At long last, Stephen had done it: he had painted A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>At long last, Stephen had done it: he had painted A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

fucking really, joyce?

>and then, Stephen and Leopold, Father without son and sun without feather, starred into the abyssys that was this obscure localination in Deuxblin. As they both reached orgasm Stephan took the word:

>Well, Leopold, I guess we is finally Ulisses after all
>but I am Ulisses, you're just my son
>shut up, Kike

Having heard the story of Abraham, the man felt Fear and Trembling.


I literally posted one of these with the exact same theme last week you fucking hack

>watching Quentin's corpse, returned to the Compson Home after his suicide, Jason reflected, while thinking of his whore sister and hearing his retarded brother screaming because a rose he was playing with had 18 petals instead of 19

>My guess'z we is finally the sound and the fury after all

>'we truly are quintessential Dubliners,' sighed Eveline
>'right you are Eveline, right you are,' her sailor lover said as the sailed into the sunset

Joyce you hack motherfucker

>And so, with this discussion of the development of ethical codes out of a state of nature, I have finally slain the Leviathan that is social contract theory

Thomas the Hobbes, you are a silly little man!

Craving a vigorous buggering from Hemingway can wreck your prose

>I guess Ralph that, after all thangs considered, we are Lord of the Flies now

These threads weren’t funny a year ago and they still aren’t, especially when one gets posted everyday and all of the actually good jokes just get saved and reposted over and over.

>fixed gorgeous such I grit study fly tooth exit it lurk a octopus out purist at Finnegans Wake short study idly fgyyggdrgg
Jesus Christus, Joyce.

>It's time for me to be Superman IV: A Quest for Peace


I unironically find them hilarious you snivelling nerd

>My friend, let me tell you tmy history and the actions I took to send myself hurtling down the path of everlasting ruin and damnation. My name is Victor Frankenstein, The Modern Day Prometheus

tfw Frankenstein unironically remembered his profs making fun of him and told it to some random sailor faggot

>Three geese in a flock.
>One flew east, one flew west,
>One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
>O-U-T spells OUT,
>Goose swoops down and plucks you out.

What the fuck were you thinking, Kesey?

>And as I moved in to kiss my beloved Beatrice, I thought to myself: "Life truly is a divine comedy"

>well, Falstaff, I guess we is finally Henry V now

Shakespeare is a fucking hack

did you just make a Joyce meme out of a Woolf template?

>and so in the end there truly was Crime and Punishment
Hurhur BAHAHAHhahB hehehder so funnie

>but, in the end, they were really and finally Brothers Karmazov

What did he meant by that?

Ye das BAH rightin
HEy wait a sec HE didnt rly SAY that! Hehe good jok

Hehrhe gud wun

Again, I unironically find it funny. I also find your mockery funny too, and not in a smug way, I genuinely laughed at what you'd written.

How the FUCK do you like that, faggots?

I didn't write it to mock you, I wrote it because I also found it midly funny

>and finally all of them could say they wuz War and Peace

Well then, that makes it even funnier, thank you user.

>Yes I see that pin, no! don't stick it in, I'm trying to watch this very fa-OW!-st car go by, now, why did you stick the pin in me?!

A little forced, don't you think, Goethe?

>and but so, I bid thee farewell, Horatio -- I knew thee well, a fellow of infinite Hamlet

shakespeare everyone

>for life is a tale of sound and Macbeth

Why did he mean by this?