Name three things that inspire you, Veeky Forums

Name three things that inspire you, Veeky Forums

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Staying fiercely united with my family. Finding all kinds of new bands and art in random warehouses all over BKLYN

Nothing. I wish I had some inspiration. I waste all of my free time. I sometimes wish I had inspiration and weren't wasting my time while wasting my time.

Even right now, I wish I were doing something productive. I have many ideas and things I ought to be doing, but I'm sat here shitposting instead and wishing I were doing something productive.

>Staying fiercely united with my family.
How does this inspire you? Isn't this more of a comfort zone thing?


I'm inspired by my family and our ability to spread all over the world and yet still remain fiercely united


haha okay okay you got me

my life is inspiring:
>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>follows aziz ansari on instagram
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during commute to his new marketing job
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
lives in new york city

1 My gf
2 Her butt when she wears thongs
3 Her boobs when she wears that blue bra I bought her

1. Clifford Lee Sargent
2. Jordan B. Peterson
3. Gregory B. Sadler

Love that memory.

The future
Humankind's place in the world, especially as it relates to nature and themselves.

mfw this is a sam hyde video making fun of hipster pseud faggots and there are some hipster pseuds in this thread unironically listing inspirations in this thread

Bendadryl, Acid, and the Bible

I don't have 3 things. I'm teaching a very beautiful girl how to write songs and eventually everything I know about music. She inspires me more than I'd like to admit, even to myself.

1. drinking lambrusco wine overlooking rome
2. discovering great exciting new bands in random warehouses all over brooklynn
3. my family - despite being scattered all over the globe we remain fiercely connected

Tiny bird brains
Golden retrievers
Disney princess mugs

>not Sandler

1. The perserverance of humanity throughout history
2. My future endeavors
3. my QT obsession of the month

try for two minutes. two fuckin minutes

nice bro

great authors of yesterday
dreams of tomorrow
pretty girls, their voices, their hearts, everything about them......

1. The life of H.P. Lovecraft
2. My loyal and happy dog
3. My fear of death

better be b8

Drinking Cheep Cheep wine on the Bianco Hills overlooking Rico Harbor


1. Rimbaud's life
2. Robert Sapolsky
3. Mushrooms

Solitude, non-sequiters, women who do not exist

Your death. Your death. Watching your death.


The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

The fact that I can retain moral superiority by being a virgin

Hi houellebecq

Existential dread
General disdain at the likely future
Delusions of grandeur

Being angry and having to be a provider

Hope that i will be better man tommorow than i am today
Hope that one day i will have large family that will love me
Italo Balbo

Herman Melville's prose
Nothing else

Pathetic. Particularly the part about liking Melville.

*tips nu-male beard*

Hope that one day I will have a large family with a jewess
Nothing else


newfag O U T

>the night
>sexual repression
>individuation and enlightenment

'Dear Future Generations,
I think I speak for the rest of us when I say,
sorry, sorry we left you with our mess of a planet.
Sorry that we were too caught up in our own doings to do something.
Sorry we listened to people who made excuses,
to do nothing.
I hope you forgive us,
we just didn't realize how special the earth was,
like a marriage going wrong,
we didn't know what we had until it was gone.

For example,
I'm guessing you probably know what is the Amazon Desert, right?
Well believe it or not,
it was once called once called the Amazon Rain Forest,
and there were billions of trees there,
and all of them gorgeous and just um..
Oh, you don't know much about trees, do you?
Well let me tell you that trees are amazing,
and I mean, we literally breath the air
they are creating, and they clean up our pollution,
our carbon, they store and purify water,
give us medicine that cures ours diseases, food that feeds us.
Which is why I am so sorry, to tell you that,
we burned them down.
Cut them down with brutal machines, horrific,
at a rate of 40 football fields every minute,
that's 50% of all the trees in the world all gone
in the last 100 years.'
- Prince EA


fuck i gotta watch that vid again, its too good

The pain of self-improvement.
The madness that forces me to love everyone.
The pain I suffered.

my dog, lit, dh lawrence