Is Carl Jung among the smartest people of all time?


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I just shed a tear listening to "Wolf In The Breast" by Cocteau Twins.

I rather like Jung but it seems to me that if you tend toward the brainlet side of things your only real takeaway will be american corporate psycho-babble tier insights at best and total new-age retardation at worse. On the flip side if you are capable of appreciating him with a bit of nuance you likely don't have much need for him in the first place.

philotards shouldn't pretend to be scientists

Jungs ideas on art and creativity are interesting. Sad to hear he believe in a deity.
I think this tackles the subject quite well.

Freud was much more profound and insightful than Jung. The former shattered something monumental, the latter tried, rather unconvincingly, to pass off a few gathered fragments as the original...

Do any of you honestly really understand him? If so could one of you elaborate what you believe is the most important takeaway from a study of jung?

the most important takeaway is read him yourself.

glorified fairy stories

>b..b..b..but muh peterson

are you trying to say that any intellectual tradition hasn't been the result of the same curiosity that earlier humans felt trying to fable-ize the unexplainable aspects of nature (psychical and psych)

>b..b..b..but check urself

Jordan Peterson sucks his dick which means no.


people who prefer Jung are closet fascists


thank you for showing this treasure to me

Why is that sad?

imagine relying on some old fag's "archetypes" instead of creating your own personal finetuned memory palace to meta-program your subconsciousness. why would you cuck out the one thing that no external power has yet been able to reach and take from you?

fuck tfw no taylor swift gf

maybe if i read more ij i can imagine it

Because you're not good enough to figure this shit out on your own. You need the collective wisdom of everyone that has come before you.

You're still hungry with one piece of pasta in your hand and yet refuse the offerings of well-intentioned people for reasons that aren't discernible to anyone.


>you're not good enough to figure this shit out on your own
nah, i've A/B tested the shit out of my memory palace and i keep going.
i dont think much research went into jungian archetypes except taking the first thing that resonated with bored housewives of fin de sciecle.

It's not about your memory. It's about the limit to your lived experience. It's about the shortness of your life.

The shortness of all humans' lives.

Anyone read all of Jung's stuff and can say if this is true?

i tend to agree

i also agree with that watch

go back to Veeky Forums

go back to understanding the punchline

Go back to understanding a meme

go back constructing memes and other ironclad products 101 at your local anti-community community college

lad, i'll cut this meme out for you real nice like a meal for a 3 year old kid. Cool?
"Go back to /pol/" but with Veeky Forums instead of /pol/ = haha jolly keks all the way. Please stop being so easily triggered

this desu


>Psychodynamic psychology

What are some good Jung books? I've been reading random selections from his complete works. I can tell it's all minor stuff, but it's fascinating. Which of his stuff is most important?

If you think about your thoughts, you change them.

So are you.

What is the name of that man who knows himself? The western tradition is the Socratic and as Socrates said: The only thing I know is that I know nothing.

I'd recommend reading Man and His Symbols & Memories, Dreams, Reflections

>His research was used by his own nephew to make the world a dystopian nightmare

I knew Jung was the gateway to this shit, I'm giving it a few months until you cranks will have regular Coelho generals.

We already had those and Veeky Forums has concluded he's shit.

You have just opened the door for me to Taylor Swift memes, highly glorious.

He's alright. Peterson is opening the flood gates on him though.

Metal fags in my city are flocking to him now, only because Peterson shows up in their plight to find stats to fight the SJWs.
Every time his name is said, I can't help but picture this rat-faced faggot who calls himself an artist, still wears metal patches at age 23, and goes around spewing his Peterson shit to all the other sub-90 IQ trashy metal people... who, of course, make incessant, sarcastic "white male" jokes, believing that saying "offensive" shit is somehow revolutionary.

Anyway my real opinion on him is as follows:

Glorified academic who took all his ideas from Occult philosophers and Oriental traditions.

I agree, it's beneath them.

Lacan is best boy

Edward Bernays



>have you heard that jordan peterson has gotten a rip removed so he can suck his own dick? - he is a true intellectual with VISIONS of the future, unlike diarrheaDARH and Foucault postmodernist marxist scum who are too AFRAID to SORT THEMSELVES OUT and realize their ideals, unlike peterson.


Freud kinda did the same - just drawing a dick over it

Freud kinda did the same - just drawing a dick over it

Bernays's success kind of validates the underlying philosophy.

And I'm saying Jungians here are retarded enough to reclaim him.

Wait, who's the analyst?


you don't understand


Yes, but it doesn't mean he was right about everything. I doubt I can find his errors, though.


no, fascism goes against true tradition, because part of tradition is to explore and integrate new concepts to tradition, fascism is stagnation, order taken to the extreme, that's why it doesn't work.

>he thinks he has full control over himself

hi future schizo

Jung was a brainlet Hegel and a brainlittlest Schelling


Freud you retard.

mere echoes of Immanuel Kant's farts

Jung too.

hum ... here is the counter-argument : this was Lacan´s wife. where is Jung´s ?

It's from a show called Xavier: Renegade Angel, all it's episodes are on youtube, it's quite a fun show.

>hey guys I´m a huge fan of peterson and if he sucks the dick of an opportunistic pseud that means that guy is the smartest person ever!!!!
I think he meant this guy


What's funny about that scene is that when the barcode shoots himself Xavier has a barcode on his head implying that Xavier is being just as much of a sheep by stating there's no right or wrong answer.

And pseudoscientists like Stephen Dawkins shouldn't pretend to be philosophers.

Because any day not passed implying his intellectual superiority over 90% of mankind is a wasted day to him.


I'm just glad that Campbell hasn't had a pop-culture revival.


>im jungin psycoljewst

>liking Jung means you need to dislike Freud
when will this brainlet meme end?

>Jungian psychology
Interesting falseflag, schlomo