
>Life, Liberty, and Property
>Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Wtf did Jefferson mean by this? Are we not entitled to the property and fruits of our labor? Was he a pseud or something and just thought it sounded nice?

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It's a way to keep wage cucks in line
>If you work hard enough for me, Mr. Shekelstein you too can be rich!
inb4 some wagecucks come in and desperately defend their faceless corporations.
Yes, I'm sure walmart cares about you.
And no, you can't "educate" yourself out of being a wagecuck, college is literally a machine that spits out prime wage cuck that can perform semi-difficult tasks.
Enjoy paying off those student loans on your philosophy degree.

In Jefferson's America property is communal

Surely even the waagecucks are entitled to the property they buy with their labor

>entitled to the property they buy with their labor
Absolutely not
The second you fall behind on your payments they take everything away
I always found it hilarious that even the most liberal cities (especially the most liberal cities actually) in America open display their homeless population. It's as if they're like:
>Look at him, this is what happens to bad goys! You better keep working for me or less you'll end up like that!
Personally, I'm leaving this shithole the second I get my degree, student loans be damned.

Well you can be a wagecuck without debt. Really your complaint seems to be against debtcucks.

Based Jefferson didnt do nothing, please stop defaming his name ITT. Locke was the commie, Marx wanted the people to have the rights to production AKA property. Jefferson knew that each man was only worth as much as his value to society, and therefor the social classes would have a natural gap due to a man's wages, education, etc. He deliberately removed "property" and replaced it with "pursuit of happiness"; if he had left it in, the poor, dumb, useless working class would literally demand property from the government. Each person has a right to be happy, but that right to pursuit does not change who one is as a person.

You really can't.
Americans decided that despite their inability to properly maintain infrastructure, everything should be spaced out as much as possible.
Meaning you need a car because unless you live in a major city public transport is either unavailable or unreliable.
Already just to go to work you need to pay for a car, gas and insurance.
Most people don't know jack shit about cars, so they end up taking out an auto loan some a shady used car salesman, or they buy some shitheap off craigslist using nothing but brand memes.
Either way you're either over paying and end up with an auto loan, or you end up with "unexpected", expensive mechanic visits that you'll most likely take on credit.
This is assuming you live with your parents, which society looks down upon because good goys need to pay tribute to schlomo the landlord.
If you move out then you need to pony up first and last month's rent, as well as a deposit. That's a pretty big chunk of cash for most people even if your rent is only like $500 bucks a month. Meaning more debt.
Obviously the debt keeps adding on and on.

There's a reason why the vast majority of American's live paycheck to paycheck, and quite frankly I want nothing to do with this shitty system.

>Jefferson knew that each man was only worth as much as his value to society
And how determines that worth?
Look, communism is shit, but backing this shitty, corrupt form of consumerist capitalism isn't any better.
Our current economy is literally based on getting you hooked on as many things as possible, and then taking everything out on loans/payment plans/finance. It's literally indentured servitude.
>Look goy, buy the new $800 iphone every year, you need it to be sociable!
>Goy! You need a college education. There's a shortage of people in [insert x field]! Every person has a right to an education!!And student loans of course
>Goyim please understand, it's ok if every single device you come in contact with spys on you. You have nothing to be scared of if you have nothing to hide!
>What's that? You had an accident and now owe a hospital several thousand dollars? Too bad, you should have bought health insurance! It was only 10% of your paycheck!
etc etc

Who determines that worth**

Then why not say property of their labor? Pursuit of happiness has no tangible meaning. It could be argued that a pursuit of happiness is an oxymoron because you are chasing contentment you'll never achieve it.

Isn't the main reason Jefferson changed it, so that it couldn't be interpreted as "slaves=property" which would give you a constitutional right to owning slaves.

