What are the essential books to increase memory

what are the essential books to increase memory

where's waldo since when you find him you have to remember where he was since if you don't you have to find them all over again

Study whatever it is you need to remember.

my diary

Pen and paper.

but looking for him is the fun part

just buy some cheap hdd online ezpz

Your Mind and How to Use It - William Walker Atkinson



Moonwalking with Einstein by Josh Foer. He's like the world memory champion or something, memorizing the order of like 10 shuffled decks of cards in only a few minutes

"You don't write things to remember them later. You write them to remember things now."

Have you tried reading on the train?

stopping drinking

You don't get superpowers from reading, just as you don't get superpowers from autism.

bugs.. easy on the carrots

Yeah if you are like, autistic

Cultivate contentment. A happy mind is nimbler.

Practice with poetry - its easy to remember because its full of vivid imagary, then use those tricks to memorize other stuff

but but, but i believed...

Cicero talks a lot about memory in De Oratore.

Autism IS my superpower