Is this one of the greatest pieces of fantasy Veeky Forumserature every written?

Is this one of the greatest pieces of fantasy Veeky Forumserature every written?
Also how autistic does pic related make me?

and mildly

eh and

>one of

3 of?


I mean, what do you mean "one of"? What's the competition supposed to be?

Good point. Maybe Silmarillion or The Hobbit?

Seems fine to me.

>someone else on Veeky Forums owns the movie version of Anduril

That’s awesome! How much did they cost? Plus are they sharp?
Here’s some pics from my trip to Hobbiton today

Well, Narsil (no runes on the blade), but yes. I'm pretty shameless. They decorate the lower library/den where I play host a weekly D&D game. Sting is the last one I want to buy.


What are some of your problems with LotR? Do you have problems with its simplistic morality, or Tolkiens constant use of the passive voice, or over-description? I'm curious

I’m extremely jealous user. That den looks /comfy/

Damn, that's paradise. I really want to get to New Zealand and see that. They're just false-edged, and the steel isn't high-carbon or suitable for sharpening (you could, but don't), but the point on Glamdring could easily skewer someone. They cost too much, but I picked most up used from Ebay, keeping careful watch, so the real UC ones ran me about the same price as the Chinese knock-offs would ($35-$65 each). UC made tons, but I only wanted ones with scabbards. Even for a wall ornament, I hate having blades without sheaths.

Yeah I’m extremely lucky to be able to say that I live here. Yeah I would have liked to have a sheath with my sting. Yours do look glorious though.

Samwise Gamgee’s house

Pick one up on amazon or Ebay if you like. But remember, you have the best Sting (UC1264, the original with the runes on the blade--the newer Hobbit film version left them off) but the newer Hobbit scabbard ( UC2893) is definitely nicer than the weird old suede LOTR one, and fits either version of Sting.

Cool thanks user. I’ll keep that in mind when I’m looking for one. We got a complimentary brew in the Green Dragon

No, but it certainly created the genre of fantasy since every fucking fantasy book is Tolkien carbon copy
Also yes

>all this gay sword talk
>no one posts best boy boromirs sword

You genrefags seem like you have fun, which is nice I guess.

That's pretty cool. In addition to Anduril, and its scabbard, I also have Gandalf the White's staff. I got these, like, fifteen years ago and have kept them ever since.

Gimili’s axe looks beast. You can’t be the hilt in Boromir’s sword though. The Rohan one is wicked too

Genre reading is just part of life. I read everything, and have an extensive library of literature and classics, but I was once a little kid blown away by Tolkien, and I don't see any reason to leave that behind--especially since I teach several different genre fiction courses at the local universities (Fantasy, SF, Mystery, Children's Lit, Horror).

>best boy boromir
>isn't even better than faramir

The staff is nice. Yes, I've had my replicas for ages now.

I am still legitimately upset at how the movies treated Faramir. The only character who got butchered more thoroughly was Denethor.

They're excellent, but sadly no scabbards available.

ITT nerds

(lotr is a masterpiece though)

I would have said Denethor got more "roasted," but I agree Faramir didn't get his due. It made sense for their script, though: after spending so many hours showing the ring as incredibly seductive to have a new character come along and say he wouldn't pick it up if he found it by the road is a bit deflating. They greatly darkened the effect of wearing the ring, as well. I wish the decisions made for The Hobbit films had a fraction of that much thought.

what are you yammering on about? faramir is the only one who got represented well. hes a discount boromir and a middle man lover

boromir (especially outside the deleted scenes) and denethor got shit on though

His susceptibility to the ring, and his pathetic need to please his Boromir-loving daddy, for instance. But at least they gave his character more depth and flaws, as they did Aragorn. It helped keep things moving.

>not loving chad more than brad

el oh el m8

These pictures are cool and I've always wanted to visit but I'm worried that it would all feel a bit too fake for my liking. I mean more in the sense of a tourist trap fake feeling

Yeah, there are a lot of chinks with their selfie sticks that hold up the tours but overall I had a brilliant experience. The sets are truly spectacular and the whole setup runs very smoothly. The amount of detail in some parts are amazing. They even have gardeners that maintain all of the vege patches and flower beds.

>tfw you didn't buy Frostmourne when you had the chance

While we were there a huge branch snapped off of a tree. At first everyone turned around and looked up because the noise was so loud we thought it was fireworks.


Going to The Grapes Pub, Ian McKellen is there now and then, I hope I get the chance to meet him. How can I improve my chances?

That looks like a serious trip hazard.

Live there until he visits? Send him pictures of your feet in a DM?

>standard paperback
>movie prop facsimilie
Not autistic enough!

>simplistic morality
>Stairs of Cirith Ungol scene
I think you missed something

100% agree


I want to start my own cult and buy this place and use it as our headquarters, it's beautiful

>t. itt

Sort of, LoTR is /ours/ almost everything else is theirs.

Yeah it's the best

Perpetual virgin/10

sounds like a comfy lifestyle



Holy fuck user how many copies do you have?

nice Führer dubs

>Is this one of the greatest pieces of fantasy Veeky Forumserature every written?

every fantasy book is "one of the". your sentence means almost nothing.

Jung was getting old and senile when he wrote that.

Hitler looked like an angry little corporal that's it.

nope, there are a lot of accounts of non-nazis seeing his rallies and getting under his spell.

hitler was eerily charismatic. dismissing him as le angry little man is dumb anglo propaganda, same story as with napoleon.

anglos are just mad they don't bring forth great men.

Hey Chris, glad you made it out of that car crash ok

Wizard of Earthsea!

not even a little bit

took me a second to realize those weren't hedge clippers in the middle, ngl

A man against time. He will be forever in the hearts of those that seek the truth

Get a room nerds