Well said

>greedy merchant urbanites don't know about the tradition of common land and keyhole tenure


That's for the ignorant, or as some would call them bluepilled. Only the strongest survive. Those of us who are going to make it in the through next 50 years already know all of this, that consumerism and mass media and social media is all for the majority zombified populous being controlled thru antennae in their brain

That's not an oxymoron. Pursuit of happiness and happiness are not the same thing. Some ppl cant ever achieve happiness. Because they are poor, or retarded, or prone to depression. But euthanazias out of the question at this point

Nah the rest of the Constitution codified slavery and the bill of rights and amendment process would've are what clarification of interpretation we're for

>Pursuit of happiness has no tangible meaning. It could be argued that a pursuit of happiness is an oxymoron because you are chasing contentment you'll never achieve it.
That's dumb.

> Can't be happy if you're poor
B8 or pseud? I can't tell

You're not some enlightened fucker
You're just another loser posting on this cesspit of a site.
At the very least the good goys are getting constant little dopamine hit keeping them happy. Meanwhile you simmer in your misery and argue online with the other fucking "red pilled" losers.
You're never gonna be happy either. At least they can pretend to be.

>Pursuit of intangible concept
>Has tangible meaning

Yeah I feel ya. But there are ways too save and be frugal so you can own your shit outright. I know a guy that did it.

the fundamnetal problem with libertarians is that they turn denial of determinism into an ideology and thus will be crushed by reality

Terrible example friend. Ignorance created all that extra expense. I know good cars and how to repair them.

Live "frugally" read: worse than a slavshit.
Surely that's the solution to a broken economy.
I envy slav and east/south euroshits. Sure they're poor, but the whole country is poor. There isn't a class that actively exploits the rest of the country, while somehow managing to come up with convincing scapegoats every decade as to why it's not their fault that they're suffering.
And then you have cucks like these who are so caught up in the brainwashing they think that 80% of the country living paycheck to paycheck isn't the fault of an exploitative group of people at the top.
Surely, you're the goodest of goys for knowing how to fix yourshit box.
Now, I hope you're also an expert at plumbing, electrical systems, farming, making clothes, carpentry etc.
then you can live out your retarded fantasy of pretending that your asshole isn't getting rammed every day.

Why compare or worry yourself about others wealth? I think if you were in a poorer country you wouldn't find solace in the poverty around you because you would still be consumed by your jealousy for the affluent west. I'm also the other guy you tagged and yeah I've farmed my whole life, I can make my own cheese, beer, wine, and cider. I've slaughtered and butchered. My dream is to homestead in simplicity and free of debt without concerning myself of the luxuries of others

>Why compare or worry yourself about others wealth?
Oh gee, maybe because the economy needs more than just myself and my autistic internet friends to function?

>My dream is to homestead in simplicity and free of debt without concerning myself of the luxuries of others
Yeah and I hope you have an MD in case you butcher off a finger kek

Oh and I hope you have an EMT license to rush you to a hospital.
Unless you can synthesize medication and antiseptic on your "homestead".
>This fucking autist gets appendicitis or whatever
>End up with a hospital bill
>B-but my homestead!! Muh simplicity and being free of debt!!!

Look, my point is that it's impossible to live on your own. It's never happened. Humans are a social animal, and that's because we need people to specialize in certain things.
Of course, you can say that you do in fact have medical training, but you would need to also be versed in organic chemistry, pharmacology, all the various sub-specialties of psychopathology etc to be able to treat yourself. This applies to virtually everything else a person post-dark ages needs.
Can you built a clock? No? Can you build (or even read) a sundial? etc etc etc

The correct solution is to fix this broken ass system, not devolve.

>because you would still be consumed by your jealousy for the affluent west
This is a brilliant scheme
>Control hollywood and a vast majority of the american media
>THROUGHLY inspect women little boys and girls too in order to appeal to your typical poo/3rd world-er
>Convince them that this shithole has streets paved in gold and that cities where you have to live in a fucking closet to afford rent is where "dreams come true"
>They willingly cuck their lives and come here to be your slaves
>Laugh all the way to the bank

>and quite frankly I want nothing to do with this shitty system.
Where do you plan to go? My guess is Spain.

Nah I'll just die in dignity. I don't understand why you rage about Jews or secret societies or whatever exploiting our desires but then also cling to those desires. You remind me of a hungry cow banging it's head against a stanchion gluttonous for flakes of alfalfa when there's good enough pasture open.

