What books do girls like?

What books should I read so that I can relate to women in conversation?

put me in the screencap

you're in

50 Shades of grey

Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash @ Chapter 13: The Handsome One

gay fanfiction, our favourite

John Green
Anything that was later made into a movie or TV show

shut up reddit

their diaries desu

impress them with deep poetry a la roopi

Just read Instagram posts

add harry potter to this and it's a comprehensive list of what women read.

Dan Brown


Entry-level fantasy
Romance / Erotic

Go to any mainstream bookstore and look at bestsellers or browse goodreads to find out, women are the main market force in the modern literature industry.

I've always thought of Brown's work as YA but for dudes, do women really read him much?

who cares

this is actually the real answer. Women dont read, they just want to look like they read so they can seem smart/educated/interesting where in fact theyre dull husks with a moist catacomb of blood walled irrelevancy

My favourite authors are Dostoevsky, Wu Ch'eng en, Bulgakov, Woolf, Joyce, Cervantes, Kundera and Zola. I read lots of classics and have just started on "the greeks". Talk to me about any of those, and I'd be happy. But my family is very Veeky Forums so I might not be the average.

I like classics, but judging from my female friends, you'd best try your luck with harry potter and YA.

Shitty poetry that make them feel special. Pablo Neruda comes to my mind.

My sister likes Dumas and Dickens