What the actual fuck?

>In 1977, a petition was addressed to the parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age-of-consent law and the decriminalization of all consented relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France).


>The document was signed by the philosophers Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Louis Althusser, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and André Glucksmann

Other urls found in this thread:


>fag philosopher was also a pedo

If you hoped this post would inspire philosophical debate...

I'm afraid you're very much mistaken

isn't this the same year Playboy ran the pedo images of that child actress? I forget her name. She dated Michael Jackson at one point, but in 1977, she was 9 years old and posed nude for Playboy, or some PB derivative.

That period must have been a time where the lib shit kike faggots were trying to normalize pedophilia like they're doing now with trannies and gays...

Notice one prominent name missing from the list

>André Glucksmann
You're telling me I've been going around not hating this guy with quivering rage and blacking out every time I see his pic when I could have?

Add him to the list

Literally nothing wrong with loving little girls
It's more beautiful than anything

They'll never give up, fucking kids is their holygrail. Always has been

You're correct but it must be illegal none the less


>supports Iranian revolution
>defends end of prisons
>defends end of sanatoriums
and now
>defends pedophily

all fags are pedophiles. all leftists are pedophile sympathizers.

source or it didn't happen

If I remember correctly Barthes signed it too.

human sacrifice and the cannibalism involved is actually the holy grail. so legalized murder, and you’d better mean the elite on not the Jews when you say they since most of the people who do this are white and azn businessmen and oligarchs user. Like The patriarch of the Thyssen clan and the Dupont heir who actually got caught doing it also Prince Bernhard and members of the Battencourt clan



The elite are proto-Jews, Jews are what they would be if they had sufficient time to isolate and inbreed

I'm surprised you never heard of this before. But then the history of the civil rights movement is very selective


i fail to see the issue here

this kind of stuff was cool in the late 60s/early 70s; you'll find it everywhere if you do some investigation

>gay dude with no hair and leather jacket is into degenerate shit
Nothing new here


that’s retarded and anti-biological. its just a way to a priori assume that Jews are bound to do those things, it also means that whites are sullied from the first and are on a path to Jewry always which is incompatible with Nordicist Esoteric Hitlerism. Just admit the elites all do this, tons of Jews, Whites and Azn elite do this and its not particular to one race. The Roman elites were pedo cannibals too, Nero literally married a young boy and Caligula and Tiberius raped slave boys constantly. You’re just uncomfortable that humans can become unbelievably evil when empowered with no checks against anti-social behavior. its alright there’s no party to castigate or punish you. Rothschilds are obviously pedo-cannibals but does that make it Jewish? Catholic priests pedos, not jews. Tibetan monks pedos, not Jews. Japanese military officers and Afthan horsemen pedos but not Jews. This is really just unwillingness on your part to come to grips with the nature of Man

Literally why
That's torture
12-14 is the most beautiful age full of soft lovely wonders so kind so delicate
Little budding flowers!

>it also means that whites are sullied from the first and are on a path to Jewry

Only when they form their own insulated cosmopolitan caste of liberal leaches rather than operating on the basis of virtue and merit.

>Literally why

Because those young girls are the property of their father's and only they should be able to decide if another man is worthy of their daughter

8 year olds can't consent you sick fuck

peterson absolutely annihilated that fag and his band of postmodernists


Based, keep spreading the word friend

watching through this to see what Peterson's points are...

>Foucault tried to resurrect marxism
Foucault and Derrida both quit marxism, much of Foucault's work was very critical of Marxism and Marxists

Foucault's work was almost purely historical, you could use it to do analysis from /any/ political viewpoint, for this reason and Foucault's obsession with analyzing power, some leftists have even called Foucault a crypto-fascist

>Foucault and Derrida criticized categories
this is simply wrong, it's like Peterson hasn't read either of them

>Foucault and Derrida added a collective emphasis to sociology, individuals struggle for power
this is nothing new, renaissance guys like Machiavelli talked about this

>Foucault and Derrida denied the reality of physical objects, planes flying, computers working etc
this is bullshit, Foucault and Derrida never talked about this, Peterson needs to cite some specific quotes, no one but the extremely mentally ill seriously claim this

>Foucault and Derrida whined about modern science as evil
they did a critique of historiography of science, not the actual results of science, Foucault loved technology

so I finished watching the video and Peterson quotes Foucault or Derrida exactly 0 times, this guy is a pseud

american ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''education''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Not only that but it's also the same year that:
- Pretty Baby was filmed with a nude young Brooke Shields
- Roman Polanski gave that 13 year old girl qualuudes and wine and the fucked her in the ass
- Ted Nugent received a blowjob from a 12 year old Courtney Love

Dude you're too well read to be bothering with Memerson. Just ignore his fans like dogshit on a path

Communism and communism accessories became loosely associated with pedophilia, partly why it died down.
That's what happens when you cling to 'marginal' groups to provide material for sloganeering and campaigns and so on.

