Which philosophers do people namedrop to sound smart these days?

Which philosophers do people namedrop to sound smart these days?

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same ones as yesterday

The only ones anyone know about (Zizek, Peterson)

Basically anyone this board discusses like they're any better than a teenybopper talking about a boy band member with her clique. .

>philosophers in the 21st century


Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche

Brad Turner. Found out about him back in my college days. Not sure if he is still writing.

Knee chi

Any modern "philosopher" that has done a TED talk

Take your fucking pick.

>mfw someone tries to discuss philosophy near me

Augustine, bitches love Augustine.

Peterson, Destiny, Searle, Yudkowsky, Musk

It's funny how frequently this happens.

Every other person I see throws a shitty double entendre into the end of a sentence, referencing the latest flavor of the month twitter philosopher, and treating it like its a mic drop and their about to turn around and walk.

The smugness is palpable, you can see the exact moment their tone changes from a detailed response for brownie points, and watch it slowly build to a half baked assertion of their "indisputably uncontested intellect".

I do all that shit you just said knowing full well I’m being a total faggot, but I don’t care because nobody will ever call me out



Kant, Heidegger, Shlegel, Lichtenstein, Nietzche, Marx, Aristotle, etc

Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Epictetus, Socrates, Diogenes, Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Striner, Rand, Nietzsche, Dewey, Hayek, Descartes, Adorno, Foucault, Marx, Anaxagoras, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Aurelius, Antiphon, Hobbes, Pascal, Voltaire, Leibniz, Burke, Mill, Emerson, Schopenhauer, etc.,

But they sound stupid when they do

>Searle, Yudkowsky, Musk
You have weird friends.

Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre. If they get covered in a philosophy 101 class, people will name-drop them.

Deridda (especially in the leftist crowd), Evola, Hegel, Hegel, Hegel, Nietzsche and of course MARX who I am convinced is beatified these days.

Go away Brad.

The same ones from the last 6 decades.

Deleuze and guttiari

Perhaps cioran

The correct answer is Zizek.

the loser and guitary guy, zizek uuuhhhhhh
bald guy with the nurtleteck that altrighters fear

Zizek, Baudrillard, Focault, Derrida.

Zizek, Baudrillard, Deleuze, Hegel.

>im anonymous just like everyone else but i'm going to compartmentalize the entire community and then bash it for my own psychological well-being
Give it to me straight, lads. Is there ANY end to this meme?


If they're name-dropping any philosopher at all without prompting, they're trying to sound smart.

Max Stirner

Have you even read Thomas Paine? Have you even read John Locke (pronounce: loki)

>no Seneca on that list
Phew, looks like I'm safe.


That's not even how it's pronounced.

heh this fun

>namedropping Sartre to sound smart


me too, no spinoza there



Kierkegaard all day every day.

it's not the 2000s anymore. Heidegger is obsolete.

Jordan b Peterson

shut up, losers

Hey guys, I'm a senior in high school and I just bought Kant, Stirner, Hegel, Kropotkin, and Bakunin. what other philosophers should I read to become the most irrefutable teen

The word Hegelian or Kantian are the key markers of sounding smart.

Name dropping any philosopher outside of a philosophical conversation is trying to sound smart.

Walter Benjamin

why are you guys like this. what happend to hugging and kissing while having conversations?

Nietzsche and Trotsky

Everytime I visit my old homies in bmore they're always like "ayy yo nigga why you never readin ma nigga Ernst Cassirer?" It's like they can't get enough of that guy, always the same thing "yo nigga what kind a pussy don't even know bout that p to the oh sophie a symbolicious forms" and when I tell them to fuck off with that fag shit they look at me like I just nigger lipped a joint.

every post structuralist ever


Derrida isn't a leftist. Derrida is basically "words don't have meaning of their own and they don't actually relate to anything objective, which means that language is a social construct".

How fucking controversial is that? A tree isn't a tree because there is a Form Tree, a tree is a tree because some etymological chain from whatever language 'tree' is from caused it to be used in English. Enough propaganda could turn trees to hopthom in a generation or two. Like how all soft drinks are called Coke in some parts of the South, or pop, or soda, and so on.
People who cite him, cite that. It's anti-essentialism. That's it. Old stuff.

Here? The flavor of the month is indisputably this guy.

If that was all he was saying he wouldn't be controversial. What he's implying is that there is nothing but language, which is inherently meaningless. I presume this is because like 40% of the population, he only thought in words and had no appreciable capacity for visualizing the form of ideas.

What bitches? Where would I meet them?

>the form
Fuck off, Platonist.

What is it like to only see with your eyes?

I'm a phenomenologist you Platonist.