>tfw made so much with crypto I won't have to work another day in my life
Any books for this feel?
>tfw made so much with crypto I won't have to work another day in my life
Any books for this feel?
yeah same, while the retards on Veeky Forums were spamming the "start with the greeks" meme i was stockpiling money on crypto. lmao, poor faggots. now i have all the time in the world to read
great gatsby, b/c you'll never be loved, despite all your money
money is for poor people
For example, coming by the house of a country gentleman, as Father Simon called him, about ten leagues off the city of Nankin, we had first of all the honour to ride with the master of the house about two miles; the state he rode in was a perfect Don Quixotism, being a mixture of pomp and poverty.
His habit was very proper for a merry-andrew, being a dirty calico, with hanging sleeves, tassels, and cuts and slashes almost on every side: it covered a taffety vest, so greasy as to testify that his honour must be a most exquisite sloven. His horse was a poor, starved, hobbling creature, and two slaves followed him on foot to drive the poor creature along; he had a whip in his hand, and he belaboured the beast as fast about the head as his slaves did about the tail; and thus he rode by us, with about ten or twelve servants, going from the city to his country seat, about half a league before us.
We travelled on gently, but this figure of a gentleman rode away before us; and as we stopped at a village about an hour to refresh us, when we came by the country seat of this great man, we saw him in a little place before his door, eating a repast. It was a kind of garden, but he was easy to be seen; and we were given to understand that the more we looked at him the better he would be pleased. He sat under a tree, something like the palmetto, which effectually shaded him over the head, and on the south side; but under the tree was placed a large umbrella, which made that part
look well enough. He sat lolling back in a great elbow-chair, being a heavy corpulent man, and had his meat brought him by two women slaves. He had two more, one of whom fed the squire with a spoon, and the other held the dish with one hand, and scraped off what he let fall upon his worship's beard and taffety vest.
Leaving the poor wretch to please himself with our looking at him, as if we admired his idle pomp, we pursued our journey
I had a friend who got me into it early and I owe him everything for making me money. I can't believe how retardedly simple it is to make big money these days
Did you cash out though? Not cashing out = /= not real money. Literally everything can be gone tomorrow if China decided to ban crypto or some shit
Ofc he did.
How much is that? I would need something like $25 million or so to get to that point I think.
>tfw just went on /biz
Do people really live like this /lit? Are there really people that plebian/bourgoise? I legit feel dirty after reading through threads there for a few hours. I was thinking about investing some of the money from my new job, but now I'm worried that it would hurt my soul to get into this kind of thing. It feels ignoble.
>tfw born poor with shitty parents with no successfull friends
Wish I had some guy to advise me on easy investments.
Funny, because you sound extremely bourgeois to me
In what way?
Invest, or miss out.
I've put in 4.5k USD, and my portfolio is now worth over 112k. Started in March of 2017. No larp. Fairly diversified. Never even held BTC for more than a few hours, bought ETH and alts.
Both the plebeian and the aristocrat are able to tacitly understand the importance of money and investment. Only the affected, tryhard bourgeoisie would somehow feel dirty by engaging in such worldly matters
Do you have a guide on how to start? A book or website or something?
I just started by lurking Veeky Forums. /g/ was my home board, and one day I thought, "Fuck this shit, let's check out the business board for a week". Never really came back. Saw the mad hype for Ethereum, put some down and continued to research new coins and invest small amounts.
I really do suggest lurking Veeky Forums. There is a lot of shit to wade through, but you will find a gem here and there, and pick up on things over time. Always do your own research before investing. Whenever a question arises, just Google it. If you want to be real informed, read the whitepapers for different cryptos before you invest. Don't go all in on one coin, don't invest more than you can afford to lose, and don't panic sell. Also, pay attention to market cap of each cryptocurrency. Lower market cap coins can explode in value in shorter periods of time, while higher market cap coins are more established and often "safer" to hold long-term, but will have more gradual growth. You may make a mistake or two starting out, but push through and learn from it. In addition, make sure your computer is secure, and enable 2FA authentication for all exchange accounts and your email address.
There are always new investment opportunities in crypto, you just got to keep up to date with the rumors/buzz/news and keep your eyes peeled.
>2FA authentication
Tired as fuck so excuse my redundancy.
Bitcoin tanks, and all you hear is crypto-journalism. Boosterism and voodoo priests.
I can’t handle crypto on a psychological level, so I cashed out at $100k. I know if I waited I’d make more, but I’d also die of a fucking heart attack.
Anyway, Crypto will usher in a new artistic renaissance in the West. Thousands of young people have essentially escaped the biggest crutch to artistic expression, that being the TIME FAMINE our society is currently suffering from.
There are literally communes all around the world filled with checked-out crypto kids. Google it
Cena Trimalchionis. You do read Latin, right?
Not /lit
from what I've read though it's almost entirely psychological. Is it even worth knowing the tech side? It seems like the game is about knowing when things will be hyped and how many people will fall for that hype. Would you say that's a valid way of looking at it?
Dude, for fucks sake just let this stay up. You can't get any honest info about crypto on /biz since it's like some quantum mechanics shit where any time you ask about what actually moves crypto you're just given some bullshit answer since they think you're spreading FUD
Hype is important in the short-term, but for longterm holds, you really want to make sure you're holding coins with good tech thay fulfill a certain need. I don't daytrade now, I mostly just buy and hold. That's been my approach. You can take a different one if you like, but chasing pumps and trying to time entry/exit points can backfire, so be careful. There's not a single right way to do things.
Yeah, it probably would have been wiser to hold on but I'm not complaining.
spoken like a true little bourgeois, drunk on profit from artificially maintining overall poverty
How else do you expect the goto board for ponzi schemes to feel.
but I seriously, seriously doubt the tech has intrinsic value overall. No government will ever let it be useful for anything besides drug markets. All I see is obvious, blatent bullshit about "muh non profit synergy" It seems like crypto is just new stocks, gambling on the fact that other people will continue pumping their market into something intrinsically worthless. I'm trying to get in on this, but it's a mindfuck to understand.
Cash that shit out and put it into a trust that pays you an income from it so you can't fuck it up. Then live within your means. The world is literally designed to take your money so be careful. Don't take out insane mortgages, buy nothing on credit, still budget your spending money.
Forget what you've heard about crypto and start researching. Not every coin will succeed long-term, but blockchain tech has real usecases. Governments can't stop crypto, it's decentralized. Look for projects with real value and usecases.
give me an example of a valid usecase.
I'd also like an answer to
Smart contracts - ETH, NEO, many others
Anonymous transactions - XMR, XVG Decentralized cloud storage - SIA Communication between blockchains - ARK
Dentralized PayPal - REQ
Renting out processing power - GNT Decentralized oracles - LINK
Powerful messaging platform similar to WeChat - SNT
Lending platforms - SALT, RCN
Alternative ad networks that rewards users in addition to content creators - BAT
Instant liquidity for tokens - BNT
Decentralized organizations - ANT
Just scratching the surface.