Americans are so bad at poetry this is their most prominent poet

>Americans are so bad at poetry this is their most prominent poet

Can't make this up

Other urls found in this thread: Imperium.htm Leaves of Grass.pdf

But Whitman is great you turbopleb

Hart Crane is, pleb

Only plebes don't acknowledge Whitman > Stevens > Ashbery as the most profound poetic lineage in modern literary history.

Crane is superior to both Ashbery and Stevens wherein the latter two acknowledged the former as their master

>Crane is better than Whitman
And Petrarca is better than Dante


At his best, Whitman is up there with Pessoa and Neruda. Crane, Stevens and Ashbery are also worthy of comparison. There're also a few good older poets like Very and Stickney (though he was born in Geneva).

>up there with Pessoa and Neruda.
You couldn't mention more okay poets.


t. fuccboi who hasn't read Residencia en la tierra or Canto general

Neruda is a Tumblr tier poet for thots to pretend they like poetry

>Neruda is a Tumblr tier poet for thots to pretend they like poetry

You'll find most spanish-speakers that actually read poetry don't care about Neruda at all

Okay guys, I've read Song of Myself, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry and When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd.

I believe Harold Bloom when he says Walt Whitman is too deep for me, but I'd like to learn that from Walt himself.

So far all I can glean from his poems is that he's some kind of super pantheist. But there's only so many ways to express that.

Harold Bloom says Walt is being disingenuous when he appears to reach out directly to his readers. Anyone get that? As far as I can tell it's super genuine.

post some of the best Neruda excerpts/poems in this thread in english plzzzzz, asking for a friend

>At his best, Whitman is up there with Pessoa and Neruda
Is it some sort of a joke bringing up spanish writers in a 'most prominent american poet' thread?

you cant really critique leaves of grass, its a miracle full of miracles of a text. Whitman was a prince of poets, the muse was strong within him

>spanish writers

Why is everyone in this thread so retarded when it comes about things a little outside their experience?

are chillians and portugalians not spanish? (or are they 'latin', I thought all of them are called spanish, and their language is all slightly related

Well, they do think Whitman is an acceptable poet.

Here's the beginning of "The Heights of Macchu Picchu" (Alturas de Macchu Picchu)

From the air to the air, like an empty net,
I went on through streets and thin air, arriving and
leaving behind,
at autumn’s advent, the coin handed out
in the leaves, and between spring and ripe grain,
the fullness that love, as in a glove’s
fall, gives over to us like a long-drawn moon.
(Days of live brilliance in the storm
of bodies: steels transmuted
into silent acid:
nights raveled out to the final flour:
battered stamens of the nuptial land.)
Someone expecting me among violins
met with a world like a buried tower
sinking its spiral deeper than all
the leaves the color of rough sulfur:
and deeper yet, in geologic gold,
like a sword sheathed in meteors
I plunged my turbulent and gentle hand
into the genital quick of the earth.

I bent my head into the deepest waves,
dropped down through sulfurous calm
and went back, as if blind, to the jasmine
of the exhausted human spring.

Spare me the accolades and point to some memorable lines, por favor (in the spirit of this threads Neruda detour).

Not only is he acceptable, he is amazing and one of the shapers of the canon. There is such a thing as poetry before and after Walt Whitman.

Portuguese is not Spanish, even though they are closely related. Chileans speak Spanish, but if you say "Spanish writers" it seems like you are talking about writers that come from Spain, not writers that write in the Spanish language.

Neruda and Pessoa are very much Whitmanian in some respects, though they are completely different in others. He wasn't referring to a nationality anyway, just mentioning some poets of great stature.

Yeah, no. The Spanish-speaking side of Veeky Forums has some sort of grudge against Neruda, but they never can explain why, though it's probably because he is popular.

>The Spanish-speaking side of Veeky Forums has some sort of grudge against Neruda
I don't know about Veeky Forums but, in my experience, most students of Spanish Literature don't think too much about Neruda. One girl told me he's particularly popular among Americans though

Yep, Whitman is fucking awful, without a doubt the worst English poet in the canon

Very nice for a translation

Residencia en la Tierra ain't but obvious and lame surrealist templates. Canto general is some cursi shit.


Crane's poetic vision failed. He tried to embrace the meme of affirmation, thought he could transcend the limits of language and history by diving into them headfirst and with full enthusiasm. the result is a dizzying and marvelous poetic, but one that simply sets up its own problems and limitations. Stevens doesn't attempt such an ambitious project, he is always asking, what if? how come? must it be the case that? etc. w/r/t the thing itself, the thing being the central poem or the Fiction, with the result that his epistemology is a lot closer to his poetry than crane's was. to me, while crane is the denser, more abstruse poet, Stevens is clearly more in-tune with / comfortable in his project and each of his poems works toward it, which makes his work more comprehensive, and in my mind, greater

The best American poet is Dan Imperium.htm

I tried reading three or four Crane poems once. I have no idea what the fuck I read. I have no idea what the fuck the post I'm replying to is saying. I feel like such an idiot when reading things like this. I realise my intellect is completely inadequate but I'm not resentful for it, no; I'm awed and a bit amused, even. It feels like staring with my head back at the clear night sky and going: "Woah! That's, like, a lotta stars!", my puny mind much too weak to comprehend the billions and billions that really are beyond my sight.

literally scroll to anywhere and start reading and you will find inspired poetry of the highest qualitum Leaves of Grass.pdf

>are talking about writers that come from Spain, not writers that write in the Spanish language.
if not white or black or asian or indian they are spanish: just like there were 12 tribes of jews: so any from those different tribes were Jew-ish... anyone from the broader ethnic distinction of Span (a term used to refer to a large covering, a large spreading), is Span-ish

Are you genuinelly retarded?

I love when retards think they know what they’re talking about

Fucking idiot kek
