Reads Evola once

>reads Evola once

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I haven't read Evola, but isn't he LSD the author?

he's radical superfascist indian aryan warrior caste psychdelic futurism system, the author

He's not a fascist, you fool. He criticized it for not being right wing enough.

You'd think the socialist past of the leaders and fascination with futurism would give some hints.

evola called himself a superfascist you retard

I think 'dada' should somehow crawl in that sequence as well

>reads Evola once

I hate that he gets memed so much by /pol/ because he's a genuinely interested writer.

>reads Jordan Peterson once

Evola did not have a particularly high regard for fascism but saw it as the best extant system for laying the ground work for the kind of world he did want to see. Hence Superfacist.

that's why i said superfascist, idiot

You're saying the same thing guys

Why would you hate that he gets exposure?

Here is the thing though, he wasn't a regular fascist in the normal sense of the word. He only seen it as a starting point.

yeah, and he called himself a "superfascst". That's why i said it.


I don't hate that he gets exposure. I hate that he gets memed. The difference is that I don't think a lot of people who talk about him understand or even try to read him. Even if they do read him there's a bias against him because of the negative association with people from /pol/ or Richard Spencer. Even I groan a little when I open somebodies Goodreads profile and see a bunch of Evola books.

>No, no, I don't want to kill the jews because I hate them, I just want to build a better world - how does that make me a nazi?!?!

using Evola as a stepping stone to learn about any tradition is a pleasure, he has a lot of energy, adds tons of references to primary sources, stays close to the text and the structure of the traditions without dumbing them down too much or systematizing them too much so his books never read like manuals

he obviously has some biases for his racial and anti-moralistic stance, but that's easy to filter through and most of his racial stuff is not even as creepy as others and can be repurposed as "spiritual" races instead of nazi-style ethnic cleansing of anybody with less than 90% indoeuropean DNA

>reads evola everyday since birth

>Rides the tiger once

>revolt against the modern world what's this?
>woah he's to the right of fascism i gotta check this out haha
>a million references and 20 lines long sentences later
>unironic sun worshipper and no longer afraid of death
thanks evola

>Freedom, in the true state, must be conceived not in individualistic and democratic terms, but rather in relation to its specific function within an organic system. The truth freedom is not that of the abstract 'rights' of natural law theory, but rather that which is exercised through relations of obedience and command -- of spontaneous obedience and responsible command

What did he mean by this?

"Ubermensch" means you're a man because it has "mensch" in it, "postmodernism" is modernism. Seriously, what happened to this board, did we get invaded?


How do some people not immediately see that Meyers Briggs creates false dichotomies polarities to impose an artificial idea of structure onto personality?

Individualism is the negation of anything above the individual and democracy sacrifices quality for quantity, the elite for the mass.
You can't be free under these terms.
Evola think that a hierarchy is the best system (not a decadent caste system like in India, but a true hierarchy) because everyone finds naturally his place. Thus being under the command of someone truly your superior makes you freer than being able to vote for idiots along with millions of idiots in a anti-traditional system.

Read "La crise du monde moderne" by Guénon, he explains it all much better than I can.


Do you know why he rejects natural law though?

natural law implies egalitarianism, evola believes different men are born with different natures and any sort of egalitarianism will just obfuscate this

the reign of quantity is better, crisis of the modern world is a bit short and felt too little

>natural law implies egalitarianism
how so?

If natural law is the belief that rights are intrinsic to our human nature wouldn't that imply that there's only a single human nature?

yes, i thought natural law meant something else. i thought it was the western equivalent of "dharma". my mistake. had to look it up on wiki

If you want to learn what it's like to have 7 hour long orgasms during super-secret, superfascist super-occult super-sexual orgies then you should definetly read Evola, mainly ''The Yoga of Power'' and ''Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus''

t. gnostic gofapper

Evola is the easiest way to convert leftists imo.

>"postmodernism" is modernism.
t. brainlet

the same reason people buy into horoscopes: they are delusional and want to be validated in any way they can, even if its not accurate.

Horoscopes can actually be useful if you approach them as a tool to see things from a different perspective. It's sort of like how Carl Jung treated the I ching where he thought that a persons interpretation will give insight into the subconscious. When it comes to the Meyers Briggs I see no use.

carl jung believed the i ching actually worked, and he also recommended his patients to get horoscope reading because he believed it actually worked. carl jung explained it as synchronicity

always a pleasure to see this


my point is he didnt just think "a person's interpretation would give it meaning". he believed that it actually worked synchronistically

How is this relevant?

i was correcting you and informing you about what carl jung actually believed in case youre interested

I imagine this would be amusing to somebody who didn't understand OP's reference

It's completely irrelevant to the point I made about horoscopes having some use and the Meyers Briggs being useless and on top of that it doesn't even contradict anything I said. Carl Jung can believe I ching gives insights into the unconscious while also believing that it's synchronistic.

chill out it elaborates on what you said in case people read that post and think jung only ascribed some kind of subjectivist value to i ching / astrology

Why did you say you were correcting me if you were only trying to add on to what I was saying? Stop trying to interpret peoples emotions. Not only is it lame but you're bad at it.

you're the idiot, he was saying the the prefix changed a word's meaning

you are clearly very upset, i suggest you take a break from the internet for a little but


Yeah, sure. Act stupid and then accuse everyone of being mad when they question you.

I'm into Miguel Serrano, the esoteric hitlerist sage from Chile
>tfw no south american hitler gf

>reads Voltaire once

ironically, i presume?

I'm being serious, esoteric hitlerism the logical conclusion to Jungian psychoanalisis and hollow earth truth.

>implying petersonfags actually read him