Then by that logic it should be legal for a father to fondle his daughter



"I hold a bet that most of you have met at least one of those guys who now-a-days regularly visit a kind of master who takes their money from them in order to teach them how to take care of themselves.”


Huh I never knew Foucault spoke English

>Michel Foucault
>Jacques Derrida
>Louis Althusser
Insane and murderer
>Jean-Paul Sartre
>Simone de Beauvoir
>André Glucksmann

Reminder the elites of the world are a cabal of pedos


>tfw Foucault is probably burning forever in Hell

>>Jean-Paul Sartre
>>Simone de Beauvoir

What, this isn't true

its funnier when you don't correct their schizo hatred of Semites

gays want nothing to do with pedos and trannies just fyi

gays hate trannies for destroying their movement. gay rights used to be about wanting the ability to get married so that when faggots died their greedy families didn't steal resources from their grieving life partners.

ever since trannies took over, lgbt is a trigger shitting contest

gays have been working to denounce NAMBLA and remove any association with pedophilia for decades

Brooke Shields was the girl that posed nude in playboy underage. Iirc her mother forced her into it.

I guess I was wrong, I thought I read something about Sartre and Judaism, he also looks Jewey. Fuck them anyway

Yeah in public obviously. Doesn't stop creeps like Ginsberg and Wilde fucking young boys as soon as they had the chance

Yeah I read his book on The Jewish Problem. Its such a bore

>Huurrr what even is a Jew, checkmate Nazis

And niggers hate gays for a similar reason
Like their unacceptance by society is a choice and they already had civil rights (well, the white ones anyways)

>Fuck them anyways
>hurr durr

Hmm, compelling

tfw the left is a group of self interested sub-groups held together by the glue known as rich white liberals

They were degenerate predators and genuinely horrible people. To call them Jews would be a compliment

Oh did i get banned for that? She wasn't even neked that was a cute grl


They're Pedos dude

so were the greek philosophers whats yer point

Whites don't operate on the basis of virtue and merit anymore than Jews do you're out of your mind. If you knew how it was most of the Northern European magnates stay on top of their rivals today, in the Netherlands and Germany, and here in America in places like Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Louisiana you'd be eating your words

Good ole boys network comes from whites practicing cronyism and there's a provable history of this in places of power in White societies where endless chains of incompetent, criminal and dangerously psychopathic people are given authority over the public and large sums of money which causes inconceivable harm to the whole species. This is a stupid way of going about it, the Jews are a smaller ethnic clique and have stronger ties, whites are bigger but maintain just as tight bonds across families and ethnicities rather than Jews who tend to congregate in consanguineous groups

Wasn't Courtney Love's dad the manager for the Grateful Dead?

You're correct of course but I was speaking about how things should be not as they are

you are a cuckie :)

>lib shit kike faggots

whay do you think the majority of gays are socialized to the point whre they feel they need to be in a right movement

wow what pieces of shit

quit shilling this pseud. back to /pol/ you brainlet

you wanna pose nude for me goyboy? by your post I guess you are 9 as well

Makes perfect sense desu.
Keep in mind consent has to be fairly explicit.

>gays want nothing to do with pedos and trannies

It's more that homosexuality has been integrated culturally. It is now a characteristic of a person rather than a whole identity or frame of identity.

This plays against identity politics. "Being gay" is not a mark of political engagement or even something people care about anymore. It's been normalized and accepted. Consequently, the hard-left (exemplified in pic "Manifest against the gay normalization") has been trying to stir up homosexuality as an identity worthy of political fights again, against what is seen as the evil ideology: capitalism.

Homosexuality and its acceptance outside of a communist revolution play against the Marxist dialectic.

Foucault was what I would describe as, a moral paragon. Quite simply, there is absolutely no way he would entertain the idea of a nude child, much less have sadistic sex with them and not get in trouble because hes rich and famous.


You'd be surprised given the social climate of today but back in those days pedophilia just didn't have that same degree of absolute condemnation surrounding it. Back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries guys like Thomas Mann and Andre Gide wrote open, rather transparently autobiographical paeans to pederasty without significant backlash. The fact that Oscar Wilde fucked some boys as low as the age of 12 didn't affect his trial so much as the fact that he was 'corrupting' and fucking males in general. Before 1885 the age of consent in Victorian Britain had been 13.


Wrong. Pederasty wasn't a sexual act. It was a coming of age companionship of the teenager by an older, wiser person. Romans shunned pederasts that went to the sexual act.

Nowadays the sick and degenerate want to hide their deviance and torture of the young behind a false pretense of mentorship.

Why are you talking about "Romans" when pederasty was a Greek institution - and it was the Greeks who valued the educational aspect, Romans would fuck slave boys and not give a shit. I think you're unduly sanitising a practice of an ancient culture to fit in with your moral preconceptions. It was not uncommon, and not taboo for the erastes to engage in sexual relations with their eromenos, though I think penetrative sex would have been considered humiliating and not fit for citizen youth.

