willing to support him throughout all his self-inflicted squalor and morally reprehensible activity.
Ginsburg = highly educated, basically squandered his early talent and education on fame.
Keroac = sponged off multiple wives, had strong good looks. Drank away his modicum of talent and threw away his opportunity to be a good writer (had Robert Giroux editing him.)

Kerouac was at some party and a bunch of hippies showed up because they heard he was there and told a friend who told a friend etc and he got wasted broke a bunch of bottles and tried to slit their throats screaming he hated them

isnt he a cuck

He and Neal shared several women

Well in his books, he seemed like he didn't gave a single shit about anythink, that the decade valued - stability, career, loyalty to spouse. He went on a journey to find whatever he was searching for, not knowing what it was, not knowing if there even was "it". Proto self-actualisation, which is part of the hippie movement. And in the book it seemed that he was free, that he was enjoying this adventurous life, on the outskirts of conformist society, that every young person was suffocated by. His book was a glimpse into a rebelious life, a life never to be seen before, that seemed like a tv show that was never allowed to be aired.

French Canadians openly wore swastika armbands in the streets of Montreal in 1939. Roman Catholics back in those days were all clerical corporatists who hated the British Empire.

And say whatever you like about which side of the border he was born on, Kerouac was descended from les Habitants du Canada.

Deep in his heart, he was a little Breton Roman Catholic bigot.

Jack and Gore Vidal sucked each other's dicks in a hotel room

it was an aryan Sun cult movement user, not a Jew bug cult as /pol/ would have you think


Good bait.

He was a complicated man, and a genuine individual. are all right in a way, but none of that really pins him down as an American. I only have to add that his writing is very tender and sad.

Because of his face and because he was the most conservative and least offensive. Ginsberg was ugly and a leech of greater talents around him and only had one or two originalish poems and they're terrible and they're famous because they caused a court ruling. Burroughs wrote novels about drug users and "wrote" novels about intergalactic strap-ons. Ferlinghetti and the rest of the entire san-francisco renaissance other than a select few ok-ish poets were bad copies of Ginsberg / Black Mountain mediocrities. Most of them were just rich people who pretended to be poor and "free" when in reality they were just defective and only famous because of their defective qualities in an era of extreme social conservatism. Kerouac was like the eagle scout of the bunch, he was at worst a kinda lazy adulterer and heavy drinker, which would put him on level ground with Faulkner (who wasn't as talentless) and he was a weird form of psuedoreligious

Honestly the only lasting talent of the beat movement was probably Robert Frank because The Americans is just as beatnik and underclass as the poems and novels of the main beat movementers while actually contributing a lot to the art of photography and containing many compositionally and aesthetically strong photographs

He was not Dionysius the Areopagite

Read kerouac in your early 20's and you'll understand if you aren't some fucking NEET

>he was at worst a kinda lazy adulterer and heavy drinker
He refused to acknowledge or support his daughter, was basically a self-loathing homo rife with Catholic guilt, had a toxic and borderline incestuous relationship with his mother, was a pathological narcissist who used his friends and all around him for his own advancement, an incredible hypocrite overall. He was not a good guy by any stretch.

But he was undoubtedly a passionate writer who loved the English language. I don't judge authors by their lives or ideals, only their work. His work was good but suffered from his refusal to edit his work and insistence on spontaneous writing. He would have done far better if he put down the bottle, explored different styles, and got away from character studies.

All young men should read Kerouac before they are 20.

protip: only ginsberg identified as a beat and ever really gave a shit about the movement, burroughs and kerouac didn't care at all

>Ginsberg was ugly and a leech of greater talents around him
Ginsberg was a master networker and promoter.

>All young men should read Kerouac before 20

Yes. I discovered him my sophomore year in high school. I was not much of a reader back then, though I had spent my childhood constantly reading. The few things I read in my high school years of my own volition- Whitman, Kesey, Kerouac, Thompson, Hemingway, Salinger- were always life-changing for me. I miss that time in my life, because books were more powerful to me since I had read so little.

All young men should listen to Com Truise before they are 20.

This is what retards actually believe about gay pedophile Jews.

Kerouac wasn't even the most interesting of the Beats. And the Beat movement, in retrospect, was some spoiled Boomer retardation anyway. I feel actually, legitimately ashamed for enjoying Naked Lunch and Howl when I was in high school


I think both words have reached the point where they have been fully adapted beyond board culture and into chan culture. I use Chad pretty frequently and I'm the opposite of a robot.

So is frogposting but it's still despicable

That's because only a certain type of person frogposts, an undesirable type. Using terms like "Chad" and "redpill" are universal.


t. Gore Vidal