Thoughts on Murakami, is he a hack?

I have all of the books from him though.

Better than YA, but not quite lit

women love him so Veeky Forums hates him

You said you have all his works, how many have you read

I wonder how his new book is going to be

I think he's pretty good! I've read like five of his books- the first four of his that were published and his last one from like two years ago. All of them enjoyable. He's popular for sure but don't let that trigger your cynicism. No one overrated him as the best author alive, even though you will bump into people who say he is their favorite. He's kind of like the Stephen King of Japan, but better and weirder than that would suggest. Like Philip K Dick meets slice of life anime.

Honestly, after having been to Japan a few months ago I dig his work even more.

In Japan he is no person

i've read 5 of his books in a row and now i got such a distaste for him i dont think ill be ever again able to read him

This man, in my country he is nothing.

are you japanese?

I love Murakami personally, the weirder and more surreal his book the better. I don't know why people always talk about Norwegian Wood when it's one of his weakest in my opinion. I loved Wild Sheep Chase and the rest of the Rat trilogy and Hard-Boiled Wonderland. 1Q84 is good too.

I haven't read much of his work, so don't take me seriosly. I think he's ok. I like him, but he's so goddamn overrated. I don't get why people want him to get the nobel --which is trash, even though it shouldn't--.

No I'm talking about Canada

Name more deserving contemporary authors

How do you say 1Q84? I am unironically afraid of mentioning that booktitle outloud because I have only seen it in writing.

It's hard because it's like a Japanese pun, 9 in Japanese is kyuu

Haven't read it but wouldn't it sound like 'one q eighty four'?

my niggers pynecone and delillo


this and cormac mccarthy. late 20th century postmodernism deserves recognition.

maybe houellebecq

I fuck with Raymond Carver and I fuck with Murakami's short stories that are similar to Raymond Carver.

Barn Burning and The Last Bakery Attack are both perfect

there's a guy at my class that actually pronounces pynchon as pine-cone. i wan't to choke him to death. i hate him so much for that

Unlikely, unless you read Japanese. Killing Comendatore is coming out in the fall in Spanish, but it won't be translated into English for another year. Huge seller in Japan. Why do Spanish translations come out first? Same was true for his last book.

that's me, you idiot. just wait until you get into class. it looks like i'm going to have to teach you a lesson

Because Hispanics love everything Murakami.
These faggots are to blame.

my gf loves murakami, his name is her laptop password

Fun and comfy writer. Probably not Nobel-worthy (though Dylan got one so whatever) and he's so prolific his plots and style can get a bit repetitive, but worth reading. I think his most popular stuff isn't his greatest; I think his weirder writing is much better. Really liked Wild Sheep Chase and Dance Dance Dance, and think After Dark is underrated. Norwegian Wood is a cozy read but not super interesting. Haven't read 1Q84 but have read most of his other major works.

I'm only commenting on the English translations, no idea how reading him in Japanese compares.

I say Pinchen, is that correct?

The correct pronunciation is apparently pin-CHON, but everyone I've met pronounces it PIN-chen

Don't worry. Every American mispronounces shit.