Contemporary homosexuals don't try and use the connotations of ancient pederasty in their modern agendas at all. "Mentoring the young" in a homosexual context is not something gay people "use" at all because it is completely unappealing to the culture they're trying to gain clout in.

Slit your throat, illiterate spastic. I thought you had to be over 18 to post here but apparently that's not the case.

This. I dunno it was forced, but her mom definitely arranged it. It's not even good porn, and the best part of the series of photos is where she's most covered.
moralfagging or did you only just find that out now?


holy shit

You're just reading him wrong!!!!!!
Foucault a good boy he din do nuffin!


Foucault was a sick monster with a hard on on domination and its context. Seeing that he sees domination everywhere but in an adult's sexual behavior with and unto a child is ironic.


Somehow a lot of people completely lack the common sense necessary to understand that strict age of consent laws really are just arbitrary nonsense.
There is exactly one fully logical and defensible stance on this matter which is that humans should be allowed to have sex once they're body reaches sexual maturity, no more, no less.
Biology has made things so clear and simple for us yet we choose to deny it.

>gays want nothing to do with pedos and trannies just fyi
SOME gays.
MOST gays become such because they got diddled in the ass when they were minors and so were influenced early into thinking that some deviant acts of sexuality were legitimate.
It's the difference between "gays" (with whom nobody has any problem) and "faggots" (who destroy civilizations)

t. innate ignorant

>"I hold a bet that most of you have met at least one of those guys who now-a-days regularly visit a kind of master who takes their money from them in order to teach them how to take care of themselves.”
Well not everyone is an establishment pampered, academia protected, homo queen, pedophiliac and fist fucking enthusiast, thug and criminals cheerleader, mr gay baldman of le hidden rotten truth, some of us just want to be decent fellows.

once they're body reaches sexual maturity and their mind is able to understand wtf they're doing no more, no less.
Of course age of consent is arbitrary, just as the age at wich you can get a driving license is arbitrary and the legal drinking age is arbitrary. These arbitrary benchmarks exist for a reason, that is people around 18/21 were expected to be functional adults as recently as last generation.
Our culture of eternal adolescence screwed this up, but the concept in itself made sense.

They practiced cuckoldry.

The mind matures between the age of 20 and 25, should the age of consent happen in between this range? It's biology.

Believe as you wish.

Probably, see

how do u know

Might as well say that the mind matures over the course of your entire lifetime, well, except when it doesn't.
We shouldn't make broad laws based on the human mind.
Its the kind of thing that can only be judged on a case by case basis not in a blanketed matter.


Was Bentham a postmodern toos?

It’s called consent sick fuck.

I'd not have thought there was so many pedophiles or apologists on Veeky Forums.

That's disheartening.

>he thinks reading habit correlates with strong morals
Its like you havent learned anything at all from your reading.

>their mind is able to understand wtf they're doing no more, no less.
no, that means that you have to bar a lot of adults permanently from reproducing. you think you're saving children, but what you're doing to barring downs syndrome people from finding love and half your feminist friends from being allowed to consent ever. it makes their yes as invalid as a child to include an intelligence bar at an age above sexual maturity unless it's on the basis of already having been declared incompetent to consent in other capacities as well.

Correct but irrelevant.
What do you propose? Making people take a test to judge their ability to understand sexuality and give consent?
It would be comicaly burdensome on the government apparatus, and most people being considered unready would resent it and say the test is not representative of their ability of giving consent, something that in many cases would be true.
I could drive a Car when I was 13, does that mean I should have been able to take a driving license?

>>no, that means that you have to bar a lot of adults permanently from reproducing
You say this as it would be a bad thing.
>>your feminist friends
I have none. They hate me.
Instead of assuming things about me why don't you address the point. I agreed with You on the fact that the age of consent is arbitrary but presented other examples of arbitrary age based benchmarks to explain why that is.
Would You let a 10 years Old take a driving license?

>gays want nothing to do with pedos and trannies just fyi

One of the most praised films of this year, nominated for Best Picture at the oscars, depicts a gay relationship between an older man and a minor. Nobody has even raised a peep about the idea that this might be wrong.

>Foucault and Derrida criticized categories
>this is simply wrong, it's like Peterson hasn't read either of them
The whole point of Foucault's work is how we gradate human beings on various gradients of hierarchy. Seriously though, the realistic counter to this argument is more common sense than it is philosophical. Those categorizations are sources of power, definitively, but the argument that it's just a lazy way to think about individuality is the logical terminus. Quite honestly, I don't know what to make of it, the idea that categories are overall useful and some aren't is extremely true, but even in extreme individuality, the simplifications we make are still valid and create a tendency of shared experience, age being a better dimension of this. If all power, and thus truth, is from categories then we are at a point where logically people categorized to produce truth will continue to be esteemed as such, but it makes a slight of hand -Peterson's argument-, that this judgement is wrong. They're useful and necessary, and in order to parse out which are useful for determining factors of individuality, we have to categorize them unarbitrarily which works as just being biases and not