Was Aristotle a Nazi?

Was Aristotle a Nazi?

No the Nazi's didn't believe in democracy, they thought it was for squares

>not reading the source material
u feggit?

Your mom was a Nazi.


"Nazi" is a fake word jews made up for propaganda purposes and use to scare people. German national socialists didn't call themselves nazis, and Aristotle's statement is one that has been obvious for time immemorial; it's only in the backwards jewish era that it has become taboo for whites to desire their own countries. This is due to jews controlling our media and institutions and promoting the type of society they can blend into/jew within without being easily rooted out and removed, as has happened throughout their history.


Ethnic hegemony is certainly an intuitive and self evident idea. Multiculturalism is a modern experiment that we are seeing play out in white countries. Look I'm not alt-right by any means, I think the Nazi LARP is retarded but the one thing they have right is ethnic hegemony. You literally can't argue against it because it's not an arguable position, it's either a value you hold or you don't. So back to the modern countries which have tried the multicultural experiment (western white countries), its possible that enough white people become racially conscious and decide they've had enough multiculturalism and they will have a right to start enacting protocols to return their nations back to white and European demographics, however they choose to do so. It's freedom of choice and association.

>He posted this brainlet misreading again.
Multicultural and multiethnic mean two different things, brainletto.

>Doesn't know about the Tutsi and the Hutus

Braise Garl Marks, you go to gulag.

Aristotle's observation comes from the fact that minorities are an inherent flaw of democracy.
The question is whether you choose
a) to go against minorities, or
b) to try to perfect democracy or move past it entirely by creating a new system.

This but unironically

>Multicultural and multiethnic mean two different things, brainletto.

I know that, here in the United States we tried Civic Nationalism. We said "okay we will let anyone come here, just forget your cultural ancestry and become Americans". While this works decently if you take it slow, we are obviously reaching a critical mass where it's falling apart. Americas brand of Civic Nationalism is simply too European for other more racially conscious groups to accept. This is why we are seeing huge social unrest against "white privilege" and white identity as a whole. On an individual level you may reach total assimilation, but on a macro level we see racial groups constantly practicing their own forms of identity politics and hegemony. This is a natural occurrence at all levels, they form racial enclaves in cities, the kids do it in school (groups based on race), gangs in prison are often based on race.

>American nationalism is European
Wut. Crony capitalism, retarded social policies, meme politics and meme intellectual discourse aren't European, they're entirely your creation.

Philia came after a mentorship of pederasty. No democracy without slick-leggin' youngins apparently.

He was likely referring to the practice of colonists, often from many different locales, to assimilate to a single political identity centered around the new colony, which strengthened it against division. For example take Amphipolis, whom Brasidas was able to foment to national identity, thereby gaining them a true independence.

>Crony capitalism, retarded social policies, meme politics and meme intellectual discourse aren't European
Nice meme, meme friend. Our heritage is European, minorities are constantly shitting on the European Imperialism that founded America. Things like democracy, Christianity, and enlightenment values are European in origin.

To say I used to think saying this was controversial

Why do you highlight a book? It bleeds through the pages. Use post-it notes if you want to convey thoughts or write down quotes.

>people unironically attempt to make reference to Aristotle's political works without any preliminaries of his Metaphysics, Physics, De Anima or even Nicomachean Ethics

my sneaking suspicion that people are totally and systematically unfamiliar with Aristotle's work grows each day

he was talking about the poor though, not ethnic minorities

Where exactly is this in Politics? I want to read the original text and check the translation for myself. Wouldn't necessarily surprise me if he said this though.

why don't you actually quote aristotle instead of some shitty aristotle for dummies with an agenda?

I mean he's right. Multi-ethnic (and thus multi-cultural) societies can't have a democracy since the ethnic groups will vote separately in their own interests, often to the detriment of the other ethnicities, leading to chaos.

literally everything he said is true

>the greek intermingled within the sentences

holy fuck that is annoying to read.
t. Hackett footnote patrician

>sneaking suspicion
come out into the open, noone even pretends to have read him, the average pseud like Peterson picked up Nietzsche before reading the Bible.

>tfw the older you get the more you realise how right aristotle was about a lot of things

nothing but facts, to be honest.

A book is a tool just as much as a hammer. If it suffers from too much wear to any longer serve its purpose then it is due to be replaced. I had a friend that coveted his own books so dearly that he could hardly be talked into letting me borrow them. He fell in love with the notion of passing the wisdom of his personal library to his children when he died. I fished all of his books out of the dumpster after they emptied the house.
>use post-it notes
I left post-it notes in my copy of The Golden Bough for five years. I needed to remove them to re-read the text. The glue had fully adhered and it pulled paper and text right off of the pages.

>lol dude we’re gonna troll the leftist liberal communist socialists on Veeky Forums who’ve never read Politics before

>"Nazi" is a fake word jews made up for propaganda purposes

What, its literally just short for National Socialist

is there a way to reverse this?

Whatever, Shekelstein

No if anything it's the opposite

What Aristotle was describing here is exactly how Jews and also certain Asian cultures have become

Obviously not. And we adhere to a higher level of discourse here.

Clearly we have to force jews out of the west and to Israel, as was intended when we helped them acquire that land. Jews have been getting the boot for thousands of years because of how they behave. They attack their host from within like a virus then pretend they aren't doing anything wrong and double down until they're forcefully removed. We know this, it's been documented over and over, and now it's reaching critical mass due to the internet. What can you do with a group like that? They have caused enormous damage to humanity, and once one becomes aware of their sick genocidal nature it's not unreasonable to propose an international quarantine in Israel and then permanent removal.

It's sad how many retards believe this.

Veeky Forums is shit but is was never this dumb.

Are you alone?

>German national socialists didn't call themselves nazis,

North America isn't an ethnostate, sorry.

Is OP stupid ?

And nigger is derived from negroid. One is clearly used as in a derogatory manner. As is the same for nazi.

That user didn't mention North America, though.

The nations of Canada and the US were certainly founded as white, west-European powers. Mexico is arguably Western or not culturally, but predominantly mestizo populated as far as racial background is concerned (if you want to count them as Northern rather than Central).

quote aristotle not some shitty textbook