It's possible to have a proper society and a good flow of money between people without rampant consumerism. That's what I want.
It's ok to have things, but actual good things, not disposable garbage.
Think of it like buying fountain pen vs. a pack of bics.

Meaning is never tangible.

The difference between the frugal man and the billionare is negligible.

>Are we not entitled to the property

>I envy slav and east/south euroshits. Sure they're poor, but the whole country is poor. There isn't a class that actively exploits the rest of the country, while somehow managing to come up with convincing scapegoats every decade as to why it's not their fault that they're suffering.
as a slavshit - don't be so fucking stupid, of course there is

Are you 14 years old

Essteuroshit here, you don't know shit about us obviously. Situation is much worse here, while you can somehow have decent food/place to stay in/car in the US as a wagefaggot, here you get close to nothing after paying rent/living costs, a car is most of the times not an option. Enjoy your life in the US, you have it better than 90% of the world's population, but it can be better, which is why I'm moving to Germany.

He's right
Are you in your twenties?

Is your IQ over 85? He went on a stupid rant filled with stupid strawmen.


>The second you fall behind on your payments they take everything away
If you didn't pay for it then and there, you merely borrowed the item's value.

>There's a reason why the vast majority of American's live paycheck to paycheck, and quite frankly I want nothing to do with this shitty system.
Those people just aren't smart enough to figure out how to make the system work for them. You are not above them for realizing it's hard and not even trying. Fuck off you NEET.

I'm not getting into my life too deep, but I'm a highschool dropout who fucking OWNED the system. Not at first, but I got there after a few years of hard work and watching out for the typical traps of society.

The trick is really knowing how to budget your money. Anticipate that you are going to have to pay car repairs and shit. Put a chunk of your pay into savings every month and get a nice cushion going. Once you are stable just keep building from there. Make smart investments and let your money start working for you.
Live modestly, shacking up with some people you like. You don't need that nice sports car just because you have enough money to afford it now.

If all goes well you will achieve financial freedom and your life will belong to you in no time. You are now free to do whatever the fuck you want.

There, bitches. Now go figure it out.

It pretty obviously means 'you're allowed to try to thrive, God said so.' He likely considered owning property a subset of achieving that, but noted people sometimes never could get property, so it isn't a thing automatically granted by God.


And I don't know why everyone here thinks Thomas "banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies" Jefferson, an agrarian farmers-only utopian idealist, would want wagecucking and debt. jfc.

True but there's obviously more concrete linguistics than others. Abstract concepts like emotions are recognized as some of the least tangible ones in languages. Not to say that they are not powerful concepts or have no use but they are inherently very elastic in interpretation. I am arguing that an important clause in the foundational legal work for a nation is not the place. It is a loophole as wide as the Atlantic ocean.
We're not entitled to the property of our own labor? Have you even read Locke? He's not talking about some 40 acres and a mule pie in the sky promise. Literally what you earn is yours and the government has no right to it. Jefferson's clause does not make this explicit and opts instead for some feel good emo shit that sounds deep, but isn't.
Property means more than land. Literally all you rightfully possess is your property. Including your body. Jefferson's phrasing necessarily implicates that we do not even have rights to our own bodies and indeed the modern American state infringes on my body by limiting my choice of consumption and mandatory drafts. I do not know if all of this was Jefferson's intent but it is the consequence non the less.

It was a rebuke of slavery. Slave-owning states leaned hard on Locke's inclusion of "property," and argued that even if slavery were abolished, they'd have the right to slaves they already owned, because Locke promised property. By changing it to "the pursuit of happiness," Jefferson removed support for this pro-slavery argument from the Declaration.

Nah see
It would still be quite reasonable to claim that slaves are men and therefore the preceeding clause that "all men are created equal" would supercede any property based claim to their bodies and labor. Indeed to own a slave would be to deny him his right of property. It denies him his body, which he rightfully owns and all of the labor and fruits thereof, which he rightfully owns as property.