How do you guys cope with the fact that the greatest philosopher of the 20th century was a literal cuck/cuck advocate?

How do you guys cope with the fact that the greatest philosopher of the 20th century was a literal cuck/cuck advocate?

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you do know he cucked his wife many times

humiliate his advocates

Was he actually?

The only story I heard about his love life was that while riding his bicycle one day he came to the realization that he no longer loved his wife's_political_views?wprov=sfla1

>Russell's view was that parents should remain married but tolerant of each other's sexual infidelity, if they had children. This reflected his life at the time – his second wife Dora was openly having an affair, and would soon become pregnant by another man, but Russell was keen for their children John and Kate to have a "normal" family life.

That's just kinda sad.

he placed third in the poll for the most hated philosopher.

Thats just having an open relationship. He also had affairs

I wonder how many continentals made up the hate for him. Ive only heard admiration or apathy for him

Who made first and second?

probably cathocucks

Well, name a noteworthy philosopher who wasn't a weirdo or a loser or both.

Sartre and Foucault I believe

Me, I'm all three of those

That's shockingly agreeable.

Truly the Chad of philosophy

Having your wife's lover live in your home with you and your kids, and then eventually have an illegitimate child is a bit more than an open relationship

The only great thinkers of the 20th century were Martin Heidegger and Leo Strauss.

>Martin Heidegger

>greatest philosopher of the 20th century

A man who couldn't even navigate the is-ought distinction is anything but.

All jokes aside Colonel John Boyd was the greatest philosopher of the 20th century.

Lol “gb2 /pol/“ even though I also credit a Jewish thinker (Leo Strauss) for the title of greatest mind alongside Heidegger. Fuck off you stupid liberal faggot, if you think they only implications of Heidegger’s philosophy are strictly informed by his minor association with the Nazi party you’re a fucking moron.

Never read any Strauss. What do you like about him (positions, works)?

Didn't he end up condemning them by the end of the war anyways?

He effectively communicates elements of previous philosophers doctrines that they either hide, do not confront, or completely ignore. If you want to get into his thought I would recommend ‘Natural Right and History’. He criticises Nietzsche and Heidegger but there is also a tacit agreement in regards to their form of philosophizing that he adopts in the way that he rigourously interrogates certain forms of philosophy we accept as absolute doctrines that Modernity has solidified.

He openly condemned Heidegger but expressed a deep admiration for him in his private letters and lectures. The condemnation of Heidegger and Nietzsche is borne out of a tacit agreement with the heart of their philosophy but a rejection of the presentation that allowed their thought to be adopted later on by postmodern thinkers like Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida etc.

What the fuck is wrong with focault?

He's a retard.

I mean, is that quote wrong?

French faggot who enjoyed getting fisted

Yes you cuck

>the greatest philosopher
Can someone explain how he was "the greatest philosopher"?

It's called being polyamourus.
I don't get it, but I've seen it happen alot

*Flaming faggot Frenchman freak fancied fisting fetish

Say such sex sometimes schnell

can you explain how he wasn't?